Sagittarius AstrocastNovember 2010
Monthly Astrocast
November 2010
Key Events:
New Moon (13:40 Scorpio): November 5, 2010
Full Moon (29:18 Taurus): November 21, 2010
Retrograde Planets:
Neptune: May 31, 2010 – November 6, 2010
Uranus: July 5, 2010 – December 5, 2010
Jupiter: July 23, 2010 – November 18, 2010
Venus: October 8, 2010 – November 17, 2010
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Long-term Aspects and Lunations
This month the New Moon is on November 5 in Scorpio, your 12th House of angels and demons. More specifically, this is you woo-woo house of enlightenment, inspiration, dreams, institutions, hidden enemies, seclusion and self-undoing. If you birthday is within a day of December 6th this is likely to come in a somewhat irritating way. There is a lot of energy in Scorpio for this lunation which includes Venus retrograde. The best way to think of Venus retrograde is of the Warrior Goddess as opposed to the Love Goddess. This is when you may find darker sides of yourself that you typically keep hidden or aren't even aware of though embracing our shadow rather than denying it is the most effective tactic, which is exactly what Venus RX can help you accomplish, especially with Mercury there as well. Especially look at your relationships and career, the two parts of your life Mercury rules, for areas for improvement.
With Mars in your 2nd House this month you'll have a lot of drive with regard to your income and possessions. This can sometimes cause personal items to break down, however, so be a bit more careful than usual and don't indulge in impulsive spending. You may really think you need something when you don't, which will result in either a bill you have trouble paying or not having the money when you need it for something else. This is a favorable time for thinking about any challenges you've been experiencing there. Be honest with yourself with regard to your own behavior and avoid simply blaming someone else as the bad guy. While it's possibly the other person(s) is solely to blame, it usually takes two. Self-deception tends to be quite self-defeating, so be as objective as possible.
The Full Moon on November 21 is in Taurus, your 6th House of work, health, service and pets. This should bring something to an ending, culmination or shift to a different phase. If your birthday is within a day of December 21 this will bring about a change of course or adjustment in that part of your life. The focus of this lunation will be on your goals, particularly those that relate to a relationship or perhaps your finances, and be tied in with some unexpected or unplanned events at home as well. This is a favorable time to look at exactly what your goals are, which should include at least some acknowledgement for your dreams. You may feel as if they're lost, impossible or unattainable, but they really aren't, you just need to figure out what needs to be done, which may entail confronting any demons who surfaced during the New Moon. Mars and Mercury will be spending a good part of the month in your sign which will give you plenty of drive, energy, and a boost to your thinking and communication skills.
Daily and Short-term Aspects
November 1: You may be confronted with an issue that relates to your home situation in some way which goes much deeper than you realize. Your Sign Ruler, Jupiter, is retrograde until November 18 which internalizes his energy to rumination on such things as the meaning of life. Watch for something today which forces you to give that some thought. Now is also a time to ponder your self-worth and if your confidence is a bit low determine anything from your past that contributes to that which you can dismiss.
November 4: Expect the unexpected today, particularly as it relates to home. This is a favorable time to give some serious consideration to what your home and family mean to you and your expectations toward both.
November 5: New Moon in Scorpio as described above.
November 6: Insights that come today may not be accurate. You may also feel a bit confused and lack the mental energy to do much of anything. Relax as much as you can as you're likely to rebel against doing anything you really don't want to do. You may feel a bit overwhelmed with respect to your goals and wish you could run away from it all.
November 7: Venus retrograde backs into Libra, bringing her dark ruminations to your house of friends, networking, group associations as well as your goals which require the help of others to accomplish.Neptune goes direct which will help your thought process be more focused.
November 8: Mercury enters your sign, which will facilitate your ability to express yourself.
November 10: Another day to think about any unresolved issues related to your financial situation or possessions.
November 14: Consider whether your goals are on target. Also take a look at your environment as far as friends and coworkers and whether they are holding you back in any way. This is a favorable day to get things done and work hard. If you're not getting the support you need from others you're likely to be more angry about it than usual.
November 15: This is a very favorable day to get in touch with your beliefs and expectations, especially as they relate to your home life, and make sure you're not sabotaging yourself.
November 17: Thoughts about your goals or others with whom you associate on a regular basis may be irritating or cause friction. You will be able to communicate in an authoritative and responsible way, however, if you keep your temper in check.
November 18: Venus comes out of retrograde which will greatly improve your relationship with your coworkers, friends and other groups. You may feel a bit confused or disoriented today, as if you're out of touch with reality. Expect the unexpected with regard to institutions or any family issues. Jupiter, your sign ruler goes direct, which will bring a greater sense of progress you way, particular as it relates to home.
November 20: Make sure you're not too forceful with your conversations today and turn off the people who can help you achieve your goals. You may find your superiors or other authority figures particularly annoying or a major hindrance.
November 21: Full Moon in Taurus as described above.
November 22: The Sun goes into your sign which should brighten your outlook significantly after his trek through the shadows of your 12th House.
November 25: Avoid being over-confident or too verbose when talking with or about family. It's okay to brag about your loved ones but don't go overboard.
November 27: This is a great day to find new insights and inspiration. Do something to escape from any harsh realities in your life and seek renewal. You may especially want to break away from home and any hassles there or simply enjoy a change of scenery.
November 29: Venus enters Scorpio bringing more positive energy to your house of angels and demons that she emanated during her retrograde phase. At this time she will drive any lessons learned there to the surface so you can digest and act upon them. You're likely to be more talkative than usual at home yet feel no one is really listening.
November 30: Mercury enters Capricorn, facilitating information and conversations with regard to your finances, income, valuables, possessions and so forth.
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