AUGUST 13, 2013
The Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District met for its regular meeting
Tuesday, at 9:30 A. M. in its office located at 505 District Drive Monroe, Louisiana.
Mr. Drew Keahey, President, called the meeting to order and requested the Secretary
call roll with the following present and answering: Mr. Drew Keahey, President, Caldwell
Parish; Mr. Reggie Peters, Vice President, Franklin Parish; Mr. Rodney Hutchins, Catahoula
Parish; Mr. Harlon Nobles, LaSalle Parish; Mr. Charles Venable, Mr. James P. Mayo and Mr.
Mike Calloway, Ouachita Parish; Mrs. Ramona N. Haire and Mr. Robert Neal Harwell, Richland
Parish. Absent: Mr. Venoy Kinnaird, Morehouse Parish and Mr. Shelton Ruffin, West Carroll
Commissioner Rodney Hutchins opened the meeting with prayer.
Others in attendance were: Mr. Regan Price, Monroe, La.; Mr. Paul Colquette, Department of Transportation and Development, Monroe, La.; Mr. James W. Berry, Legal
Counsel, Tensas Basin Levee District; Mr. John Stringer, Executive Director, Tensas Basin
Levee District; Mr. Johnny Trisler, Maintenance Supervisors, Tensas Basin Levee District; Mr. Brandon Waggoner and Mr. Chris Colvin, Levee District Police, Tensas Basin Levee District.
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Mike Calloway, seconded by
Commissioner Rodney Hutchins, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of
the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Drew Keahey called for public comments
and there were none, to-wit:
WHEREAS, the time having arrived for the opening of bids, as published in the Official Journal for the following:
2014 Truck Cab & Chassis, 6600 GVWR with 16 yard dump body and hoist with trade in of
2001 International dump truck serial number 1HTSHAAR91H340533 OR
2014 Truck Cab & Chassis 6600 GVWR with 16 yard dump body and hoist without trade in
WHEREAS, the following bids were opened and read aloud:
Monroe Mack Sales, Inc., Monroe, La. bid $112,750.00 with a trade in and $122,750.00 without a trade in.
Cooper Truck Center, Monroe, La. Bid $102,983.30 with a trade in and $117,983.00 without a trade in.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas
Basin Levee District does hereby accept the bid of Monroe Mack Sales, Inc., Monroe, La. in the amount of $102,983.30 with trade in subject to meeting all specifications.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Harlon Nobles, seconded by
Commissioner Charles Venable, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the
Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Drew Keahey called for public comments and there
were none, to-wit:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas
Basin Levee District does hereby declare that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting
held July 09, 2013 is hereby dispensed with and declared approved as published in the official
journal of this board, The Richland Beacon News.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Reggie Peters, seconded by
Commissioner Ramona N. Haire, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Drew Keahey called for public comments and there were none, to-wit:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas
Basin Levee District does hereby approve all bills approved by the claims committee for July, 2013.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Rodney Hutchins, and seconded
by Commissioner Harlon Nobles, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of
the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Drew Keahey called for public comments and
there were none, to-wit:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby transfer title to one certain bridge located across Glen Ditch in Catahoula Parish, Louisiana to Mr. Jeremy Woods, Jonesville, Louisiana subject to the following:
The Tensas Basin Levee District shall have the right to cross the bridge as needed.
The bridge shall not be removed at any time and be replaced with culvert(s)
without prior written approval of the Tensas Basin Levee District.
Culvert(s) shall not be placed in said ditch without prior written approval by the Tensas Basin Levee District.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Charles Venable, and seconded by Commissioner Ramona N. Haire, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Drew Keahey called for public comments and there were none, to-wit:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby set aside rules which will enable same to discuss:
Replace liners in pipes in Horse Bayou in Morehouse Parish
Utility replacement for levee setback in Caldwell Parish
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Robert Neal Harwell, seconded by Commissioner Ramona N. Haire, and passed unanimously by the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District, after President Drew Keahey called for public comments and there were none, to-wit:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District does hereby authorize Mr. John C. Stringer, Executive Director, Tensas Basin Levee District, to obtain utility relocations of Entergy, A. T. & T., Atmos Energy and Columbia Water System lines in order to construct levee setback and bank stabilization for the East bank of the Ouachita River near Columbia, Louisiana.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President
President Keahey called for public comments and there were none.
President Drew Keahey declared that there being no further business to come before the Board of Commissioners of the Tensas Basin Levee District at this time, the meeting
is adjourned.
Virginia Caviness Drew Keahey
Secretary President