224 / State Subsidiary Unitary Enterprise«Computer Centre of Main Production Department
on Housing Services of MinskCity Executive Committee»
LocalCouncils of Deputies, executiveandregulatoryauthorities
Moskovskayastr. 9/25, 220007Minsk
(+375 17) 219-06-09(+375 17) 219-06-09
Director: / GennadyA. Gornostaev
Main activities: / Automation of the computation of housing and communal services payments
Ensuring record and distribution of financial resources received from households between communal services suppliers through complex automation
Software development and support, office appliances, equipment and software supply and maintenance
Information services
Staff – …
225 /
Presidential Affaires Department of the Republic of Belarus
Tsentralnaya str. 3, 221118 Domzheritsy village, Lepel district, Vitebsk region(+375 2132) 2-63-44(+375 2132) 2-63-42
Director: / VikentyE. Khmaro
Mainactivities: / Organisation and carrying out of research works
Organisation of environmental monitoring
Assistance in the training of scientific personnel and specialists in the field of environmental protection
Preservation of natural complex as a historically developed landscape and genetic fund of flora and fauna
Preservation of cultural heritage (ethnographic, archeological, historical, paleontological and other objects)
Tourism organisation
Staff –17, PhD. – 5
226 /
Presidential Affaires Department of the Republic of BelarusDachnaya str. 1, 211970 Braslav, Braslav district, Vitebsk region
(+375 2153) 2-93-61(+375 2153) 2-93-61
Director: / IvanI. Kasyanenko
Mainactivities: / Integratedbiogeocenoticandlandscaperesearch
Staff – 7, PhD – 1
227 /
Public Institution
Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of BelarusStaroborisovsky highway 24, 220114 Minsk
(+375 17) 264-25-08 (+375 17) 264-16-95
Director: / Vasily B. Smychek
Main activities: / Basicandappliedresearchinthefieldofmedico-socialexpertise
Basicandappliedresearchin the field of medical, medico-vocational, vocational and social rehabilitation
Developmentofsoftwareandhardwaretoolsforthesupportofscientific and practical activities in the field of medico-social expertise and medical rehabilitation
Elaborationofstatestatisticalrecordingandreportingforms for morbidity with temporary invalidity and disability
Epidemiologicalandstatisticalinvestigationinthefieldofmedico-socialexpertiseandmedicalrehabilitation, historic analysis of indicators on morbidity with temporary invalidity in the Republic of Belarus, development of scientifically-grounded proposals on their optimisation
Staff – 62, Doctor of Science – 2, PhD – 12
228 /
Public Institution
«Research Institute of Pulmonology and Phthisiology
of Ministry of Healthcare of theRepublic of Belarus»
Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of BelarusDolginovsky highway 157, 220053 Minsk
(+375 17) 289-87-95(+375 17) 289-89-50
Director: / Gennady L. Bgurevich
Mainactivities: / Developmentof the tuberculosisdiagnosticsmethodsandenhancementoftheefficiencyofthedestructiveprocesstreatmentinthechangedradioecologicalenvironment
Elaborationofmodernmethodsfor extrapulmonary tuberculosis prophylaxis, diagnostics and non-specific therapies
Staff – 27, Doctor of Science – 2, PhD – 9
229 /
“NationalPark “BelovezhskayaPuscha”
Presidential Affaires Department of the Republic of Belarus225063 Kamenyuki village, Kamenetsky district, Brest region
(+375 1631) 5-61-69, 5-63-96(+375 1631) 5-50-56
Director: / Nikolai N. Bambiza
Mainactivities: / Nature protection
Ecology of selected plant and animal varieties and their communities
Studyofdynamicprocessesin the natural forest complex of Belovezhskaya Puscha
Staff –16, Doctor of Science – 1, PhD – 2
230 /
Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of BelarusIlyicha str. 290, 246040Gomel
(+375 232) 37-80-95, 37-80-93(+375 232) 37-80-97
rсrm@ tut.by
Director: / EleonoraK. Kapitonova
Main activities: / Basicandappliedresearchinthefieldofradiationmedicine and human ecology
Elaboration of unified methodological approaches to the analysis of human health status under the impact of negative environmental factors, including radiation, as a result of the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant catastrophe, and making them consistent with international standards
Development of programme and technical facilities
Promotionofresearchresults, advanced medicaltechnologiesandmodernscienceandtechnology achievements into practical healthcare; coordination of research pertaining to the above issues
International co-operation, expert and referential activities in the given directions at the international level, international partnership, integration and co-operation
Staff – 55, Doctor of Science – 3, PhD – 10
231 /
of Children’s Oncology and Hematology»
Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Belarus223052Lesnoyvillage, Minsk district, Minsk region
(+375 17) 202-42-22(+375 17) 202-42-22
Director: / OlgaB.Aleynikova
Mainactivities: / Developmentandimplementationofnewtechnologiesforthediagnosticsandtreatmentofoncohematological and oncological diseasesinchildren, studyoftheirpathogenesisandrelated complications
Staff– 11, Doctor of Science – 1, PhD – 5
232 /
«RepublicanScientificandPracticalCentre«Mother and Infant»
Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of BelarusOrlovskaya str. 66, building 18, 220053 Minsk
(+375 17) 233-55-84, 233-27-08(+375 17) 233-55-84
Director: / KonstantinU. Vilchuk
Mainactivities: / Investigationinthefieldof obstetrics, gynecology, neonatology,pediatricsandmedicalgenetics, aswellasimplementationofobtainedresultsintohealthcarepractice
Coordinationofnationalresearchinthefieldof obstetrics, gynecology, neonatology, pediatricsandmedicalgenetics
Elaboration of proposals on the improvement of national obstetric and gynecological, pediatric and medico-genetic services to population
Providingofhighlyqualifiedspecializedtreatmentanddiagnosticandconsultingservices to women and children
Developmentandimplementationintopracticeofnewmethodsofprophylaxis, diagnostics, treatment and organizational measures for maternal, perinatal, infant and child mortality, morbidity of women and children
Staff – 45, Doctor of Science – 2, PhD –22
233 /
to the Institution «Minsk City Department
of Ministry for Emergency Situations»
Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of BelarusKrasnaya str. 9, 220005Minsk
(+375 17) 288-17-22(+375 17) 284-49-96
Director: / NailK. Ibragimov
Mainactivities: / Testsinthefieldofdeterminingfire-hazardousqualitiesofasubstance; developmentofnormativedocumentationinthefieldoffiresafety
Fire and technical expertise of materials; various MES equipment
Staff – 8
234 /
ScientificandPracticalCentreof Mogilev Regional Department
of Ministry for Emergency Situations
Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus30 letPobedystr. 5, 212011 Mogilev
(+375 222) 32-50-00(+375 0222) 32-50-63
Director: / VictorN. Golovorushkin
Mainactivities: / Development of survival equipment
Fire-safety software
Staff – …
235 / National Centre of Legislative Activity
under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Belarus
Bersonastr. 1a, 220050Minsk
(+375 17) 200-12-25 (+375 17) 200-12-25
Director: / ValeryV. Mitskevich
Mainactivities: / Draftingoflegislativebills
Staff – 23, PhD – 1
236 / OpenJoint-StockCompany
BelarusState Concern of Oil and Chemistry
Kosmonavtovave. 56, 230003Grodno
(+375 152) 75-55-38(+375 152) 72-22-93
Director: / AlexanderM. Pelesh
Mainactivities: / Productionofmajorpharmaceuticalproductsandmaterialsusedin stomatology
Activities in the field of architecture
Staff – 8, PhD – 2
237 / Republican Unitary Enterprise
Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus
V.Khoruzheistr. 3, 220005Minsk
(+375 17) 284-82-10(+375 17) 284-83-18
Director: / VictorV. Karpenko
Mainactivities: / Integratedmechanisedandautomatictechnologiesofextraction, productionandrationaluseoflocalfuels (peat, lignite, slates)
Elaboratuinofintegratedscientificandtechnicalpolicyfortheprovisionofthecountrywithmunicipalandhouseholdfuel, andagriculturalpeatand peatbogsuse
Staff – 34, PhD – 2
238 / Republican Unitary Enterprise
«Instrument-Making Works «Optron»
of the Concern «Belmashpribor»
NationalAcademy of the Republic of Belarus
Skorinystr. 52, 220141Minsk
(+375 17) 264-02-05(+375 17) 263-67-03
Director General: / MikhailM. Laptik
Mainactivities: / Research, development, implementationandbatchproductionofcontactlesscontrolledproductsonthebasisofelectricmotors (transferelectricmodules, electriccartsforpoultryfarmingandhothousecomplexes)
Staff – 27, PhD – 1
239 / Institution «Main Information-Analytical Centre»
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
Zakharovastr. 59, room 224, 220088 Minsk
(+375 17) 236-15-94 (+375 17) 210-00-99
Director: / NikolaiI.Listopad
Mainactivities: / Participationintheelaborationofthestrategyforthedevelopmentandimplementationofinformationtechnology and telecommunication facilities within the system of education
Introduction of state and sector-focused statistical reporting
Developmentoftelecommunicationsystemsupportnetwork, itsintegrationinthenationalandinternationalnetworks
Staff – 2