CulpeperCountySchool Board11/14/2018 ~ 5:03:43 PM
November 26, 2007
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November 26, 2007
A budget work session of the School Board of Culpeper County was held November 26, 2007 in the School Board Central Office (Colin Owens Conference Room) at 450 Radio Lane at 6:00 p.m.
Present were Elizabeth Hutchins (Cedar Mountain District), Chair; Robert Beard (East Fairfax District); George Dasher (Stevensburg District), Vice-Chair; Leanne Jenkins (Jefferson District); Claudia Vento (West Fairfax District); Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Eric Conti; Clerk of the Board Jeff Shomo, Director of Human Resources Starr Rowe, Budget Analyst Lauren Willis, Construction Projects Manager Hunter Spencer, Executive Director of Administrative Services Dr. Larry Carter, Director of Maintenance Geary Parkinson, Superintendent Dr. David Cox, and Deputy Clerk Pearl Jamison.
Jennifer McCauley (Salem District) and Robert L. Jenkins III (Catalpa District) were absent.
At 6 p.m. Ms. Hutchins called the meeting to order and Dr. Cox called the roll.
On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Mr. Dasher, the Board went into closed session immediately regarding:
[a]Discussion of a Religious Exemption for Named Students A, B, & C as permitted
by the Code of Virginia [2.2-3711 (A) (2)]
Motion carried 5-0 by voice vote.
On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Mr. Dasher, the Board ended the closed session at 6:15 p.m. and certified by the following roll call vote that only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements and only the items included in the motion to go into closed session were discussed:
Robert Beard
George Dasher
Elizabeth Hutchins
Leanne Jenkins
Claudia Vento
Robert L. Jenkins, III
Jennifer McCauley
The meeting reconvened at 6:30 p.m.
Ms. Hutchins noted that the agenda was amended after distribution to include Lease Purchase of Technology Equipment and Health/Administration/Attendance. She also noted that Ways to Improve Communication was removed.
On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Mr. Dasher, the Board approved the adoption of the agenda. Motion carried 5-0 by voice vote.
On motion of Ms. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Vento, the Board approved the consent agenda. Motion carried 5-0 by voice vote.
(a) Request for Religious Exemption of Named Student A
(b) Request for Religious Exemption of Named Student B
(c) Request for Religious Exemption of Named Student C
(d)Personnel Recommendations
The board heard the following reports:
Update on - Allowance/Change Order/Soft-Costs
EasternViewHigh School - Dr. Cox said when EVHS was bid the bids came in over budget. He said one provision the school board put in the requests for bids was a series of alternative deduction bids – stadium, auditorium, and one academic house. He said the school board considered deleting the stadium; however, the school oversight committee recommended building the complete building. He said that left the school board in arrears of $3 million in soft-costs. He said Hunter Spencer has worked at narrowing the deficits. He said the Board of Supervisor’s appropriated $53 million for the project. He said a lease purchase of technology equipment will be discussed later as a way of decreasing costs.
Ms. Hutchins recognized Anne Luckinbill, Rusty Jenkins, and Jimmy Lee newly elected school board members, and Tom Underwood newly elected supervisor who were seated in the audience.
Mr. Spencer referred members to page 7 of their packet. He said change order 10 and 11 are the only new change orders. He noted that on change order 11 he removed a VDOT request to install additional guard rails and gate width on the driveway. He said the revised general building allowance is $215,932.01.
Discussion ensued relative to the irrigation system at the football stadium. Mr. Spencer said the irrigation water is from the county well at the sports complex.
Mr. Spencer referred members to page 2 of their packet. He said the soil is better than they had anticipated; resulting in a savings. He said the allowance balance as of today is $762,787,01. He said he anticipates a final balance of $517,355.
Mr. Spencer distributed an update relative to the furnishings and equipment for EVHS. He said previously he estimated $3.9 million. He said the handout reflects $2.8 million. He said this includes leasing computers rather than purchasing them. He said the proposal also deletes furnishings for 12 classrooms as well as lowering the number of seats in each classroom. He said ROTC would also use a lot of their old equipment. He said the proposal also includes deleting the furnishing and setup for one Marketing and Business classroom – reducing number of work stations, reduce cafeteria seating and reduce scope of fitness center.
Mr. Spencer reviewed the soft costs estimates for EVHS. He said the estimated preliminary surplus is $544,941.26. He said that reflects about $1 million in savings since the October presentation. Mr. Spencer said $983,000 can be saved in lease purchase of computers.
Mr. Beard said this clearly represents an unimaginable amount of work to culminate additional savings of this amount.
Mr. Dasher asked how the additional classrooms would be funded in the future. Mr. Shomo said that money comes from the operating budget.
Mr. Spencer said we will start ordering furniture in the next week or two with delivery after April 15th.
Ms. Hutchins asked if fine arts line item includes money for gowns and tuxedos. Mr. Spencer said money is included for concert attire.
Ms. Jenkins requested that the board receive a copy of the breakdown on items for furnishings at EVHS.
Mr. Spencer said the YES project is $838,000 short.
Ms. Hutchins asked when we need to order equipment for Yowell to open on time. Mr. Spencer said he will need to place orders in January.
Mr. Beard asked what we are ordering this week. Mr. Spencer said Mr. Mello will order sports uniforms.
Dr. Cox said it is our commitment to utilize as much savings as possible.
Lease Purchase Technology Equipment
Dr. Cox said to increase our savings he feels the school system should lease purchase computer equipment for YES and EVHS. He said we would put out an RFP for computer equipment or ride on a state bid. He said some companies offer a lease purchase for computer equipment over a period of 5 years. Ms. Vento asked how long the life of a computer is. Dr. Cox said the useful life is 3-5 years. He said we have many computers older than 5 years. He said for testing and instructional purposes the server is used. He said during the period of lease purchase we also receive a warranty. Mr. Beard asked how long the RFP will take. Dr. Cox said approximately 30 days. Dr. Cox said we currently receive $280,000 from the state for technology. He said we estimate the lease purchase over five years to be approximately the same cost. Ms. Hutchins asked how many computers we will lease. Mr. Shomo said we have to have about 1,000 computers to open EVHS. Mr. Shomo said he feels the lease purchase option is a good idea. Dr. Cox said staff will continue to work to narrow the costs. He said he would like to include an early pay option on the lease as well.
Ms. Jenkins said the community needs to understand that the school system will lease computers and have to pay for them over a series of years.
The board agreed to proceed with the RFP.
The board observed a 10 minute recess at 7:35 p.m.
Mr. Shomo referred members to pages 19-25 (Administration, Health, and Attendance.) He said each page shows a 4 year history. He said this reflects all the new positions with the associated fringes. He reviewed various items by object code. He noted some of the FY2009 increases – licensure, fingerprinting machine, and employee awards.
The board asked for an update of the E-school Solutions subfinder program.
Mr. Shomo said the proposed FY2009 budget for administration/health is $4,609,257 which is an increase of $681,217.
Mr. Shomo referred members to pages 30-40 (Operation and Maintenance). He highlighted some of the additional positions in the recommended budget as well as FY2009 increases. He noted that a 4% increase in salaries is reflected across the board. Mr. Shomo said the $80,000 increase in heating reflects restoring the previous temperatures for heating/cooling prior to current budget cuts.
Dr. Cox noted that our premium at Rappahannock Electric is higher than Dominion Power.
Mr. Shomo said the money for hauling water at EHES came from object code 5800.
Mr. Parkinson said Mr. Robson has negotiated prices with vendors for janitorial supplies.
Mr. Parkinson reviewed object code 6007. He said the figures are derived from history. Mr. Parkinson said we currently rent our uniforms from Cintas; however, there are more vendors available now and we will be rebidding.
Mr. Shomo said the proposed FY2009 budget for maintenance is $9,436,381 which is an increase of $2,513,477. He said $1.6 million can be attributed to opening EVHS and YES.
Ms. Jenkins left the meeting at 8:42 p.m.
Mr. Shomo referred members to pages 26-29. He noted the additional costs for mid-day runs, 4% salary increases, 5 new bus drivers, and 5 new bus routes. He said the anticipated increase for fuel is $71,769. He said we burn approximately 850,000 gallons of fuel each day. He said we have finalized our bus lease.
Ms. Vento asked how old our oldest bus is. Mr. Rankin said a 1992 International. He said the state recommends a 12-14 year turnover on busses. Ms. Vento said the board needs to be more proactive in replacing busses. Further discussion ensued.
Mr. Beard asked if the transportation committee’s proposal will increase costs. Mr. Rankin said he is unsure at this point.
Mr. Shomo said the proposed FY2009 budget for transportation is $4,000,190 which is an increase of $294,947. He said $107,000 can be attributed to opening EVHS and YES.
Food Service
Mr. Shomo referred members to pages 41-42. He said food service is an enterprise fund. He noted that federal guidelines require that food service maintain 3-4 months worth of expenses. He said we currently have $1.1 million in our account as of June 30, 2007. He said of that $400,000 will be used to purchase equipment for YES. Mr. Shomo said it will cost $443,000 to run 2 more kitchens each year.
Mr. Shomo said the proposed FY209 budget for food service is $3,407,993 which is an increase of $494,749.
Ms. Hutchins asked about the status of the EHES well. Mr. Parkinson said Stilwell will be done Wednesday. He said it should be on-line by the first of next week.
Ms. Hutchins reminded board members of the joint CCSB/BOS meeting on Thursday.
On motion of Mr. Beard seconded by Mr. Dasher, the Board voted to adjourn at 9:13 p.m. Motion carried 4-0 by voice vote.