The University of North Carolina at Asheville
Department of Human Resources
Academic and vocational Education assistance application
Academic and Vocational Education Fund Guidelines
As a benefit of employment at UNC Asheville, SPA and EPA Non-Faculty staff may take part inthe Academic and Vocational Education Program.This program is designed to allow employees to gain knowledge and enhance skills needed to meet job requirements or to prepare them to pursue other employment opportunities at UNC Asheville. This program can be used to attend classes at any accredited North Carolina public college or university. Employees are eligible for reimbursement for the pursuit of academic credit or Continuing Education Units.
This program is only open to permanent non-probationary employees.
-An applicant must explain how the class would directly impact his or her current position or how the academic study will assist the employee pursue other employment opportunities at UNC Asheville.
-Reimbursement will be limited to tuition, fees and books up to a maximum of $300 per class, up to three classes per academic year (including summer). Prior to reimbursement, applicants must furnish receipts for tuition, fees and books and evidence that a passing grade was earned. The maximum reimbursement will be $300 or the total cost of tuition, fees and books, whichever is less.
An approved course should be taken on the employee’s own time. If the course is only offered during regular work hours,supervisors are encouraged to develop alternate work arrangements to complete the work assignments. The supervisor is not required to approve alternative work arrangementsif conditions will not permit the employee to be absent from work.Supervisors will need to consider an employees job performance when signing the application.
Reimbursement will only be made upon proof (grade sheet) of successful completion of the course. Successful completion will be considered a passing grade. You will also be required to turn in a receipt as proof of payment, before you can be reimbursed.
In circumstances where funding beyond the limits set in this policy (Academic and Vocational Education Program) is required for academic work undertaken at the request of the University or deemed to be a direct benefit to the University, individual departments or divisions may provide additional academic assistance as specified in UNC Asheville’s Academic and Vocational Assistance Program Policy.
Deadline: Part I of this form (Pre-Approval) must be approved by department management andHuman Resources prior to the first day of classes.
Employee Information
Name: / Date:First / Middle / Last
Banner ID #: / Position Title:
Phone: / Email:
Dept #: / Dept Name:
CPO#: / Supervisor Name:
Course Information
School: / Location: / Term:Course Title: / Course #: / Credit Hours:
Check all
that apply: / Undergraduate / Non-Credit / Mandated by Law/Employer / Job-Related
Graduate / Audit / Licensure / Not Job-Related
Continuing Ed / Thesis/Dissertation / Certification
Is this course part of your degree program? / YES NO
If YES, which degree? / Associates / Bachelors / Masters / Doctorate
Which field of study?
Employee’s Regular Work Schedule:
Course Schedule:
Is the course available outside the employee’s regular work schedule? / YES NO
Describe specifically how this course contributes to maintaining or improving your current job skills, contributes to your professional development, and/or contributes to your department or the University.
Assistance Requested
Reimbursements requested(must not have been paid with other financial awards): / Tuition Costs: / $ / Proposed work schedule to accommodate academic or vocational educational pursuits:
Lab/Course Fees: / $
Books*: / $
Total Reimbursement: / $
* Books, if reimbursed by the department, become property of the department
Employee Certification
I certify that the information submitted on this Academic Assistance Application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that Academic and Educational Assistanceis not an absolute right and are subject to supervisory approval and operational needs. I understand that reimbursement is conditional upon my satisfactory completion of the course and upon availability of funds.Employee Signature: / Date:
Department Pre-Approval
This course (or degree program that includes this course) will benefit both the employee’s professional development and the University.This course (or degree program that includes this course) is being taken as a requirement from management. / Support Provided by the Department:
Reimbursement: / $
Flexible Work Schedule: / YES NO
Note: The applicant must be a permanent, non-probationary employee.
Supervisor Signature: / Date:
Vice Chancellor Signature: / Date:
For Human Resources Only
Permanent / Time-Limited / Full Time (30-40 hrs/wk) / Part-Time (20-29 hrs/wk)Approved / Denied / Comments:
Staff Development Representative Signature / Title / Date
Deadline: Part II of this form (Reimbursement) must be received by department management or by Human Resources (if required) within 30 calendar days of completion of the course.
Reimbursement Information
Actual Cost / Amount Covered byOther Financial Awards / Amount Approved
for Reimbursement by
Department Funds / Amount Requested
for Reimbursement by University-wide Funds**
Tuition Costs: / $ / $ / $ / $
Lab/Course Fees: / $ / $ / $ / $
Books*: / $ / $ / $ / $
Total: / $ / $ / $ / $
**Maximum: $300per course (total amount for tuition, fees and books); no more than three courses per academic year.
I certify that the information submitted on this Academic Assistance Application is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I hereby release my attendance and grade records for this course for the purpose of verifying my participation and completion.
Supervisor’s Authorization:
Supervisor Signature: / Date:Department Head Signature: / Date:
attach the following documents to this application:
- Course grade report.
- Receipts of course expenses.
For Human Resources Only
Reimbursement thru University Funds: / $ / Job-Related Not Job-RelatedApproved / Denied / Comments:
Staff Development Representative Signature / Title / Date
Page 1 of 4An Equal Opportunity EmployerRev. 09/23/08