2005-2006 Self-Study Committee #3
Minutes for January 9, 2006
Members Attending: Dr. H. James Brownlee, Dr. Don Cameron, Dr. John Curran, Ms. Janelle Fauci, Dr. Francisco Fernandez (Chair), Ms. Gretchen Koehler, Ms. Elizabeth Rommell, Dr. Bruce Schnapf, Dr. Harry van Loveren,
Members Not Attending: Dr. Anne B. Curtis, Dr. Mike Flannery, Dr. Rani Gereige, Dr. Sandy Gompf, Dr. Lujan-Zilbermann, Dr. Don Luong, Dr. Saundra Stock, Dr. Robert Belsole, Dr. Jeff Fabri, Ms. Paula Knaus, Dr. Bill Marshall
Topics of Discussion:
Minutes of December meeting were reviewed and corrected accordingly.
Medical students Janelle Fauci (MS-3) and Elizabeth Rommell (MS-2) were welcomed to the committee.
The charge to the Committee and the standards were reviewed. Timeline changes were noted -due date of the preliminary draft has been changed to the end of March 2006. The goals and objectives for the medical student education program were discussed in the context of the Self-Study Questions that need to be addressed:
- Evaluate the impact of residency training programs and continuing medical education activities on the education of medical students.
- Develop a composite assessment of the educational, research and patient care
activities of the clinical departments, in the context of the mission and goals of the
medical school.
The Committee discussed our obligation to ensure that students have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to practice scientifically based medicine throughout their clinical training. There was discussion about how students are being educated in the basic sciences, and how they are learning about the importance of the basic sciences as the move along the trajectory of their education. The same would be true for research and its importance to the future practice of medicine. To provide guidance on these important issues, Dr. Van Loveren provided a brief overview of the Department of Neurosurgery interdisciplinary model of teaching residents. The data base does not seem to have sufficient detail on GME and CME activities and how they are utilized by clinical departments as part of the medical student education program.
In anticipation of the next Committee meeting, members are encouraged to:
- Review the website and relevant data base
- Self Study questions 6 and 11 are to addressed in context of available information in sections IS 11, IS 12, IS 15 and ER 2 and ER 4
- Determine if there are weaknesses or issues that need the immediate attention or remediation from administration
- Preliminarily evaluate the clinical teaching facilities and external teaching facilities
- Review GME and residency training as well as CME initiatives as they impact medical student education
Action Items:
- The Committee requested an MS 4 be assigned to the committee. Dr. Fernandez will petition Dr. Specter for same.
Next Meeting:
Meetings will alternate between Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. at the UniversityPsychiatryCenter and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. in MDC 2301. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 18th at 5:00 p.m.
cc:All Committee Members
Gretchen Koehler
Stevi Schermond