Minutes of the Standard 762 Task Force conference call on March 21, 2003 at 10:00 AM (EST)
1. Andy Ford (PJM)
2. Jim Kirby (PJM)
3. Mike Curley (NERC)
4. Ron Fluegge (FCG)
5. Murty Bhavaraju (PSE&G)
6. Gary Schuck (PJM)
7. Jim Lofe (Southern)
8. Howard Ramsden (Eurelectric)
9. Jerry Bell (PJM)
Discussion and Projects:
1. Welcome by Andy Ford
2. Minutes from conference call on February 28, 2003 and changes made prior to this meeting were reviewed and approved. No changes were made to the draft minutes.
3. Open action items from the February 28, 2003 conference call:
a. Andy Ford will prepare a first draft of an Excel spreadsheet that will display a matrix of the Task Force activities/action items and their status. The matrix will also show the Team/Task Leader for each appropriate action item or major activity. Ron Fluegge will then update the Excel spreadsheet as necessary and redistribute it to the Task Force members.
b. Andy Ford will send out information on how to join IEEE-SA (ISA).
c. Andy Ford will send the FAQ to Task Force members who are not members of ISA.
d. External Cause Codes
i. Subsequent to the December 2002 meeting, Ron Fluegge submitted a marked up copy of Section 2 – Scope with changes for the definition of the generating unit boundary to Andy Ford. Ron Fluegge also submitted a rough “one-line” diagram to illustrate the boundary definition terms. Andy Ford indicated that PJM had people who could take the rough drawing and transform it into a final drawing for inclusion in the Standard. The Task Force members requested that Andy Ford send it to the members when the final drawing is completed.
4. PES General Meeting in Toronto July 13-17, 2003
a. There will be a Task Force meeting during the PES General Meeting.
b. Andy Ford will look into locating the meeting outside the PES General Meeting facilities so that TF members can attend just the TF meeting without incurring the cost of the General Meeting registration. Andy will also arrange for conference call capabilities so that members not attending in person can participate in the meeting.
5. External Cause Codes
a. It was decided to no longer consider two methodologies for calculating Equivalent Availability Factor (EAF) that includes and excludes the equivalent seasonal derated hours in the numerator; but to leave the EAF equation as currently defined. As a part of the discussion, Mike Curley indicated that 265 generating units out of 749 PJM units have reported seasonal deratings for 2001. Ron Fluegge will develop a summary of the discussion and the final decision.
b. Mike Curley discussed the INPO guidelines regarding internal/external cause codes. The INPO guidelines follow the UNIPEDE guidelines. There are 120 nuclear units that report GADS data to NERC.
c. Reviewed Mike Curley’s email attachment entitled “Discussion for Definition of ‘Outside Plant Management Control’”. It was recommended that the document be rewritten to clarify the issues discussed.
6. Murty Bhavaraju asked Task Force members to review his write-up entitled “Revisions Related to Pumped Storage/Synchronous Condenser Operation” and to provide comments as soon as possible.
Next two meetings are tentatively scheduled for Friday, April 25, 2003 at 10:00 AM EST and Friday, May 30, 2003 at 10:00 AM EST. Ron Fluegge will send out an email reminder on the Monday before each scheduled meeting.
Submitted by Ronald M. Fluegge, PE (Secretary)