Kevin Dorow

Computational and Information Sciences Directorate (CISD)
Scientist IV
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K7-22
Richland, WA99352


Kevin Dorow is a Scientist IV in the Applied Information Systems group at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. He has over 12 years experience in software development projects, including feasibility and requirements analysis, system

architectures and design, development, and implementation. He is experienced in working alone (as an independent consultant) and in teams with outside consultants, functional, and technical staff. His technical skills include Java development (applet, servlet, application, J2ME, and J2EE), GIS Internet application development (ESRI Map Objects), general Internet development (Web Services, Active Server Pages, ECMAScript), Microsoft Visual Basic (2.0 through .NET) for Internet and N-Tier Database development, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, C++ / C#, Microsoft Transaction Server, Internet Information Server, Apache, and


Mr. Dorow’s representative activities include system architect / task leader of a software project to integrate and stream-line waterresource modeling efforts in King County; system architect / developer of a suite of software tools,called the Rapid Data Acquisition and Dissemination System, to allow sharing of relational database information (MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, Cache, etc.) with clients on mobile devices via the Internet (Blackberry, Palm, Pocket PC, Cellular Telephones, etc.); adjunct faculty member of Washington State University-Tri-Cities Computer Science Department; system architect / principle developer of a cross-platform Internet based distributed database / modeling environment for multimedia modeling assessments within the FRAMES model integration framework; and system architect for the enhancement of a LAN-based emergency management system to incorporate web-based clients and wireless PDA-based clients (including real time notification / messaging and GIS).

Education and Credentials

  • B.S., Physics, Eastern WashingtonUniversity, 1993 (Summa Cum Laude)
  • M.S., Computer Science, WashingtonStateUniversity, 2002 (Summa Cum Laude)


Mr. Dorow joined PNNL in 1999; promoted to Scientist III in 2002; promoted to Scientist IV in 2004.

Selected Publications

Author of 21 conference papers, journal publications, and patents; International Scientific Advisory Committee Member for the Second International Conference on Prevention, Assessment, Rehabilitation and Development of Brownfields Sites, Siena, Italy (2004).

Selected AwardsandHonors

Technology Merit Award for the FRAMES project (2003), Business Achievement Awards Competition sponsored by Environmental Business Journal; Federal Laboratory Consortium Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer for the EMAdvantage project (2003); NASA Tibbets Award for the Earth Alert project (2001);Mary Shields Wilson Medallion Award for Citizenship, Eastern Washington University (1993)