Application Form - Accreditation of Full Higher Education Qualifications
ALL the application form needs to be filled in electronically in Word format to allow for efficient processing and feedback.
The accreditation process is the necessary procedure that an institution has to go through in order for the courses they offer to be pegged by the MQF Level system as indicated in the Referencing Report 2016.
Further information can be gathered from the Referencing Report 2016 (
Section A: General InformationDate of Submission
Title / Mr / Ms / Other
Email Address
Name of the Education and Training Provider
(Entity already licensed or requesting new or revised license from NCFHE.)
Tuition License / Licensed,
but requiring
license due
to this application
(License no: ______) / Not licensed,
and requesting
through separate
(Double click on the box and mark checked under Default Value.)
(For Office Use Only)
Document Version / Version ______
Date / Month / Year
Section B: Course Description
Brief Profile of the Education and Training Provider
(Where applicable, include: ethos/philosophy, business model, organigram, experience and expertise in training provision.) / (if available on website indicate specific URL)
Type of Course / Qualification / Award
Title of the Qualification/ Award
(Please also add the appropriate abbreviation Ex. B.Sc, M.Psych, PhD etc.)
Proposed MQF Level
(For more information about MQF visit
Hours of Total Learning
(The total minimum number of total learning hours for accreditation is presently 25 hours of which at least 20% (5 hours for every ECTS) must be contact hours or as otherwise established from time to time by NCFHE.) / Contact
hours / Supervised
practice hours
(During these hours the
learner is supervised,
coached or mentored.)
hours / Assessment
Total number of ECTS / ECVET for Course Completion
(It is important to take note that figures with a decimal point will not be accepted.) / ______ECTS / ECVET
Course Type and Duration / Full-Time / Part-Time
(Double click on the box and mark checked under Default Value.)
______weeks/months / ______weeks/months
Target Group
Overall Course Objectives
(The overall knowledge, skills and competences acquired by the learner at the end of the course.)
Entry Requirements
Course Rationale
(This Row is Optional – explain your reasoning behind offering this course/what is the marked need for this course/how this course fulfils these needs.)
Learning Outcomes for Communication Skills
for the whole course
(If the course is specifically about communication skills e.g. writing or speaking skills, this Section should be left out and Section D for each module filled in.) / The learner will be able to:
Learning Outcomes for Learning Skills for the whole course / The learner will be able to:
General pedagogical guidelines and procedures for this course
(Please consider an appropriate mix of teaching/learning methods that are fit for purpose and that allow learners with different learning styles and abilities to achieve mastery.) / (if available on website indicate specific URL)
General minimum qualifications for tutors/lecturers for this course
(Please refer to Communication No. 23/2014 ‘Qualification Level of Tutors’ of 15th October 2014, available from / (if available on website indicate specific URL)
General assessment policy and procedures
(Please consider an appropriate mix of assessment procedures that are fit for purpose and that allow learners with different learning styles and abilities to show mastery.) / (if available on website indicate specific URL)
List of Modules / Units Taught in the Course
(Please add lines as you deem fit to include all modules / units. Also include the number of ECTS / ECVET for each module and the Total ECTS / ECVET.) / Module Title
______/ Descriptors
(Indicate whether Compulsory or Elective)
______/ ECTS
Total ECTSs / ECVETs:
Section C – Procedures Checklist
(Please fill Section A before proceeding to Section D.)
Do you have procedures and structures in place for: / YES
It is available from here:
(Include specific page URL) / YES
(It is attached to the application) / NO
(If no give reasons)
1)Appropriate student information and support systems in line with the National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education
(Applies to all Awards & Qualifications)
2)Plagiarism and other misconduct
(Applies to all Awards & Qualifications)
3)Complaints procedures
(Applies to all Awards & Qualifications)
4)Taking temporary leave of absence
(Applies toall Awards & Qualifications)
5)Granting extension of studies
(Applies to all Awards & Qualifications)
6)Ethics approval system where applicable
(If an Ethics Committee is NOT required since the research component in this course does not necessitate this, (e.g. it is based on document research) this section should be marked as NA and a short explanation given.)
(Applies to all Awards & Qualifications)
7)Selection of dissertation tutors
(In this document meaning ‘dissertation, research project or research component/s of equivalent standard’.)
(Applies to Programmes at MQF Levels 5, 6, 7 & 8)
8)Dissertation and other examining boards
(Applies to Programmes at MQF Levels 5, 6, 7 & 8)
Additional notes as required:
Do not proceed to Section D of this application form until the above procedures, where applicable, have been marked as YES.
Section D – to fill in for each module/unit listed in Section B – Module InformationSub-Section D__ (Insert a consecutive number according to module)
Title of the Module/ Unit
Module/Unit Description
(Optional - please explain your reasoning behind wishing to provide this module/unit and/or how it fits within the whole course.)
Learning Outcomes / Competences: – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:
Knowledge – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following: (This can be a list of knowledge/content items)
Skills – at the end of the module/unit the learner will have mastered the following skills:
Applying knowledge and understanding
The learner will be able to:
Judgment Skills and Critical Abilities
(This section has been made sufficiently open to accommodate both vocational and academic orientations. Applicants can refer to Judgement Skills, or Critical Abilities (critical skills, dispositions, values and actions), or both.)
The learner will be able to:
Learning Outcomes / Additional Module-Specific Communication Skills, if required.
(Over and above those mentioned in Section A)
The learner will be able to:
Additional Module-Specific Learner Skills, if required.
(Over and above those mentioned in Section )
The learner will be able to
Hours of Total Learning for this Module/Unit / Contact
hours / Supervised
practice hours
(During these hours the
learner is supervised,
coached or mentored.)
hours / Assessment
Total Number of ECTS / ECVET of this Module/ Unit / ______ECTS / ECVET
Explain how this module/unit will be taught in line with Section B
(Please provide module/unit-specific details as applicable.)
Explain how this module/unit will be assessed in line with Section B
(Please provide module/unit-specific details as applicable.)
Reading List
(Please distinguish between core and supplementary texts as applicable. Courses at MQF 5 and above should not just present the main legislation or one textbook/source, but present also other viewpoints and perspectives as applicable. For texts/sources with different editions, it is recommended that the latest version is included. For courses at MQF 5 and above it is recommended that texts should not be older than 10 years, although this threshold may be too low for higher MQF Levels especially in particular content areas. The exception is ‘classic/canonical’ texts, such as the original texts by Piaget in psychology or Plato’s Republic in Philosophy, to give two examples.)
Additionalminimum formal qualifications and experience required to teach this Module/Unit
(Apart from information in Section B.) / (n.b. Please attach the Curriculum Vitae of the person who will be delivering this module/unit if the person is already identified.)
Kindly submit your application to:
Accreditation Unit
National Commission for Further and Higher Education
Sir Temi Zammit Buildings, Malta Life Sciences Centre Ltd, Malta Life Sciences Park,
San Gwann, SGN 3000, MALTA
or via email on in Word format.
For further assistance kindly call NCFHE on +356 2381 0000during office hours.
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