Conscription Debate

You are in the House of Commons discussing the possibility of conscripting men to go to war. You will be briefed (with the handout materials as well as your own researched material) that discusses the issue in detail and will be given some time to discuss with other members of your party (your group) how you will argue for or against conscription.

To Prepare:

Using the materials provided, on the sheet provided, list the FOUR strongest arguments / examples that help you prove points for either side of the argument
then list at least ONE potential counter-argument for each argument you created, and how you will respond should it come up in debate.

You will be assigned a side once you show Ms. Parravani your prep work for BOTH sides of the argument (the day of the debate!)

In-Class Structure:

Opening Statements (Side A, then Side B)
Side A presents its arguments
Side B rebuts and presents its arguments
Side A rebuts
Closing Statements

Question for Follow-Up Reflection:

Which side did you find most convincing? (even if not your own)

List 3 reasons why. Be sure to discuss the content of the debate and the validity of the statements. Use examples from your research to support your answer. (answer should be about a page long, IN PARAGRAPH FORM)

* You will be marked both on participation during prep and during the debate. You will also be graded on the answer to your question. Please use the attached rubric in your preparation. Your mark is an INDIVIDUAL grade SEPARATE from your group

Curriculum Expectations;

-describe some of the major local, national, and global forces and events that have influenced Canada’s policies and Canadian identity since 1914;

-evaluate Canada’s participation in war and contributions to peacekeeping and security. assess the changing role and power of the federal and provincial governments in Canada since 1914.

-interpret and analyse information gathered through research, employing concepts and approaches appropriate to historical inquiry;

-communicate the results of historical inquiries, using appropriate terms and concepts and a variety of forms of communication.

Catholic Graduate Expectations

CGE2b -reads, understands and uses written materials effectively;

CGE2c -presents information and ideas clearly and honestly and with sensitivity to others;

Criteria / Level 1 (0-3) / Level 2 (4-6) / Level 3 (7-8) / Level 4 (8-10)
Use of evidence
K/U ____/10 / Supports arguments with limited relevant evidence / Supports arguments with some relevant reasoning and evidence / Supports arguments with considerable reasoning and evidence / Supports arguments with highly effective reasoning and evidence
Prep Work
T/I ____/10 / Prep work is incomplete / Prep work is partially complete but missing elements / Prep work is complete with 3 arguments, an opposing argument and rebuttal for each / Prep work is complete with arguments, opposing arguments, rebuttals to a highly effective manner.
App ___/10 / No participation / Minimal participation / Adequate participation using relevant material and reasoning / Participation using relevant material and reasoning as well as historical examples to illustrate points.
______/10 / Incomplete / Less than 3 arguments, some spelling/grammar mistakes, no paragraph form / 3 arguments. Some spelling/grammar mistakes, paragraph form, some examples used. / 3 arguments, no spelling/grammar mistakes, proper paragraph form, examples used for each argument.

WWI RPT – Rubric



Argument – For conscription (In favour of it)

Argument / Possible Rebuttal (from other side) / Possible Response

Argument – Against Conscription

Argument / Possible Rebuttal (from other side) / Possible Response