Senior Projects
All seniors will participate in a required SENIOR PROJECT as part of their graduation requirement.
The focus of Senior Projects will be service projects in either the school or community settings.
A meeting of the junior class will be conducted in April where the idea of the Senior Project will be introduced and discussed.
The project proposal must be into Mrs. Biber or Mr. Matthys and approved by them before any work can begin on them. Students may begin their project any time after they have become seniors, which is after graduation of the class before them. Students may get their project approved in May of their junior year so that they may begin and finish their projects over the summer if they wish.
Although projects may be done in partners, this is not really recommended, as this has often led to disagreements and arguments between them.
All Project Proposals should be in and approved by the end of September of their Senior year.
A minimum of twenty (20) hours of “on-site” experience must be completed and accounted for. The actual duration of individual projects is flexible. Students will be required to keep a project log (journal) and must exhibit and / or present their
work / results to a committee on a chosen date in either the last week of April or the first week of May.
Senior Project Time Frame
JUNIOR YEARFEB. - MAY. / Research / Planning / - research of student’s interests
- planning of possible projects
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL / Proposal / All proposals are due before leaving for summer break
- Project proposal given to committee member
- Project must be approved by:
Committee Member (Mrs. Biber)
- Group projects must also be submitted and approved by the project committee
OCT. - MAR / Project Journal / Log / - journal entries of the learned information and progress of the project
- record of time spent on the project
- work on portfolio
APR. - MAY / Presentation / - a formal 10 - 15 minute presentation before a panel
- hand in portfolio
- presentation will be filmed
Adopt a Senior Citizen
Organize and Run a Basketball, Volleyball, Softball, Wrestling, etc. Camp/Tournament
Private Tutor for an Elementary or Middle School Student
Junior Golf Program
Create and Paint a Mural in a Pod
Big Brothers/Big Sisters Coordinator
Mentor for Elementary Youth
Co-Direct “Boys & Girls” or “Choral Cardinals”
Children’s Community Toy Drive
Teach Spanish for Summer School
Highlight Film for Sports Season
School Improvement Projects
Internships with a Business/Organization
Create a Senior Project video
Completely remodel a car
Bike Safety Course
Food for America
Create Art for the community
Senior Citizen Prom
Dirt bike safety
Holiday decorations for city
Summer school musical
Build something for someone: shed, picnic tables, benches, furniture
Fund Raisers, Drives: Bowl-a-thon, Car Washes, Walk/run-a-thon, Coat Drive, Toy Drive, Cell Phone, Troop supplies, Blood Drive, Paint Ball, Softball, Basketaball, Bake Sale, Bowls for Hunger….
Organizations: UW Children’s Hospital, Easter Seals, Cancer Society, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Red Cross, Humane Society, Local organizations, Sports/activities organizations, Blood Drive, Cerebral Palsy, EMT’s,
Volunteer work at: Nursing home, hospital, Humane Society, Historical Society, United Way, Lion’s Club, Sports Boosters, Day Care, Meals on Wheels, Rotary Club, Optimists, Elderly, Habitat for Humanity, Schools, Fire/Police Department, St Vincent,
Senior Project Ideas submitted by Forward Brodhead –
Forward Brodhead is building a new vision for Brodhead. To do this many new activities are needed in the community either as a one time project or as ongoing projects. We want to engage all community members in activities to live in a more natural way in the Brodhead area. New branding is being developed to help us unite the community under this idea.
- Video – “Brodhead- Living Naturally”- a look inside what makes Brodhead a true community, why you would want to live here, raise a family. Show how the community lives day to day involved with the natural surroundings of our areas. New brand being formed. Work with marketing committee on Forward Brodhead to outline video content. You film, edit and produce it.
- Video – a 3 min. video for use online to promote our community and its natural beauty, activities such as canoeing, biking, camping, fishing. Goal to get people to come here to visit. Work with tourism committee on Forward Brodhead to create an outline and then you go tape, edit and produce it.
- Video – 1 -3 min. video – Take a ride down the Sugar River Trail – biking video. To promote people to come to Brodhead to start their ride down the Sugar River Trail. Work with EarthRider bike shop to develop outline for video. You film, edit and produce it.
- Paint, Repair Small Covered Bridges at ends of town and Replant flowers - Two covered bridges, one by Storage Sheds at the East end of town and one in front of Cardinal Inn. Need annual repair, plantings, weeding during summer. Could work with Garden Club on this.
- Help Organize activity for Covered Bridge Days. Youth tent or other activity needed to keep the downtown active throughout the day. If you have fun ideas to work with youth or senior or simply want to volunteer you time to entertain or work. Contact- Chamber of Commerce.
- Clean up the back alleys. Weeds, debris and other junk that is along side the back of the buildings downtown. Have a back ally clean up day for yourself. Show us all the junk you collected and recycle it. Pull weeds etc.
- Metals Project and Art Design- Forward Brodhead would like to create interesting Bike Racks in unique shapes such as a bike, coffee cup, fish, canoe etc to put downtown and in parks to help with bike parking in a creative way. We need cool artistic designs and then a metal works person to create them. You can volunteer your time and we’ll help cover expenses. We’d like 6 racks. Could be done by 6 different people as a team project but need consistent use of materials/design style etc. Funding available for supplies.
- Art sculpture - If you like to do sculptures we’d love to see some design ideas to put downtown. If approved, create sculpture. Funding available for supplies.
- Plant an area with wildflowers- Work with Applied Ecological to plant a wild flower patch. Find location, prepare land, plant etc.
- Plant rain garden(s) for storm water control – new initiative with Applied Ecological. We need residents in city to build Rain Gardens to help with storm water run-off. You can help elderly get a garden installed.
- Lead one rest-stop for the Sugar River Bike Tour in Sept. Decide on a fun theme, find volunteers, bake treats, greet visitors with enthusiasm. Work with EarthRider Bike Shop on this project.
- Organize and staff a local products table at the Tour de Farms bike tour in May. Work with EarthRider Bike Shop on this project.
- Organize and staff welcome tables at each farm at the Tour de Farms in May. Great for FFA. Work with EarthRider Bike Shop on this project.
- Help Brodhead plant more Trees - Get us designated at a “Tree City”. Encourage plantings, plant some yourself, and bring in plants for sale at Farmers Market. Set a goal for the community to plant X# of trees in one year.
- Organize and maintain Tennis Shoe Recycling program to earn money for new Community Sport Center – There’s a website for this.
- Organize and maintain a River Clean up Program. A one time event or create a community program much like the Highway Clean up for sections of the River for families/organizations to take care of sections.
- Eliminate the use of Plastic Bags or start a recycling program for plastic bags. Work with Piggly Wiggly and other storeowners.
- Create a community walking and biking map to encourage people to walk and bike more. Show them how long it takes to walk or bike from different points of interest. Like from Library to Downtown. Or from Subway to a Park. Print maps, hand out to residents. Put in paper etc.
- Create a Bike Club for High School students. Work with Sharon at EarthRider to establish a riding schedule. Help students with good health and wellness.
- Organize a “ride your bike to school day.” Like the tractor day. Have a contest for the longest ride. Try to get biking to be cool as driving a car. Lower carbon footprint. Get press from local news papers, tv stations. Goal is to promote Brodhead as an eco-conscious community.
- Paint/Stain the Whiskey Barrels downtown- work with Chamber.
- Help hang Christmas lights downtown and help organize/fix lights pre/post. – work with Chamber.
- Handyman/Handygal to work with local business people on small fix it up projects. Go to businesses. Gather a list. Start working.
- Writer needed for adding content to the Brodhead Chamber website. Need to get new, interesting content on the website.
- Flood Clean up – FEMA Volunteer/Red Cross.
- Attend/Train/Volunteer for Disaster Response from Red Cross.
- Write content for one or more issues of the new Brodhead Visitors newsletter.
- Start a student column in the local newspaper with insights and developments to give students a voice in the community.
Name: ______
Year of Graduation: ______
Project Title/Name:______
Please fill out the following in well-written paragraph form. It is important to use correct grammatical structure in your sentences and punctuation.
Feel free to add to and attach any other pages to this one.
Summary of Proposed Project:
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent / Guardian Signature ______Date ______
Accepted: ______Rejected :______
Mrs. Biber’s Signature:______Date:______
Principal’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Portfolios will be required as part of the “Senior Projects”. This portfolio should be a cumulative documentation of all of the research, experiences, thoughts, progress, etc. that has gone into the project throughout the school year.
Things that must be included in this portfolio are:
- Cover Page
- Resume
- Project Proposal
- Ten Journal entries
- Conclusion Page which presents your thoughts, comments, feelings about the project, once it is all finished
Other things that could be added to the portfolio:
- Reference page of books, magazines, pamphlets, articles, etc. used in researching the project. (Bibliography)
- Photographs, art samples, drawings, etc. documenting the progress of the project throughout the year
- A written report on your findings, feelings, thoughts on its success, etc.
- Any other written documentation you feel is pertinent to the project
Steps Of Presentation
1. Hand Out Packet
2. Orally Present Outline / Visual Aids or Demonstrations
3. Answer Questions From Committee
First and Last Name
Professional Objective: (Goals After High School and College - Sentence Form)
Name of High School
Years Attended
Expected Graduation Date
Name of Middle School
Years Attended
Work Experience (Most Recent First – At Least Two Entries)
Name of Business
Description of Work You Did There
Optional (Skills / Special Projects / Related Classes to Job / Interests / Awards)
References (At Least Three Entries - No Peers or Relatives - Make Sure You Have Asked Them First)
Relationship To You
What the Journal Should Include
When writing your journals, please keep in mind the following goals:
1. React to your experiences, the people you are interacting with, and to the changes to your daily schedule.
2. Include your perception of how your project / experience is affecting you and / or your relationship with others.
3. Include the relevance of readings / research you are doing in conjunction with your project.
4. Include your accomplishments and suggestions for your own personal change and improvement.
5. Discuss your personal growth and insights about yourself resulting from your project.
6. Write something for every experience.
7. Include a log of time spent on the project.
Time spent on the project during the dates of this entry: hours
Activities / Experiences of my project:
Feelings / Perceptions about the project and its progress:
I. Introduce yourself
A. Name
B. Activities participated in - interests in school
C. Expectation after graduation
II. Introduce the Project
A. What project did you choose?
B. Why did you choose that project?
III. Explain your goals for the Project
A. Short term
B. Long term
IV. Describe the steps taken in your Project (Be specific)
V. Describe your feeling about your Project now that it is finished
A. How has it helped you?
B. What have you learned because of the project?
C. Will you be doing anything with the project itself? (If applicable)
Actual TimeName
Write in the number (1-5) representing your evaluation of the category.
1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent
25 points maximum / A. Contains all needed material
B. Appropriate length of items in Portfolio
C. Typed/Neatness
D. Grammar/spelling in Portfolio material
E. Summary
25 points maximum / A. Relevance & value of project to student
B. Originality
C. 20 hours or more of actual involvement
D. Evidence of quality work
E. Effort toward project
25 points maximum / A. Meets 7 min minimum//15 min. max
B. Organized, ordered flow of presentation
C. Described steps taken during project
D. Visual aids (video, computer, photos, etc)
E. Able to answer panel’s questions
10 points maximum / A. Evidence of paced work on project
(through journals or presentation)
B. Appropriate length of time for project
15 points maximum