Curriculum Vitae
James Anthony Armstrong, M.D.
WellStar Health System / Armstrong Neurology
2205 Chastain Meadows Pkwy, NW Office: 828-291-6440 / 828-292-1700
Marietta, Georgia Fax: 828-855-2409
WellStar:WellStar Health System
Kennestone Hospital
677 Church Street
Marietta, GA 30060
- Neurological services for all general / stroke / critical care / emergency neurology consults
January 2018 - present
Private Practice:Armstrong Neurology
President and Owner
1622 Tate Blvd SE
Hickory, NC 28602
March 2009 – January 2018
[Online private practice services remain active]
Clinical neurology practice:
-Daily outpatient clinics, advanced neurological care, comprehensive
neurological consultations
-Consultative services for Frye Regional Hospital
Armstrong Neurology services:
-Epilepsy monitoring and EEG
-Intraoperative monitoring
-EMG and Nerve conduction studies
-Sleep studies
-Botox therapy
-Vagal nerve stimulator programming
-Evoked potentials
Medical-Legal Services:
-Expert opinion
-Comprehensive case analysis
-Experienced in depositions and court appearance
-[2005 – present]
Intraoperative Monitoring:
-Expertise in monitoring all introperative modalities for an extensive array of surgical procedures
Sentient Medical Systems
Intraoperative Monitoring Services
11011 McCormick Road
Suite 200
Hunt Valley, MD 21031
Toll Free: 888-481-9185
Local: 410-666-2588
October 2013- June 2016
[Company was liqudated to an alternate IOM company]
The Head and Spine Institute of Texas
Intraoperative Monitoring Services
4100 West 15th Street, Ste 206
Plano, Texas 75093
Office: 972-468-9460
Fax: 972-596-7570
April 2011- September 2013
Carolina Neurological Services
Partner: Private practice clinical neurology
The Medical Specialties Building
415 North Center Street, Suite 202
Hickory, NC 28601
[Partners retired in 2009]
September 2005 – March 2009
Volunteer clinics:Good Samaritan Health Center of Cobb
Volunteer clinic providing charity neurological care
1605 Roberta Drive SW, Marietta, GA 30008
- All Armstrong Neurology services provided free of charge -
October 2018 – present
Cooperative Christian Ministries
Volunteer clinic providing charity neurological care
31 1st Ave SE
Hickory, NC 28602
September 2005 – June 2013
Positions:Chief of Neurology - Frye hospital 2009 - 2011
Conceptualized and organized first Epilepsy Monitoring Unit at Frye Hospital
Established Intraoperative monitoring and Long-term monitoring programs at Grace and Valdese hospitals.
1. Neuromuscular disorders
2. Neurophysiology: epilepsy and sleep medicine
The University of Texas at Dallas: Southwestern Medical School
Dallas, Texas
November 2003 – June 2005
- Recipient of the GSK Fellowship Award
Residency: Neurology Residency
The University of Texas at Dallas: Southwestern Medical School
Dallas, Texas
September 2000 – March 2003
- Recipient of the Victor Rivera Award for Excellence in Research
Internship:Internal Medicine
The University of Texas at Dallas: Southwestern Medical School
Dallas, Texas
March 2003 – November 2003
Additional training:
The University of California at San Francisco
San Francisco, California
April 1998 – November 1998
The University of Connecticut
Hartford, Connecticut
July 1996 - April 1998
The University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
July 1994 - June 1996
General Surgery
The University of Texas Medical School
Houston, Texas
June 1990 - June 1994
Education: M.D., Yale Medical School
New Haven, Connecticut
September, 1986 - June, 1990
- Completed three research projects
- Member of graduate advisor committee
B.A., Brandeis University
Waltham, Massachusetts
Major: Biochemistry
September, 1982 - June, 1986
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Magna Cum Laude
- Named one of the top ten pre-med students
Awards:Phi Beta Kappa
Magna Cum Laude
Brandeis University highest award for pre-medical education performance: Top-ten pre-medical student
Final nominee for the Louis D. Brandeis Award for excellent in academic performance
The Victor Rivera Award for Excellence in Research in Neurology
GSK Fellowship in Electrophysiology
Research &
Publications:Armstrong, J, Decreased intestinal transit in a model of necrotizing pancreatitis, Gastroenterology 106:284,1994.
Research in Multiple Organ Failure
The University of Texas Medical School
Houston, Texas
July 1992 - June 1994
Research with chairman of the department
involving a variety of projects on the causes,
effects and therapeutic interventions in multiple
organ failure in conjunction with Ph.D. program at
the University of Texas at Houston.
Medical School:
Armstrong, J.; Stahl, R.; Andriole, V. "The Effect of
Blood Loss During Surgery on the Pharmacokinetics
of Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis."
Armstrong, J.; Silverman, D.; Podraski, D.; Stahl, R.
"Fluorescence Assessment of Skin Perfusion After
Intraperitoneal Fluorescein Injection."
Armstrong, J.; Barese, S; Stahl, R. "The Effect of
Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor on the
Neovascularization of a Dorsal Pedicle Flap."
Book Chapters:
Von Hippel-Lindau Disease. In: Neurocutaneous Disorders. Editor: Dr. Steve Roach and Van S. Miller: Cambridge University Press, 2004
Introduction to Neurology:WellStar Educational Forum (6/4/2018)
Neurohospital care:WellStar Educational Forum (10/9/2018)
Neuromuscular forum:
Atypical Myasthenic syndrome (RRNMF 9/29/18)
Atypical Myasthenic syndrome case 2 (RRNMF 9/29/18)
Board Certified:
Neurology: Certificate: 54013 on 5/6/2007 / Recertified 2/6/2017
Sleep Medicine: Certificate: 823 on 11/10/2011
Neuromuscular Medicine: Certificate: 508 on 8/13/2012
Clinical Neurophysiology: Certificate: 2330 on 12/22/2013
Epilepsy: Certificate: 498 on 8/11/2014
Connecticut: 52758
Florida: ME118546
Georgia: 067386
Maryland: D77129 - expired
Michigan: 430110436
Missouri: 2014006584
New Jersey: 25MA09422700
North Carolina: 2005-01520
Pennsylvannia: MD451650
South Carolina: TL35220
Tennessee: 50738
Texas State Medical License: J5533
Virginia Medical License: 0101251069
West Virginia: 25109 - expired
[All licenses listed are active, urestricted state medical licenses]
Professional Organizations:
- American Academy of Neurology
- American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine
- American Academy of Sleep Medicine - expired
- North Carolina Medical Society - expired
- Catawba Medical Society - expired
Dr. Steven Cannon - Chairman of Neurology residency program
Dr. Roger Rosenberg - World famous neurologist, mentor, and prior chairman of the Southwestern neurology program
Dr. Gil Wolfe - Fellowship director and Vice-Chairman in Neurology
Dr. Christopher Hobbie - Colleague and fellow graduate from Yale Medical School
Dr. Noel Baker - Residency and Fellowship attending and mentor, fellowship director in Pediatric Epilepsy
Dr. Patricia Cook - Associate professor of Internal Medicine and Internship mentor
Additional excellent references available upon request