MINUTES of ASHBY MAGNA Parish Council meeting, Held at Ashby Magna Village, 8 pm Mon 8th March 2010, Hall.

PRESENT; Cllrs M Fox (Chair), K Gamble, R Smith; Ward cllr W Liquorish; parishioners G Lambert, S North, R Withers.

APOLOGIES; Cllr Thompson, Ward Cllr Fuchs, parishioner Mrs L Jarrom.

DECLARATIONS; of interest none.

1016. MINUTES of last meeting Mon 11 Jan. 1011, name added-Mrs S Fox.Initialled by Clerk & signed by Chairman.

Invoices presented/cheques issued post meeting

660 for LCC for AMOS weeks 29-32 £46.70 Inc VAT

661 for elec quarterly supply EoN £123.26 Inc VAT

662 for flower tubs to Mrs S Fox £44.98 no VAT

663 for Clerk fees half year £125 no VAT

664 mistakenly started-not issued

665 for LCC for AMOS weeks 41-44 £35.83 Inc VAT


Prospective new councillors; Chairman had formally written to 3 parishioners to invite them to this meeting to view proceedings.

2 were welcomed and the 3rd had sent apologies.

Defer -Next step clerk to contact HDC for procedure.

Subs due

CPRE £29

RCC £35

Playing Fields £12

NALC/LRALC £140.59

Clerk to prepare cheques and obtain signatories

Conservation Area - still nothing heard from Emma Harrison HDC 821156.Clerk to enquire again.

Right of Way document still to be withdrawn from Lutterworth NatWest by 2 cllrs together. Cllrs to arrange.

1018. MATTERS RAISED by public or parishioners

Phone box bulb has not lit for some time. Parishioner offered to check

Gilmorton Rd footway between no 24 and Church farm - field spoil is not being contained or cleared by farmer, causing a disabled scooter, difficulties. Clerk to write to farmer and Cc Clive Howe at Highways Croft depot.

Road Closure for Wind Farm Construction, can PC object, Cllr Liquorish to check.

Potholes Old Forge Road. As with all county roads there are a great deal to be dealt with after the winter. Cllrs to monitor repairs.

Thorns Cllr Fox to deal with lady landowner.


Various standard circulars handed out, some for Herald use.

Mobile library visit days for noticeboard.

Invitation to Parish Liaison meeting at HDC Mon 1 March, Clerk attended-still awaiting parish planning guidance/training.


Low Spinney Wind Farm - Appeal took place at HDC, Decision awaited.

Coltmans Old Station Yard - passed

Jarrom Old Forge Rd - passed with extra conditions

Baigent Old Forge Rd - passed with extra conditions

Fletcher Peatling Rd - withdrawn

Anderson-The Retreat Gilmorton Rd. - Collective views to be collated by Clerk and AMPC formally to OBJECT.


Tuck, Gilmorton Rd, HDC have visited and will visit again later.

Clayfield Stable, HDC results awaited.


Tree in AMOS - agreed it must be removed. Cllr Thompson to be asked to obtain 2 quotes.

Bardon and other lorries running to Peatling Parva. Clerk to notify Enforcements, Cc Clive Howe Highways, Planning and Henry Whatley -police.

Dog-fouling is becoming more objectionable. Clerk to ask Alan Bridges if we can have a bin in Thrones Lane-one of the worst areas-presuming byelaws are in force. Christine Lord of Broughton was suggested might know a price for emptying.

Cllrs Fox & Gamble to consider and do a mailshot to the parish of about 130 households.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm.