John Ross PTO

General Meeting Minutes

September 1, 2017

9:20 am, cafeteria

PTO Board Members Present: Christa Ellis, John Ross Principal; James Pratt, Assistant Principal; Donni Harris, John Ross Counselor; Rhonda Isakson, President; Becky Vincent, Vice President; Dana Gray, President-Elect

There were 28additional PTO members present with Mrs. Goodwin’s first grade class earning the cookie party for having the most parents in attendance. (will be receiving cookies on Friday, September 15th)

James Gray won the Sonic gift card from our attendance raffle.


Mrs. Ellis explained the Conscious Discipline program that teachers are working to implement this year. Mr. Pratt spoke regarding Donuts for D.O.G.S which is scheduled for September 19th.


-Introduced officers in attendance. M’Kayla Nance (Treasurer) and Donielle Larison (Secretary) were not in attendance.

-Schedule of Events

  • 9/14 New Student Hospitality
  • 9/18 NO SCHOOL
  • 9/19 Donuts for D.O.G.S
  • 9/25 Sonic Night

-Yearbook Shadow needed. This individual would shadow our current Yearbook Chair and then would take over the position next year. An explanation was given as to how parents may upload candid pictures.

-When construction is complete, extra shade and new playground borders will be purchased and installed.

-No longer collecting Uptown Receipts.

-Not selling Thunder tickets this year due to poor response last year.

-Extra eclipse glasses where sold as a small fundraiser and earned PTO $880.

-Boosterthon is coming up 10/2-11.

-Join our PTO Remind101. Send a text to 81010 with the message @johnrossp

-John Ross Schoolwide Directory emails were sent to teachers and should have been received by parents. This is different than a single classroom directory. The deadline to submit your information is 9/15. If you have not received the link via an email from your teacher, please visit our John Ross PTO Facebook page to submit your information.

-A sign-up sheet for Grade Level PALS was passed around. This is for anyone that can volunteer to help other teachers. Some teachers do not have a PALS person and they can refer to this list if they are needed assistance. (There were only 2 individuals that volunteered by signing-up.)

-Financials-Preliminary Budget was presented and was to be voted on. Some questions were expressed, so the budget was tabled and will be presented again at the next PTO meeting in which M’Kayla Nance (Treasurer) will be present.

Thank you to our PTO VP, Becky Vincent, for taking notes in my absence!

Donielle Larison

PTO Secretary