Profiles of the Gifted & Talented – Matrix
Characteristics and behaviors which may be observed
English Language Learners (ELL) / Poverty / Twice Exceptional (2X)Verbal /
- Proficient or advanced in listening, speaking, reading, and writing
- Role playing
- Story telling
- Risk taker
- Quick to learn second language
- Expresses self both orally and written in more than one language
- Expressive in body language
- Sense of humor
- Awareness of world happenings
- Adapts successfully in two languages
- Not satisfied with simple answers
- Able to converse with older adults
- Socially oriented
- Exceptional memory skills
- Strives to achieve, wants to perform at the highest level possible
- May display characteristics in native language or English
- Obnoxious with questions
- Learns at a fast rate
- Absorbs more facts/details
- Speaksin casual registerof language
- Gets meaning from asking numerous questions
- Verbally precocious
- Complex story telling-not complex language
- Uses descriptive language (not necessarily advanced in vocabulary)
- Fluent in their native language
- Motivated in reading
- Applies reading strategies
- Humor
- Vivid language
- Uses language to build personal relationships
- Smart mouth – clever wit
- Not always positive
- Trouble listening without interruptions
- Strong analogies
- High oral language skills and comprehension
- Excels in reading or writing
- Struggles with basic literacy skills despite strong oral and listening skills
- Interacts orally with adults
- Strong verbal reasoning skills
- Verbally precocious
- Avoids written work despite strong oral language or reading skills
- Visual-motor problems
Non-Verbal /
- Uses visual representation/drawing to demonstrate learning
- High ability to absorb and process information
- High level of abstract thinking
- Able to improvise & implement with objects
- Problem solving skills
- Very inquisitive
- Productive in small groups
- Bored with solving repetitive tasks
- Adapts to demands of culture
- Attentive to visual details
- Flexible thinker
- Disassembles facts
- Strong memory
- Motivated by external vs. internal pressures
- Problem solving skills
- Seeks relevance in tasks
- Tends to be kinesthetic learner
- Situational learners
- Divergent
- Improvises when problem solving
- Strong verbal analogies
- Intuitive problem solver
- Grasps patterns
- Flexible thinker
- Intuitive math skills
- May not appear academically gifted
- Seems average but moments of “ah-has”
- Conceptual skills may not be demonstrated in academic performance
- Impulsive
- Pursues own topics of interest
- Higher in one area than others
- Excels in hands-onand visual-spatial activities
- Difficulty with sequencing or linear thinking
- Difficulty explaining or expressing ideas
- Does best with geometry, spatial math
- Interested in “big picture” rather than details
Quantitative /
- Strong memory and able to recall mathematical functions
- Problem solving skills
- Processes information from whole to part and vice versa
- Grasps and retains math facts
- NOT a flexible thinker
- Automatism with numbers
- Impatience with repetition
- Nontraditional computation methods
- Match/sort attributes
- Patterning abilities
- Reasoning
- Intuitively grasps math concepts
- Learns math facts and operations quickly
- Strong math abilities despite struggles with language or literacy
- Strong math problem-solving or concepts despite difficulties learning math facts
- Automatism with numbers
- Impatience with repetition
- Nontraditional computation methods
- Patterning abilities
- NOT a flexible thinker
English Language Learners (ELL) / Poverty / Twice Exceptional (2X)
Creative /
- Imagination in telling stories
- Lots of different solutions/flexible
- Curious
- Fantasizes
- Strong intuition
- Perfectionist in one or more arts
- Project based learning
- Strong outside interests
- Enjoys creative movement
- Improvises with lack of materials or resources
- Develops new uses for materials
- Seeks out personal connections & communication
- Sets own goals
- Ingenuity
- Rationalizes actions
- Lack of concern for norms
- Multiple solutions to problems
- Expressive role play
- Clever answers
- Silly responses
- Non-conformist
- Appreciates color/arts
- Appreciates non-traditional forms of art
- Do things their own way
- Non-compliant in classroom
- Disengages in routine tasks
- Exceptionally street wise
- Adjusts to ones surroundings or settings
- Makes up games and activities displaying imagination
- Creative in the generation of thoughts, ideas, actions
- Innovative
- Unusual imagination
- Frequently generates unusual, at times bizarre ideas
- Class clown
- Focused creative interests- often not related to school subjects
- May identify with counter culture
- Tactile/ kinesthetic strengths
- Musical or artistic aptitudes
- Emotionally/ socially sensitive
- Visual-spatial strengths
- May struggle with depression/ existential issues
Cultural /
- Responsibility for siblings
- Tends not to show intellectual ability
- May respond to touching
- Avoids conflict
- Performs better with affirmation
- High achiever if has personal contact
- Story telling skills
- Respectful of elders, family, community
- Relationships are valuable
- Collaborative
- Can solve social problems
- Discomfort level in competitive situations
- Some seek out competitive athletic activities
- Humor highly valued
- Relationships valued more than wealth
- Motivated by family respect
- Intuitive reasoning
- Pride in culture/home
- Motivated by acceptance or approval
- Emotionally responsive rather than intellectually responsive
- Tactile or kinesthetic learner
- Community more important than self
- Prioritizes time and events differently
- Functions in the moment
- Social connections are concrete
- Sensitive to emotions
- Expresses individualism
- Low self-esteem
- Low Productivity
- Seeks to hide giftedness
- Perfectionism/ reluctance to take academic risks/ procrastination
- Feelings of isolation/ loneliness
- May be “street-wise” and demonstrate leadership among non-traditional students
- Wide range of interests but difficulty pursuing them due to processing issues
- Attentional/ organizational problems
- Clowning behaviors
- Self critical/ critical of others
When seeking out an instrument for identification there is NOT one instrument that fits all. Here are some options to build a body of evidence:
ELL – Instruments to Collect Data: / Poverty – Instruments to Collect Data: / Twice-Exceptional – Instruments to Collect Data:Betts-Neihart Scales (*) / Betts-Neihart Scales (*) / Betts-Neihart Scales (*)
Bilingual Verbal Abilities Test (BVAT) / Bilingual Ravens Non-Verbal Ability Test / DAS_II
Colorado English Language Assessment (CELA) / DAS_II / GRS
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (CTONI) / Discover Teaching / KABC-II
Differential Abilities Scales- Second Edition (DAS-II), School- Aged Version / KABC-II
Product/Project - Rubric
Gifted Rating Scales (GRS) / NNAT / Special Education Data
Hispanic Bilingual Gifted Screening Instruments / Positive Traits / SB 5
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (KABC-II)
Kingore Observation Inventory (KOI) / Renzulli Scales
Slocumb-Payne Environmental Opportunities Profile / WISC-IV
Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities Test (NNAT) / Slocumb-Payne Teacher Perception Inventory
Ravens Non-Verbal Abilities Test / SB 5
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales: Fifth Edition (SB 5) / WISC-IV / Creative – Instruments to collect Data
Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT) / WPPSI-III / KOI
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) / Renzulli Scales
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence- Third Edition (WPPSI-III)
Woodcock-Johnson III, Spanish Edition