OakcreekWomens Golf Association
General Meeting
December 13, 2016
President, Sandy Bruns, called the meeting to order at 2:20 PM. Julie Larson made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 19th meeting and it was seconded by Donna Cantello.
Sandy asked for a vote on the use of the Teal Tees by some members during play days. This was being done on a trial basis for the past few months. Most women agreed that it was working well. Sally Sieberts made a motion to allow members to choose to play those tees and it was seconded by Julie Larson. The vote passed.
Next, Sandy brought up the question of letting members play on Tuesday with the group but not compete in the game for that day or pay into the prize money. The Board had decided to do this on a trial basis for a few months. There was a question about whether those members would play by themselves at the end of the league players or be mixed in with the members who were competing in the game. There were some members who voiced a concern about losing the competitive nature of the league and having non-competing members in their foursome. There were several of the members who were in favor of this new plan. They wanted the social aspect of the group and mixing with other golfers without the pressure of competition and having to play the “silly” games. Dawn Bush stated she didn’t mind working with two groups when planning the Tuesday pairings. Heather Risk thought it would be a good idea to let these members play in the group. She suggested forming a committee to look at the games and tournament schedule to satisfy all players needs and concerns. After more discussion, Jane Wienberg made a motion to allow members to sign up and play in the group without competing in the game. The majority of members present voted to follow this plan.**
Treasurer, Jane Wienberg reported on the budget. We have surplus funds in the account due to extra income from the Country Club Board (our dues) and from donations collected during the Invitational Tournament. Some of this money was used to supply the free lunch we all enjoyed for the Christmas party.
Dawn Bush announced all the winners from the major tournaments this year.
Sandy Marion awarded a check to Lori Zaun for her Hole-in-one. Sandy also announced that Alison Wheeler was the Most Improved Golfer this year. Connie Rupiper announced the winners from the Ringer tournament. A question was asked about the State Medallion winners and Liz Chang said she would look into that.
New Board members and Chairs were approved as stated in the October 19, 2016 meeting.
Julie Larson moved to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Donna Cantello.
Minutes submitted by,
Margi Honea, Secretary
**Addendum to minutes:
Clarification by Donna Cantello per her email. The final motion I believe should state that “Members who didn’t want to compete (do not pay the weekly fee) in the weekly games would be mixed into the foursomes except in a team event (ABCD, partner etc) or major tournaments (Club Championship, match play, Partners Eclectic etc…).” This would keep the league members mixing and getting to know other members, which is one of the goals of the league. I have to admit it’s not all about competition.