The Diocese of Nottingham


Alvaston Street, Alvaston. Derby DE24 0PA

Telephone: (01332) 572154




Headteacher: Dr E Field

16th July 2014

St John Fisher Catholic Academy Trust is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England with
Company Number 8172988 and has a registered office at Alvaston St, Alvaston, Derby, DE24 0PA

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Congratulations and Well Done !

Arthur Ellis: who was selected to compete in the National BMX competition earlier this year.

Mia Hudson: who represented the Derby City Gymnastics Club at the international gymnastics Festival Del Sole, Riccione, Italy.

Key Stage One Athletics: Well done to the Key Stage One Pupils who represented Saint John Fisher at the Holy Family (our cluster of Catholic Schools in Derby) Key Stage One athletics. Well done and thank you also to their parents who remained until the end when parents from other schools had disappeared. Saint John Fisher did themselves proud!

Year Five/Six Football and Netball Tournament : Well done and thank you to the Year Six pupils who represented Saint John Fisher at the Holy Family Football and Netball Tournament. Although we did not win the pupils did us proud in the way they played and behaved.

Mathematics Team: Well done and thank you to the children who represented Saint John Fisher at the first Holy Family Maths Quiz. Our team came first which is a great achievement as they were playing against the top Maths pupils form the other schools.

Saint John Fisher are the proud holders of the Holy Family Maths shield for 14/15.

Meditation: Well done and thank you to the group of children who represented Saint John Fisher at the Diocesan Education Centre. The children modelled and answered questions about Meditation for a group of Headteachers from around the Diocese. They made a very good impression and we received a letter of thanks from the lead Inspector of the Diocese.

Universal Free School Meals: September 2014 all KS1 (Yr R – Yr 2) will be entitled to have a school meal provided and paid for. It is really important that parents who qualify for FSM still apply to enable the school to receive additional funding and to sustain the staffing and resources to meet your children’s needs. Also, parents who qualify for FSM will be given a £5 deduction from day visits and a £20 deduction for residential visits.

Forms are available from the school office, our website, or D.C.C. website.

If you have any queries or need assistance with the forms please do not hesitate to let us know.

To enable the kitchen to order the correct amount of food, we will require a weeks notice if your child would like to swap to dinners please.

Events during the hols:

Summer Reading Challenge, Cycling, Fun day at Foremark (information on our website under Parents and holiday activities)

Attendance and Punctuality

We have a record number of children receiving 100% attendance and never late awards this year. Well done!

Reminder we have a zero tolerance on term time absences.

E-Safety: Please check what your children are doing online. We have had more incidents of children making racists and homophobic comments online. Not only do the children need to understand such comments are wrong and completely unacceptable under any circumstances, they also need to be aware that they could face police action if they are caught. The children also need to be aware that the things they say online may come back to haunt them when they are older – nothing said online disappears completely. Please don’t assume that your child wouldn’t do or say anything wrong on the internet ; no matter how well brought up. they are children and need parental guidance.

Library Books: Please ensure all children return their library books

Alvaston Library Challenge: Do make the most of all that is on offer at your local library this summer. It is a great way to keep up your child’s reading and give them something interesting to do over the holiday – and it’s free!

‘Thank you’ s:

PTFA: Well done and thank you to the PTFA for such a well organised and successful Summer Fayre – it raised £1455.97 as well as providing a lovely community atmosphere. Thank you to any parents who helped to run it or supported it by coming along.

Parent Council Thank you to the Parent Council for all the work they do ensuring Parents and School work in partnership for the good of the children. A special thank you to Mr Horsley for providing such an excellent lead as Chair over the last couple of years. Thank you also to Mrs Lobb who has kindly agreed to act as Chair next term.

Mrs Downey : Thank you to Mrs Downey for the tremendous work she has done as a voluntary librarian for us.

Parents – All the staff would like to thank our parents who have been wonderful in their support. They have sent their children in the correct uniform, ensured that they have done their homework and supported the school’s behaviour policy and its Catholic ethos.

And last but not least the Children: Thank you to all of you. You have worked hard and behaved well this year and you are what make our Saint John Fisher family truly special. Do keep up your reading and do your homework over the break so that you are ready to face the new challenges in your next class. Remember to stay safe over the holiday; always let your parents know where you are and never go on unsuitable online sites. We want you all to come back safe and sound in September.

‘Farewell’s to:

Year Six. Thank you for all you have done and well done for all you have achieved at St John Fisher Year Six. All the staff and pupils wish you the very best for the future. You will no doubt enjoy lots of new challenges and experiences but always remember you are Saint John Fisher pupils and hold on to the values you have learnt here. We look forward to seeing some of you on INSET days. If you do wish to visit us on an INSET day write a short letter (in your very best writing!) telling us the date on which you would like to visit at least one week before. May God bless you Year Six.

Mrs Richards

A huge thank you to Mrs Richards for all her hard work over the last half year. Mrs Richards, who leaves us at the end of term, has been a valuable member of the team and we wish her the very best for the future.

Mrs Jaguszewska We also would like to thank MrsJaguszewska for the intervention work she has done with Year Five. We also wish her the best for the future but are glad to say that this is not goodbye as she is still a parent of a pupil in school.

Staffing Academic Year 14/15:

A reminder that the following is our planned teaching allocation for the academic year beginning September 2014. As always we hope not to have to change this but there is no guarantee that this will be the case as unforeseen circumstances arise. Please be assured the children’s education is at the heart of any staffing decision we take.

YR– Mrs Donaldson and Mrs Doherty

Y1- Miss Webster and Mrs Bird

Y2- Miss Skeldon and Mrs Cripwell (part of the timetable)

Y3- Miss Curtis and Mrs Sanger (part of the timetable)

Y4- Mr Millwater and Miss Richardson (part of the timetable)

Y5- Miss Ellison and Mrs Leggett

Y6- Miss Williams and Miss Rowley

Mrs Gilhooly will continue in her role as SENCo

Miss Richardson will continue to lead the Hub Club

Mrs Wilcox will continue in her role as Learning Mentor

Mr Grattidge is now full time Deputy Head and all that that entails

Miss Endsor will be Upper Key Stage Two leader. She will oversee everything to do with these classes. Her first role is, of course, to ensure teaching is maintained at the very highest standard, but she will also oversee all other aspects of leading and managing Upper Key Stage Two. Parents of children in Years 5 and 6 should see Miss Endsor as their first port of call if they have any queries.

End of Term

A reminder that no limousines will be allowed down to the school gates at the end of term. Naturally parents are entitled to their own views on what they book for their children. My personal view is, apart from the expense which excludes some children, it is a shame for such young children to have all the ‘grown up treats’ now rather than have them to look forward to when they are in their teens. Most children of this age would love to picnic in the park or have a cinema trip. Naturally, whatever parents do plan for their children I hope they all enjoy it.

Achievement assembly – Monday 21st July 2014 – KS2 @ 09:15 & KS1 @ 10:45am

Sports Day - Tuesday 22nd July 2014 – Sports day will take place in the morning starting at 09:30am. We cannot give an exact finish time but we expect it to be around 11:30am. Please send your child in their Sports Kit/PE Kit.

INSET Day – Wednesday 23rd July 2014.

4th September 2014 Please note children return to school on this date.


Meet the Teacher will be held on 23rd-September 2014 @ 6:00pm

INSET Dates 14/15

3rd November 2014

16th February 2015

1st June 2015

29th June 2015

23rd July 2015

On behalf of all the staff

Best Wishes


St John Fisher Catholic Academy Trust is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England with
Company Number 8172988 and has a registered office at Alvaston St, Alvaston, Derby, DE24 0PA

St John Fisher Catholic Academy Trust is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England with
Company Number 8172988 and has a registered office at Alvaston St, Alvaston, Derby, DE24 0PA