Assistant Professor

History Department

University of Massachusetts Lowell

850 Broadway Street

Lowell, MA 01854-3099


University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts

Ph.D., History, May 2005

Dissertation: “Contested Grounds: The Transformation of the American Upper Ohio Valley and the South African Eastern Cape, 1770s-1850s”

Master of Arts, History, May 1999

Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio

Bachelor of Arts, Magna cum Laude, History, May 1997

Fields: World, American Indian, African, and Islamic World History



With Alice Nash, Daily Life of Native Americans from Post-Columbian through Nineteenth Century America (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006).

Articles, Book Chapters, and Conference Proceedings

“The Delaware Indians’ Revolution: A Struggle for Sovereignty and Independence in the Tuscarawas and the Muskingum River Valley,” Northwest Ohio Quarterly, (forthcoming). (peer-reviewed)

“Indigenous Nationalism on Two Frontiers: The American Upper Ohio Valley and the South African Eastern Cape Compared, 1770-1853,” Proceedings of the American Historical Association, 2006, reference # 10485.

“‘The History of the Cape is Already Written in that of America’: The Colonization of America in South Africa’s Discourse of Empire, 1820s-1850s,” Safundi: The Journal of South African & American Comparative Studies 20 (October 2005). (peer-reviewed)

“We are all armed and ready:” Reactionary Insurgency Movements and the Formation of Segregated States in the American South and in South Africa,” North Carolina Historical Review 80/4 (October 2003), 430-452. (peer-reviewed)

With John Higginson, “The Instrument of Terror: Some Thoughts on Comparative Historiography, Unofficial White Rural Violence, and Segregation in South Africa and the American South,” Safundi: The Journal of South African & American Comparative Studies 11 (July 2003). (peer-reviewed)

Republished in Safundi: South Africa & The United States Compared: The Best of Safundi, 2003-2004 (Safundi Publications, 2005), 69-82.

Research in Progress:

Testing Grounds of Empire: The Making of Colonial Racial Orders in the American Ohio Country and the South African Eastern Cape Compared, 1770s-1850s (manuscript in progress)

With Robert Forrant, Globalization and an All American City: A History of Lowell, MA (research project at early stage)

Conferences and Presentations

“Transnational Observations of a State Segregationist: Maurice Evans’ Study of Race Relations in the United States and South Africa,” American Studies Association Conference Oakland, CA. October, 2006.

“Indigenous Nationalism on Two Frontiers: The American Upper Ohio Valley and the South African Eastern Cape Compared, 1770-1853,” American Historical Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, January 5-8, 2006.

“‘The History of the Cape is Already Written in that of America’: The Colonization of North America in South African Political Discourse of Empire,” Sixth Northeast Workshop on Southern African Studies, Burlington, VT, April 22-24, 2005.

Panel Commentator, Contesting Power: The African American Experience, Annual University of Massachusetts – Five Colleges History Graduate Student Conference, Amherst, MA, October 16, 2004.

“The Delaware Indians’ Revolution: A Struggle for Sovereignty and Independence,” Tenth Annual Conference of the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Northampton and Deerfield, MA, June 11-13, 2004.

“‘The History of the Cape is Already Written in that of America’: American Colonization in South African Cape Colonial Discourse,” Forum on European Expansion and Global Interaction (F.E.E.G.I.), Providence, Rhode Island, February 20-21, 2004.

“Continuity and Change: Native Americans, Africans, and Europeans in the American Upper Ohio Valley and the South African Eastern Cape,” Fifth Northeast Workshop on Southern African Studies, Burlington, VT, September 5-7, 2003.

“The Other Side of the “Frontier:” Native Americans, Africans and the Early Colonization of the American Upper Ohio Valley and the South African Eastern Cape Region,” Department of History Colloquium, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, March 26, 2003.

“Contesting Colonization in North America and South Africa: The Persistence of Indigenous Patterns and Processes and the Confrontation of European Colonization,” Uncovering Connections: Cultural Endurance between Africa, the Americas and the Caribbean, Brooklyn, NY, March 14-15, 2003.

“Patterns and Processes on Two ‘Internal Frontiers’: The Pre-Colonial American Upper Ohio Valley and the South African Eastern Cape Region Compared,” New England Historical Association Conference, Buzzard Bay, MA, April 20, 2002.

Languages: English, German, French