Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF)
International Relations and Marketing Branch
Application for Participation in
Taste of Canada Showcase Season 6
Minneapolis, Minnesota, US - June 13-14, 2016
Application deadline: February 26, 2016
COMPANY INFORMATIONCompany Name (Legal Entity Name)
Address (street address, city, province, postal code) / Company Phone Number
Name of primary contact for this project.
Email address / Contact Phone Number
It is recommended that two participants per company attend the event. Please provide the name of the 2nd person and contact details if applicable:
Provide a brief description of your products/product line, Including important selling points, what is unique about your product. This is your opportunity to tell the buyers why they would want to meet with you!
*Note: This paragraph will be included in the Canadian Company Catalogue to be distributed to invited buyers.
Please select the appropriate category that describe your products:
Bakery - Breads & Rolls Pastries & Desserts Seafood
Edible Oils Dips, Spreads, Seasonings Snack Foods
Confectionary Entrees & Ready Meals Honey & Sweeteners
Non-alcoholic beverages Prepared/Canned Food (Soups, Stews)
Others - please specify:______
Product Attributes:
Gluten Free Natural/Organic Dairy Free Allergen Free Vegan
What Certifications do your company have:
HACCP Certified Organic GFSI Halal Kosher Fair Trade
Are you presently exporting to the US? Yes No
If yes, please indicate regions or States:
Northeast Southeast Midwest/Central Northwest Southwest
What channels are you exporting to?
Retail Foodservice Industrial E-Commerce Institutional
Have you ever sold products into the Upper Midwest (i.e. Minnesota, Iowa)? Yes No
If yes, please specify:
If not currently exporting to the US:
Do you have US labels ready? Yes No
Do you have sufficient capacity to handle increased volume demand? Yes No
How do you currently sell your product (both in Canada and internationally – if applicable)?
Direct to retailer Distributor Broker Other , please specify:
Does your company have a Private Label capability?
Yes No
Please describe the type of company you would like us to target for your product (broker, distributor, retailer, foodservice, grocery, gourmet, organic/natural), and if you have specific companies in mind for your product please list them:
Companies participating in AF international missions are required to obtain, maintain and provide evidence of general liability insurance in an amount not less than $2,000,000 inclusive per occurrence, insuring against bodily injury, personal injury and property damage including loss of use thereof (to include worldwide coverage if the event is outside of Canada and the USA). Such insurance shall include $2,000,000 products liability coverage.
Certificate of Insurance is attached Certificate of Insurance already on file with AF
CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: If selected to participate, the Company agrees with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (“AF”) as follows:
- The Company is wholly responsible for its own product samples and promotional materials. The Company’s responsibilities include bringing sufficient amounts of samples and promotional materials; ensuring the safe storage, handling, and serving of food; supplying its own display equipment and tools; and using accurate information in its promotional materials.
- Product showcases shall be coordinated by AF. To ensure a successful Mission for all participants, the Company shall comply with the instructions of the AF coordinator, as well as the rules of the event host and hosting facility.
- The Company and its representatives are responsible for the costs and expenses incurred by them in relation to their participation in the Mission.
- Alberta Companies are eligible to be reimbursed for a portion of the cost of travel and accommodation provided they are incurred for the Mission and provided the claim for reimbursement is accepted AF. The Company shall provide additional information if requested by AF to verify the Company’s claim for reimbursement.
- Goods & Service Tax (GST) is not eligible for reimbursement, and must not be included in any claim.
- After the Mission, the Company will complete a satisfaction survey or feedback form. AF will not collect any personal or business confidential information about the Company or its representatives.
- The Company is solely responsible for any vehicle rental and agrees to review and be familiar with all local drivers’ license requirements at the event location outside ofCanada. It is recommended that the Company discuss vehicle rental insurance with its insurance broker to determine its insurance needs.
- If AF determines that the Company is ineligible for the Mission, is unlikely to be prepared for the Mission, or is otherwise unsuitable for the Mission, AF may require the Company to quit the initiative.
- The Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless AF, and their respective employees and agents from any and all third party claims, demands, actions or costs (including legal costs on a solicitor-client basis) for which the Company is legally responsible, including those arising out of the presence of traces of ingredients and materials in the food samples, and including those arising out of negligence or willful acts by the Company or its employees or agents. This hold harmless provision shall survive this agreement.
- Without limiting its liabilities, the Company shall insure its operations under a contract of General Liability Insurance, in accordance with the Insurance Act (Alberta) in an amount not less than $2,000,000 inclusive per occurrence (to include worldwide coverage if this initiative is held outside of Canada and the United States of America) against bodily injury, personal injury and property damage including loss of use thereof. Such insurance shall include products liability coverage.The Company shall provide evidence of the required insurance in the form of a detailed certificate of insurance issued to Alberta Agriculture and Forestry as certificate holder, which must be attached to this application form.
- The Company and its representatives are required to obtain and maintain travel medical insurance for the duration of participation for any mission travel outside of Canada. A copy of valid travel medical insurance is to be provided to AF before travelling.
Authorized Signature: ______Date:______Print Name:______
Company Name: ______
This person must be authorized to sign on behalf of the company, and may be a different individual than the primary contact above
The personal information collected on this form is being collected for the purposes of administering this initiative, which is a component of the Growing Forward 2 International Market Development and Investment Attraction Internal Initiative funding program of Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. The information is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act, and is subject to that Act. If you have any questions about the collection or use of your information, please contact Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, International Relations and Marketing Branch, at 7000-113 St NW, Edmonton AB T6H 5T6, (t) 780-422-7093 or toll free at 310-0000.