Tasks and Decisions to be made

Tasks & decisions to be made / Description / Solution
(Decision made) / Person responsible / Estimated time / Completion date
Learning theory or learning design / Do we have any particular learning theory or learning design to be based on in designing the topic content? /
  • Learning is to be driven by the activities.
  • The work must generic so where a student needs subject specific resources they must be directed to go and find them e.g. find a key paper for your field and say why it is key
  • Tutoring will be required to tell them if they have got things right e.g no that is not a key paper

Specifications for the user PC / What do we require the user’s PC have?
  • Multimedia PC
  • Internet connection, preferably broadband
  • Players – need to identify what players are required.
  • Probably can’t specify broadband
/ AB to write specification
Authoring tool /
  • Which authoring tool are we going to use to implement the materials?
  • Are we going to ask the champions to use a certain Learning Design tool, such as eXe or LAMS…?
  • eXe

Navigation design / The structure of the module materials and how we will allow the user to access them.
  • Activities – separate window?
  • all driven by choice of activity and what works best

Interface design / The interface will differ depending on what authoring tool we choose for the implementation.
  • Colour schemes – background and foreground colours and etc.
  • blue/grey/university colours
  • style to be defined fro eXe

Providing and displaying text information (Text info. & PDF) / How to provide text-based information
  • Text-based information in a PDF format must be provided together with text in a HTML page or Word (accessibility issue involved)
  • students not expected to read large amounts of text on screen. All reading tasks must be in a printable format

Templates / In case we decide to use DreamWeaver or FrontPage /
  • NA

CSS / Needs to decide fonts and etc. /
  • verdana
  • 11 or 12 pt for on screen text

Interface for a page with video / The size and format of video clips /
  • flash video

Audio / Format and quality of audio /
  • mp3

Multiple choice quizzes template / Implementation tools & design specification /
  • eXe provides

Filling-in questions / Implementation tools & design specification /
  • eXe provides

Drag & drop questions / Implementation tools & design specification /
  • if necessary we will need to find a way to do this

Open questions / Implementation tools & design specification /
  • eXe provides

Graphics design and development /
  • Should each learning technologist develop their own graphics? Or will one of us do?
  • Who is going to design the graphical components
  • as appropriate depending on skills, time commitment etc.

Animation (Flash) /
  • Are we to design our own?
  • Tools to be used? Any?
  • if required – keep it simple

Information layout for Glossary / How are we going to provide the content?
  • Alphabetically and under each topic?
e.g. term, definition, and related topics /
  • to be decide later – for now Champs to flag up glossary terms

Information layout for References / How are we going to provide the content?
  • All and for each topic?
  • champs to give reading list – star system for compulsory/useful?
  • refs divided in ref frame according to theme

Content design for Study Guide /
  • How the students can use the Word log file for their study?
  • What do we need to include here?
  • Do we need to provide the module structure here?
  • file may contain templates
  • students must save to own hard drive/file space
  • VLE upload used to send to tutor as directed
Study guide AB to write
Content design for Help /
  • A description of the navigation and interface?
  • How to save a log file here?
  • What else?
  • Do we need to include ‘Contacts’ here or as a separate option menu?
  • to be added later except for the briefest how to use page – AB to write

Implementation of storing the user data / Storing the user responses for future use. Possible solutions are:
  1. Deposit a user file (Word) in the drop-box. The user and tutor must use the same version of Microsoft Word.
  2. Save it on the user’s PC
  3. Store the information on the school database system and upload it when the user accesses certain pages that require the information
(A problem for 3 – different database systems used by Schools, so each school needs to implement to suit their own system. And can we save it using Blackboard?). /
  • see above re log files