Week 1. Care of our Common Home – What can we do?

·  Respect life as Gift: oneself, other people, earth, all species, property, land

·  Reduce: energy consumption, use of fossil fuels, waste, travel, stress

·  Repair: clothing, footwear, electrical appliances, buildings, cars, property

·  Reuse: bags, boxes, clothing, bottles, toys, decorations, envelopes, wrappings

·  Recycle: organic waste, fruit & vegetables peelings (compost), clothes, books, everything possible that can no longer be used in its present condition

·  Be responsible for the well-being of all life in the use of earth's abundant but finite resources and management of waste.

Week 2. Care of our Common Home – What can we do?

·  Grow in consciousness of the ONENESS of all creation.

·  Stand in WONDER and AWE at the diversity, complexity, mystery and beauty of our Universe.

·  Grow in AWARENESS: reading, viewing, reflecting, discussing – be curious!

·  Take pride in balancing personal and social TIME: work, prayer, leisure, play

·  Take time to meditate, practice mindfulness, slow down, BE STILL, connect.

·  Spend time OUTDOORS in communion with the natural world, let earth be your mentor.

Week 3. Care of our Common Home – What can we do?

·  Be pro-active for the VULNERABLE and VOICELESS: planet and people.

·  Believe that ENOUGH IS PLENTY, cultivate sharing: self, time, talents, resources.

·  Become ACTIVE in astronomy, bird-watching, seed-saving, rambling, music, arts, dance, yoga, sport, reading, home-cooking, crafts, gardening, volunteering.

·  Join an environmental, justice, social media or interest GROUP - think globally, act locally, i.e. www.Avaaz.org, www.350.org, www.worldwatch.org, www.foe.co.uk

·  BE THANKFUL: cherish our planet in its bountifulness, beauty and brokenness.

Week 4. Care of our Common Home – What can we do?

·  Always ask yourself, “Do I need this?” before you buy. (You may just want it!)

·  Be an ethical consumer: buy organic, local produce in season, Fairtrade

·  Try growing some of your own food organically, avoid using peat compost.

·  Compost your own organic waste or join a neighbourhood composting scheme.

·  Enjoy cooking, savouring and sharing the fruits of the earth.

Week 5. Care of our Common Home – What can we do?

·  Harvest rainwater for watering plants, the lawn, washing car etc.

·  Plant native trees in your garden – absorb carbon and attract wildlife.

·  Plant pollinating flowers to promote biodiversity and save the bees.

·  Conserve water, light, heat and other resources in the home, workplace.

·  Avoid leaving electrical goods, TV, computer, mobile charger etc on standby.

Week 6. Care of our Common Home – What can we do?

·  Use fuel efficient car: hybrid, diesel/unleaded petrol, avoid air-conditioning

·  Walk, cycle or use public transport whenever possible; car-pool

·  Choose more energy efficient goods: electrical, household appliances etc

·  Use energy efficient bulbs, insulate your home, use draught excluders, set washing machine at 30 degrees and don't fill the kettle more than the amount needed.

·  Avoid using chemicals: choose ecological alternatives in personal hygiene, cosmetics, household cleaning, gardening – always read the label!

Week 7. Care of our Common Home – What can we do?

·  Look for recycled/recyclable products: paper, cardboard, glassware, cans, toys, pens. Save envelopes and use again with re-use labels. Use both sides of the paper.

·  Try to avoid plastics – most are non-biodegradable.

·  Avoid over-wrapped products and bulk buy if feasible - loose vegetables, fruit.

·  Avoid leaving tap running while you brush your teeth.