of the Executive Committee meeting
of the IHGC
Eskişehir, Turkey – July 26, 2010
The meeting took place just after the Economic commission session in the Hotel Anemon in Eskişehir, Turkey. The IHGC President Mr. Bernard Ingwiller opened the meeting, made a quick overview of the current hop situation and stressed a necessity of such joint meetings where hop growers, hop merchants and hop industry stakeholders meet together to share the common sector issues. The following agenda was put forward and agreed:
1. Quorum of the IHGC
2. Minutes approval of the previous meetings (Nov. 6, 2009, Apr. 16, 2010)
3. Congress 2011 in Australia (information)
4. Future IHGC meetings
5. Sundries
Point 1
On the meeting there were present representatives from 14 IHGC members (countries/companies), which did build a necessary quorum for formal IHGC decisions. From among members present (see a list of meeting participants), the following IHGC delegates represented their countries or companies:
Australia: absent
Austria: Hermann Bayer
Belgium: absent
Bulgaria: absent
Czech rep.: Bohumil Pazler
France: Bernard Ingwiller
FR Germany: Otmar Weingarten
New Zealand: absent
Poland: absent
Portugal: absent
PR China absent
R South Africa: absent
Romania: Akatiu Mora
Russia: absent
Serbia: absent
Slovakia: absent
Slovenia: Andrej Čas
Spain: absent
U. K.: absent
Ukraine: absent
USA: Michael Schadler
Joh.Barth&Sohn: Peter Hintermeier
German Hop Ind. Assoc.: Josef Grauvogl
Hop Assoc. of Poland: absent
X. Fub. Sapporo Hop: absent
Hopsteiner: Heinz-Jürgen Cooberg
CZ Union Hop M&P: Zdeňek Rosa
Inbarco: Ivo Bračun
S.A.E. Fomento d. lupulo: absent
Ukrkhmiel: absent
Charles Faram & Co. ltd: absent
Am. Dwarf Hop Assoc.: Michael Roy
Xinjiang Kinner Agric.: absent
Hmezad Export-Import: Andrej Čas
Point 2
The two Executive Committee minutes from the meetings in Munich, Germany on November 6, 2009 and in Paris, France on April 16, 2010 had been published together with other meeting documents on the IHGC web site www.ihgc.org after the meetings and have thus been available to delegates and other interested hop industry stakeholders. No comments or supplementary claims were submitted, thus the minutes from both meetings were adopted unanimously.
Point 3
The 53rd IHGC congress is scheduled for February 2011 in Australia. The congress preliminary plan with basic suggestions had already been presented as well published on the IHGC web site. Program suggestions or individual flight arrangements may be possible to some extent in a direct agreement with the travel agency (). As an extension of the congress, an optional visit of New Zealand is planned as well. Approx. 55 participants from 7 countries were estimated during the meeting. However, from other member countries there were no reports on congress participation. Further information will be available within IHGC newsletters.
Point 4
The following timetable for future meetings was discussed:
· In autumn IHGC meetings are traditionally scheduled in relation to the BRAU-BEVIALE fair. Thus, the next meeting of Economic commission and Executive committee is scheduled for Nov. 9, 2010 in Nuremberg, Germany.
· After the congress the summer meeting is planned to be held July or August 2010 in Prague, Czech Republic. More details will be fixed till November.
No other meeting plans were examined.
Point 5
A detailed global hop market situation is demonstrated within meeting documents such as National hop reports and Hop market report – all available on the www.ihgc.org.
As usual also in future IHGC newsletters with informative contents will be drafted and delivered to contact member delegates and interested IHGC stakeholders.
Since no other issue was raised, the IHGC president Mr. Bernard Ingwiller closed the meeting and thanked to all delegates and attendants for their contributions.
IHGC Secretary General