In the name of God Most Compassionate Most Merciful
Al-Asr Education & Community Centre
118 Goldsworth Road Woking Surrey GU21 6ND UK
+44 (0)7861897160
Ramadhan ul Mubarak 1437 H / 2016Timetable
Date / Ramadhan / Stop Eating / Fajr / Sunrise / Zohr / Maghrib/IftarTUE / 07June / 01 / 2.18 / 2.28 / 4.45 / 13.00 / 9.29
WED / 08 / 02 / 2.17 / 2.27 / 4.45 / 13.00 / 9.30
THU / 09 / 03 / 2.16 / 2.26 / 4.44 / 13.00 / 9.31
FRI / 10 / 04 / 2.15 / 2.25 / 4.44 / 13.00 / 9.32
SAT / 11 / 05 / 2.14 / 2.24 / 4.44 / 13.00 / 9.32
SUN / 12 / 06 / 2.13 / 2.23 / 4.43 / 13.01 / 9.33
MON / 13 / 07 / 2.12 / 2.22 / 4.43 / 13.01 / 9.34
TUE / 14 / 08 / 2.12 / 2.22 / 4.43 / 13.01 / 9.34
WED / 15 / 09 / 2.11 / 2.21 / 4.43 / 13.01 / 9.35
THU / 16 / 10 / 2.11 / 2.21 / 4.43 / 13.01 / 9.35
FRI / 17 / 11 / 2.11 / 2.21 / 4.43 / 13.02 / 9.35
SAT / 18 / 12 / 2.10 / 2.20 / 4.43 / 13.02 / 9.36
SUN / 19 / 13 / 2.10 / 2.20 / 4.43 / 13.02 / 9.36
MON / 20 / 14 / 2.10 / 2.20 / 4.43 / 13.02 / 9.36
TUE / 21 / 15 / 2.11 / 2.21 / 4.43 / 13.02 / 9.37
WED / 22 / 16 / 3.11 / 2.21 / 4.43 / 13.03 / 9.37
THU / 23 / 17 / 2.11 / 2.21 / 4.44 / 13.03 / 9.37
FRI / 24 / 18 / 2.12 / 2.22 / 4.44 / 13.03 / 9.37
SAT / 25 / 19 / 2.12 / 2.22 / 4.45 / 13.03 / 9.37
SUN / 26 / 20 / 2.13 / 2.23 / 4.45 / 13.04 / 9.37
MON / 27 / 21 / 2.14 / 2.24 / 4.45 / 13.04 / 9.37
TUE / 28 / 22 / 2.15 / 2.25 / 4.45 / 13.04 / 9.37
WED / 29 / 23 / 2.16 / 2.26 / 4.46 / 13.04 / 9.37
THU / 30 / 24 / 2.17 / 2.27 / 4.47 / 13.04 / 9.36
FRI / 01 July / 25 / 2.18 / 2.28 / 4.47 / 13.05 / 9.36
SAT / 02 / 26 / 2.19 / 2.29 / 4.48 / 13.05 / 9.36
SUN / 03 / 27 / 2.21 / 2.31 / 4.49 / 13.05 / 9.35
MON / 04 / 28 / 2.22 / 2.32 / 4.49 / 13.05 / 9.35
TUE / 05 / 29 / 2.23 / 2.33 / 4.50 / 13.05 / 9.34
WED / 06 / 30 / 2.25 / 2.35 / 4.51 / 13.05 / 9.34
THU / 07 / Eid ul Fitr / 2.27 / 2.37 / 4.52 / 13.06 / 9.33
[O my Allah, for you, I fast, and with the food you give me I break the fast, and I rely on you.]
- 1st of Ramadhan ul Mubarak will fall on 07/06/16. Eid ul Fitr will be on 07/07/16.
- 1st of Ramadhan ul Mubarak and 1st of Shawwal depends upon the sighting of moon.
- Daily programme in Al-Asr Education & Community Centre will begin withTilawat of Quran, Duas and short Majlis,Namaz Jama’t and Iftar Food. All ladies, gents, children and youth are invited to attend daily programme.
- Daily Namaz Zohr Jama’at will be at 1.00 pm. We invite you to pray in Jamaatat Masjid.
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Faith Action Truth Patience
Al-Asr Scholastic Research Registered Office 152 Norman Crescent Hounslow Middlesex TW5 9JW UK
Registered Charity in UK No. 1050383
Intention for fasting
You may intend for the whole month on the first day or each day separately. Intention is from the heart; utterance of words is not necessary at all.
Important Dates in Ramadhan ul Mubarak
10th / Death of Umm Al-Mo'menin Khadija (AS)15th / Birth of Imam Hassan ibn Ali (AS)
17th / Battle of Badr
20th / Conquest of Mecca
19th / Assassination of Imam Ali (AS) and
Night of Qadr
21st / Martyrdom of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) and Night of Qadr
23rd / Night of Qadr
25th / Battle of Hunain
Last Friday of the Ramadhan Juma’tul Wida’ / International Day of Quds
Things which make the fast void
Fasting means that a person must, in obedience to the commands of Allah, from the time of Adhan for Fajr prayer up to Maghrib, avoid nine things which are:
(1)Eating and drinking,
(2)Sexual intercourse,
(4)Ascribing false things to Almighty Allah, or his Prophet or to the Successors of the Holy Prophet,
(5)Swallowing thick dust,
(6)Immersing one’s complete head in water,
(7)Remaining in Janabat or Haidh or Nifas till the Adhan for Fajr prayer,
(8)Enema with liquids,
Things which are Makrooh for a person observing fast
(1)Using eye drops and applying Surma if its taste or smell reaches the throat.
(2)Performing an act which causes weakness, like blood donation or going for hot bath.
(3)Inhaling a snuff if one is not aware that it might reach the throat, and if one knows, use is not permissible.
(4)Smelling fragrant herbs.
(5)For women to sit in water.
(6)Cleaning teeth with wet toothbrush.
(7)Using suppository.
(8)Wetting the dress which one is wearing.
(9)Getting a tooth extracting.
(10)Putting water or any other liquid in mouth without a good cause.
(11)It is Makrooh for a fasting person to court or woo his wife without intention of ejaculation.
Quotes Regardning Ramadhan
“O Believers! Fast is prescribed for you as it was for those before you so that you may ward off evil. (Fast) a certain number of days…”
(Qur'an: 2:182-183)
“And men who fast and women who fast…God has prepared for them forgiveness and a vast reward.”
(Qur’an 33:35)
“Thirst and hunger you undergo, feel and live through, here and now, to bring to your mind the severity and sharpness of the drought and starvation that will be the order of the day on the Day of Judgment.
- Give alms to the poor and destitute.
- Treat your parents and elders with respect.
- Be kind and loving to your children and juniors.
- Take care of and look after your relatives.
- Keep from giving tongue to that which should not even be whispered.
- Shut your eyes to that which is indecent to have an eye for.
- Turn a deaf ear to that which is too slanderous to be all ears to.
- Be compassionate, gentle and benign unto orphans so that after you, your children, if need be, receive the same treatment from others.
- Turn repentant to God and seek His nearness.”
Holy Prophet (PBUH)
“The Books of Abraham were revealed on the first night of Ramadan; the Torah was revealed on the sixth of Ramadan; the Gospel was revealed on the thirteenth of Ramadan . . ., and the Holy Qur’an on the twenty-third of Ramadan.”
Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (AS)
“During Laylatul Qadr, the angels, the spirit, and the trusted scribes all descend to the lower heavens and write down whatever God decrees that year, and if God wishes to advance something or postpone it or add thereto, He orders the angel to erase it and replace it with whatever He decrees.”
Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (AS)
“[The month of Ramadan is] overflowing with advantages, merciful, ready to put up your sins of omission and commission to God for obtaining his forgiveness. Its days, nights and hours, in the estimation of God, are more select, refined and important than the days, nights and hours of other months. It surpasses all months in merits and favors.…. So, sincerely, free from evil and sinful thoughts and actions, with clear conscience, pray and request that God may give you heart and confidence to observe fast… throughout this month..”
Holy Prophet (PBUH)
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Nawafil / Namaz in the month of Ramadhan ul Mubarak.
- 1000 Rak’at Nafilah is recommeded by Imam Ja’far Sadiq a.s duirng this month.
- First 20 nights, 20 Rak’at in each night - 8 Rak’at after Maghrib and 12Rak’at after Ishaa.
- Last 10 nights, 30 Rak’at in each night - 8 Rak’at after Maghrib and 22 Rak’at after Ishaa.
- 19th, 21st and 23rd nights, in each 100 Rak’at Namaz Nafilah is recommended. These nights have other rituals of Night of Decree as well.
Date / Namaz / How to read? / Thawab / Reward
01 / 04 Rak’at at night / Hamd+15 times
Surah Ikhlas in each Rak’at / All sins are forgiven
02 / 04 Rak’at at night / Hamd+20* Qadr in each Rak’at / All sins are forgiven
03 / 10 Rak’at at night / Hamd+50 times Ikhlas in each Rak’at / Great reward
04 / 08 Rak’at at night / Hamd+20 times Qadr in each Rak’at / Great reward
05 / 02 Rak’at at night / Hamd+100 times Ikhlas in each Rak’at, After salam, one must read 100 times salawat. / Reader will enter in Heaven with
06 / 04 Rak’at at night / Hamd+ one surah Mulk in each Rak’at / Reward equal to Night of Decree
07 / 04 Rak’at at night / Hamd+ 13 times Surah Qadr in each Rak’at / Under protection till next Ramazan
08 / 02 Rak’at at night / Hamd+10 times Ikhlas in each Rak’at; after Namaz 1000 times say “Subhanallah” / All doors of Heaven will be opened for him to enter with his own choice
09 / 06 Rak’at at night / Hamd+7 times A.Kursi in each Rak’at after Maghrib;then 50* Salawat. / His rituals will have status like Shohda and Saleheen.
10 / 20 Rak’at at night / Hamd+ 30* Ikhlas in each Rak’at / Increase in Sustenance
11 / 02 Rak’at at night / Hamd+20 times Surah Kousar / He will not do sin on that day.
12 / 08 Rak’at at night / Hamd+30 times Surah Qadr in each Rak’at / Will happy at the day of judgement
13 / 04 Rak’at at night / Hamd+ 25 Ikhlas in each Rak’at / Will cross Siraat like electricity.
14 / 06 Rak’at at night / Hamd+30 times Surah Zilzaal / Reward of reciter of Namaz b given
15 / 04 Rak’at at night
100 Rak’at / Hamd+100 times Surah Ikhlas in 1st two Rak’at; Hamd+50 times Ikhlas in 2nd 2 Rak’at.
Hamd+10 times Ikhlas in each Rak’at / All sins will be forgiven although sins are equal to leaves of all trees and particles of sand on the land.
16 / 12 Rak’at at night / Hamd+12 times Surah Takasur in each Rak’at / Happy when come out from grave
17 / 02 Rak’at at night / Hamd+any surah in 1st Rak’at, Hamd+100 times Ikhlas in 2nd Rak’at then after salam, read 100 times tasbeeh of “ La illaha il lalah” / Thawab of 1000 Hajj, Umrah & Jihad will be given to the reader.
18 / 04 Rak’at at night / Hamd+25times Surah Kousar(happy with him) / Angel of death will say that God is
19 / 50 Rak’at at night / Hamd+50times Surah Zilzaal in each Rak’at / Readers all sins forgiven,100 Haj R
20 / 08Rak’at at night / Hamd+ Any Surah / All sins will be forgiven
21 / 08 Rak’at at night / Hamd+ Any Surah / All sins will be forgiven
22 / 08 Rak’at at night / Hamd+ Any Surah / All sins will be forgiven
23 / 08 Rak’at at night / Hamd+ Any Surah / All sins will be forgiven
24 / 08 Rak’at at night / Hamd+Any Surah / All sins will be forgiven
25 / 08 Rak’at at night / Hamd+10 times Surah Ikhlas in each Rak’at / He will be included among A’bedin
26 / 08 Rak’at at night / Hamd+once any Surah or 100 Ikhlas in each R / Great reward
27 / 04 Rak’at at night / Hamd+ once Surah Mulk or 25* Ikhlas in each / Readers & his parents sins forgiven
28 / 06 Rak’at at night / Hamd+10* Ikhlas,10Kousar,10A.Kursi in each / 100 Salawat, sins will be forgiven.
29 / 02 Rak’at at night / Hamd+20 times Ikhlas in each Rak’at / His account book will be sent illiyin
30 / 12 Rak’at at night / Hamd+20 times in each Rak’at / 100 times salawat;get mercy of God
By: Maulana Dr Syed Abbas
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