1 May 2012
SES RP2 Regulatory Approach Consultation
Editable version of the questionnaire
This file contains an editable version of the questionnaire, provided for the convenience of Stakeholders. It is offered as a tool to Stakeholders who wish to prepare, share and consolidate their contributions prior to submitting them on-line. This is an unofficial document. In case of discrepancy the version of the questionnaire on the EC website prevails.
Please not that this file should by no means be used to submit Stakeholder contributions to the PRB or the EC. Only contributions submitted via the on-line consultation website will be taken into account.
Consultation is included in the following list:
European Commission > Transport > Public consultations
Text of the introductory web page
Public consultations
Public consultation on the proposed regulatory approach for a revision of the SES performance scheme addressing the second reference period (RP2) and beyond.
Consultation period: 16/03/2012 – 08/06/2012
On-line questionnaire: http://ec.europa.eu/yourvoice/ipm/forms/dispatch?form=sesrp2ra
Objectives of the consultation
The performance scheme is a key element of the Single European Sky (SES) initiative, which aims at ensuring “more sustainable and better performing aviation”.
The first set of questions relates to the regulatory approach document (RA document) (http://ec.europa.eu/transport/air/consultations/doc/2012-06-08-regulatory-approach-document.pdf) prepared by the Performance Review Body (PRB) at the request of the Commission services. It contains the PRB’s advice on the development of the SES performance scheme in terms of substance, for application from the second reference period onwards (RP2, starting 1 January 2015).
There is a second set of questions in which the Commission's services seek stakeholder opinion on additional performance and charging scheme related subjects, beyond the PRB’s proposed regulatory approach.
This consultation is open from 16 March to 8 June 2012.
Main thrust of the proposed revisions
Implementation of the performance scheme started on 1 January 2012. Acknowledged as being an initial period of three years only (2012-2014), the first reference period (RP1) addresses mainly the en route part of air navigation service (ANS) provision and focuses target setting on en route capacity, environment and cost-efficiency. It aims to bring early benefits to the industry, focussing on en route air navigation services and facilitates lessons to be learnt on the operation of the scheme before full coverage is achieved in RP2.
The proposed revision of the performance scheme in RP2 is driven by two main needs:
Ø First, to improve and reinforce the performance scheme.
Proposals to improve and reinforce the performance scheme are set out in Chapter 1 of the RA document. Many of them build on lessons learnt and/or result from stakeholders’ feedback collected through an informal consultation phase carried out between June and November 2011.
The proposals also seek to ensure greater consistency and convergence between the performance scheme and other SES tools, such as the charging scheme, the Functional Airspace Blocks and the deployment of SESAR technology, as well as with other EU policies, such as the “Better Airports” package.
The general principles applied by the PRB are to 1) build on existing provisions and keep stability of the performance scheme wherever possible; 2) complement target setting as necessary based on tested indicators; 3) identify new indicators as required to assist in consistency assessments and prepare the ground for future evolutions; and 4) define related reporting requirements.
Ø Second, as foreseen in Commission Regulation (EU) 691/2010 (“the performance Regulation”), to extend the performance scheme to cover the full gate-to-gate scope, with target-setting in all four Key Performance Areas (KPA). This extension is addressed in a methodical way: For each KPA, various options are identified, their impact is assessed, and a preferred option is presented.
A system of target setting and performance monitoring for the safety KPA is proposed in Chapter 4 of the RA document. It was developed in close liaison with EASA.
Proposals for the environment and capacity KPAs are presented in Chapters 5 and 6 of the RA document respectively. They would reinforce the existing target setting system for en-route, complement it with incentives as appropriate, extend it to terminal areas and ground movements, build on new provisions from the Network Functions Regulation, and prepare the ground for future evolutions, such as vertical flight and/or fuel efficiency interventions planned during the period.
Finally, Chapter 7 of the RA document recommends to retain the existing target setting and incentive system for the cost-efficiency KPA as far as route charges are concerned, and to complement it with a system of local target setting for terminal air navigation services charges.
Next Steps
The feedback received to this consultation on the options and recommendations contained in the RA document and further work of the PRB will support the work of the Commission services on amendments to the performance and the charging Regulations.
The aim is to finalise the amendment of the performance and the charging scheme by end 2012 to allow EU-wide performance targets for RP2 to be set for all KPAs and adopted before end 2013. The year 2014 will then be devoted to the establishment, assessment and adoption of performance plans for RP2.
How to submit your contribution
The consultation is being launched only in electronic form via the interactive policy-making tool.
We welcome contributions from citizens, organisations and public authorities.
Received contributions will be published on the Internet.
You are strongly advised to prepare your contribution in advance before filling-in the questionnaire online. We recommend you download the PDF file of the questionnaire (http://ec.europa.eu/transport/air/consultations/doc/2012-06-08-sesrp2.pdf), to allow you to draft your answers to the open text questions carefully.
After preparing all your answers, please open the online questionnaire and fill it out.
Questions are either compulsory or optional. If any of the compulsory fields have not been filled in, the system will not allow you to submit the questionnaire but will redirect you to the incomplete answer and give you an opportunity to correct it. An error message will appear in a purple/red colour under the question in which a problem occurred.
If you leave the questionnaire for 90 minutes without activity, your contribution will not be saved due to a time-out.
Please note that you should not use the ‘Back’ button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen to navigate the online questionnaire, because this will lead to a loss of all the data that you have already inserted. For navigation, you should use the buttons ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ at the bottom of the questionnaire page instead.
When you successfully submit the questionnaire, a confirmation message will appear on your screen and you can print your answers.
Contributions may be submitted in any official EU language.
Please note that it is not useful to submit the same answers many times because what will be taken into account are the arguments, facts and figures that are submitted, not the number of times they are submitted.
Contributions received in reply to the consultation will be handled by a consultant and used by the Commission services; the summary of the consultation's results will be published on the Commission's website. If you do not wish your contribution to be made public, please indicate this in your reply. In that case, your reply will also not be mentioned in future documents that may refer to this consultation.
If you are replying on behalf of an organisation, please state your name, address and official title in your reply. Any reply on behalf of an organisation which does not state the interests which it represents or the extent to which it is representative of the sector (number of members, size of organisation in relation to the sector to which its members belong) will be regarded as an individual reply and not a collective reply.
As part of the European Transparency Initiative, organisations are invited to use the Register of interest representatives to provide the European Commission and the public at large with information about their objectives, funding and structures. If you are not registered yet in this register, please visit: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/transparency/regrin/welcome.do?locale=en
Please note that this document has been drafted for information and consultation purposes only. It has not been adopted or in any way approved by the European Commission and should not be regarded as representative of the views of Commission staff. It does not in any way prejudge, or constitute the announcement of, any position on the part of the Commission on the issues covered.
The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided, nor does it accept responsibility for any use made thereof.
Related documents
Ø Regulation (EU) No 691/2010: "Performance Regulation" http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32010R0691:EN:NOT
Ø Regulation (EU) No 1216/2011: "Safety Indicators" http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32011R1216:EN:NOT
Ø Regulation (EU) No 1191/2010: "Charging Regulation" http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32010R1191:EN:NOT
Ø Regulation (EU) No 677/2011: "Network Functions" http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32011R0677:EN:NOT
Background documents
Ø The Regulatory Approach document http://ec.europa.eu/transport/air/consultations/doc/2012-06-08-regulatory-approach-document.pdf
Ø Online questionnaire http://ec.europa.eu/yourvoice/ipm/forms/dispatch?form=sesrp2ra
Ø Hard copy http://ec.europa.eu/transport/air/consultations/doc/2012-06-08-sesrp2.pdf
Ø Register of interest representative (https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/transparency/regrin/welcome.do?locale=en)
Public consultation on the proposed regulatory approach for a revision of the SES performance scheme addressing the second reference period (RP2) and beyond
The performance scheme is a key element of the Single European Sky (SES) initiative, which aims at ensuring “more sustainable and better performing aviation”.
The first set of questions relates to the regulatory approach document (RA document) prepared by the Performance Review Body (PRB) at the request of the Commission services. It contains the PRB’s advice on the development of the SES performance scheme in terms of substance, for application from the second reference period onwards (RP2, starting 1 January 2015).
There is a second set of questions in which the Commission's services seek stakeholder opinion on additional performance and charging scheme related subjects, beyond the PRB’s proposed regulatory approach.
This consultation is open from 16 March to 8 June 2012.
I. Respondent information
1. Identification
If you are speaking on behalf of an organisation, note that as part of the European Transparency Initiative, organisations are invited to use the register of interest representatives to provide the European Commission and the public at large with information about their objectives, funding and structures (http://europa.eu/transparency-register/index_en.htm).
If you are a registered organisation, your contribution will be considered as representing the views of your organisation. If your organisation is not registered, your contribution will be considered as an individual contribution. You have the opportunity to register now by clicking on the above link.
I speak on behalf of* (compulsory) {radio buttons}
1. Myself
2. An individual organisation
3. An association representing other organisations
{if answer > 1 then ‘organisation or association}
Can you please identify which organisation or association you represent?* (compulsory)
[ ] {max 100 characters}
Please indicate if your organisation is registered in the Transparency Register of the Commission:* (compulsory) {radio buttons}
1. Yes
2. No
{if answer = 1 then ‘in transparency register}
Please enter your registration number in the Transparency Register and check the validity of your entry via the search function in the Transparency Register. Please note that invalid entries will by default be regarded as unregistered. (optional)
[ ] {max 30 characters}
{end if ‘in transparency register }
Your job title* (optional)
[ ] {max 100 characters}
{end if ‘organisation or association }
Your name and first name* (compulsory)
[ ] {max 100 characters}
Please indicate a contact email address?* (compulsory)
[ ] {max 100 characters}
Please select the stakeholder type?* (compulsory) {drop down}
1. Airport operator
2. Airport coordinator
3. Airline
4. Other civil airspace user
5. Military
6. Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP)
7. National Supervisory Authority (NSA)
8. Ministry
9. Functional Airspace Block (FAB) – ANSP side
10. Functional Airspace Block (FAB) – NSA side
11. Trade union
12. Other
{if answer = (4 or 11) then}
Which other? (optional)
[ ] {max 250 characters}
{end if}
2. Confidentiality
Contributions received to this consultation, together with the identity of the contributor, may be published by the Commission, unless the contributor objects to the publication of the personal data on the grounds that such publication would harm his or her legitimate interests. In this case, the publication may be published in an anonymous form.
The contributor may also object to the publication of his contribution, but should be aware that he may later be requested to provide justification in accordance with the exceptions provided under Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents (http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/access_documents/index_en.htm).
* (compulsory) {radio buttons}
1. The contribution may be published.
2. I object to the publication of my personal data (publication in anonymous form).
3. I object to the publication of my contribution.
No / Question / Answer /II. Consultation on the regulatory approach for RP2 proposed by the Performance Review Body
This part of the questionnaire seeks stakeholder feedback on the regulatory approach for RP2 proposed by the Performance Review Body. The questions are closely related to the RA document which can be downloaded from this site.
The questions are grouped in five sections:
II-A. Lessons learned from RP1, review of the process and horizontal issues
II-B. Safety Key Performance Area
II-C. Environment Key Performance Area
II-D. Capacity Key Performance Area
II-E. Cost-Efficiency Key Performance Area
II-A. Lessons learned from RP1, review of the process and horizontal issues
1 / Timing, synchronisation and coordination of processes
The PRB proposes (see RA document section 3.1.1 and Figure 4) to adapt a number of milestones to achieve two objectives: (1) create as much room as possible in the timetable for the performance plan development, consultation and assessment; and (2) avoid as much as possible heavy workload for Member States, ANSPs and the PRB.
To which extent do you agree with these proposals? / 1. No opinion
2. Fully
3. Mostly
4. To some extent
5. Not at all
Free text max 4000 characters
2 / Duration of the reference periods