Good Shepherd Programs and Activities, 2010
Nurture those spiritual gifts throughout the year with these parish activities!
Scripture Study
- Women’s Thursday morning study and sharing, 9:00 AM, parish hall. Drop in.
- Thursday evening study, 7:30. Contact Sandy Ball,
Welcome Home program meets with people wishing to return to the Catholic Church. Contact Charleen Blum .
Liturgical ministries include lectors, Eucharist Ministers, altar servers, cross bearers and hospitality ministers. Trainings are held twice a year. Watch the bulletin.
Religious education registration for 2010-2011 starts in May. Volunteer catechists also welcome! Contact the director of Faith Formation
JustFaith – a weekly social justice reading and action group. A 30-week commitment, including immersion experiences, retreats and weekly reading and discussion. Contact Jess Ballenger,
Christian Service – Volunteers drive donated items to McConnelsburg Mission, visit the sick, provide food and resources to people in need through Matthew 25, support our sister parish in Jamaica, and much more. Contact Nancy Cook -- .
Teen service week at BethanyYouthCenter in Frenchville, July 5-10. A week-long, overnight encounter serving the poor in the Appalachian region. Open to high school youth. Contact the Faith Formation office – 238-0649, or .
Vacation Bible School 2010: July 29-23, for preschool through grade 5. Youth and adult volunteers welcome! Check upcoming bulletins for more information.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the 9:00 and 11:00 Masses. Young children from preschool to about age 6 can attend Children’s Liturgy of the Word, in which the Sunday Scriptures and prayers are shared on their level. Adult and teen volunteers needed as facilitators and aides! Contact Barb Ballenger at 238-0690, .
Youth Ministry: Shout for Junior High and Word for Senior High. Lock-ins, social events, book and bible studies, servant. Contact Elaine Scutti – .
Good Shepherd choirs and house band are open to all.
Prayers and Squares is a ministry that combines quilting, prayer and fellowship. Participants create lap quilts for those who have asked for prayers, and parishioners add their prayers in the forms of knots tied into the quilt. Contact Sandy Ball at .
Prayer Shawl ministry – knit or crochet a prayer shawl for someone who needs prayer. Contact: Cheryl Wunsch --
Sacramental Preparation
Baptism and Marriage, contact the office
First Eucharist, First Reconciliation, Confirmation, contact
Christian Initiation for those wishing to join the Catholic Church, contact
Other Parish Activities
- Parish Picnic
- Father/ daughter Valentine dance
- Mardi Gras party
- Christmas bazaar
Time and Talent Weekends, sign up weekendsfor those who would like to participate in a parish ministry or activity. Held twice a year --check bulletin.
Volunteer or start something new! You can join a committee or jump into a program at any time! Contact the parish office for more information on parish groups that plan programs and events. Committees and outreaches include:
Adult Faith Formation
Christian Service
Family Life
Liturgical ministries such as Eucharistic Minister, hospitality, lector and server
Mass choirs
Office volunteers
Parish Life
Prayer and Worship
Religious Education/Faith Formation
Social Justice
Youth Ministry