The Constitution of the Orsu Local Government Association, OLGA-USA
We, the sons and daughters (indigenes) of the Orsu Local Government Area in Imo State, Nigeria (comprising communities namely:, Amannachi, Amaruru, Asaa-Ubirielem, Awo-Idemili, Ebenator, Eziawa, Ihitenansa, Orsu-Ihiteukwa and Umuhu-Okabia), residing in the continental United States of America, cognizant of the need for a local government broad-based association of all the people from the said geographical boundary, have, today July 3, 2004, in the City of Miami, Florida resolved:
To come together as one group of people in accordance with Igbo culture and tradition, under one umbrella association called Orsu local Government Association – USA;
For the unity, love, harmony, integrity, progress, future generations, cultural values and understanding, and welfare of members and their children in particular, Orsu people in Nigeria, and the general society where we live:
Through our commitment to economic, social, educational, and cultural freedom of our society;
Do hereby make, enact, and adopt the following constitution
Name and Objectives of Association
Section 1.1: Name of the Association
The official name of the Association shall be the Orsu Local Government Association-USA. The official acronym shall be OLGA.
Section 1.2: OLGA’s Objectives shall be:
1)To provide opportunity for professional development, unity, trust, and support amongst members.
2)To encourage, mentor, and provide support for the pursuit of higher education in all fields of studies in the local communities.
3)To make material and moral efforts to improve healthcare delivery as well as health education in Orsu LGA communities.
4)To proffer material and strategic prospects for economic and technological development in local communities.
5)To participate in joint efforts with other groups to support the above and other community development programs on the basis of mutual agreement between OLGA and such groups.
6)To pursue and establish strong linkages through coordinated programs/activities between current and succeeding generations including our children.
7)To pursue such other objectives and/or programs that are lawful and not in conflict or inconsistent with the spirit and provisions of the association, Igbo culture and US constitution.
Incorporation of OLGA as a Non-profit Organization
Section 2.1 City and State of Incorporation
Whereas OLGA shall draw national and international membership, it is organized exclusively for the purpose of carrying out charitable community development projects within the context of section 501 (cx3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code and shall be incorporated in the City of ______and State of ______, US, or as may be determined through a careful research and consideration by the OLGA Executive Board.
Section 2.2 Non-partisanship in Political Activities
OLGA shall devote its fund to the execution of projects that fall within the categories (ie OLGA’s objectives) set forth in Section 1, Article I of this Constitution. OLGA shall not invest its resources in partisan politics in any form whatsoever, including political advertisements, campaign contribution or any other direct or indirect actions designed to advance the political agenda of an individual or group within Orsu LGA and beyond. Members are not restricted from pursuing such interest on their own without any solicitations at the expense of the association’s time and resources.
Section 2.3 Misappropriation of Funds Forbidden
No member or non-member of OLGA shall have the right to spend the Association’s fund for any purposes other than those approved by the members on the basis of the procedures stipulated in Section 8-3, Article VIII of this Constitution. Any such unauthorized expenses carried out by any individual/s in the name of OLGA shall be deemed illegal. OLGA shall take all necessary steps, including litigation, to recover money misappropriated by any of its members or non-members. OLGA shall not engage in activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (cx3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (cx2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Section 2.4 Dissolution of OLGA
Upon the dissolution of OLGA, its assets shall be donated to programs that fall within the meaning of section 501 (cx3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or relevant section/s of any future federal tax code, or shall be donated to other non-profit organizations of like aims and objectives which shall have the right to use such assets to advance such aims and objective. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of OLGA is then located, exclusively for public purposes or to such organization or organization as said court shall determine which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Section 3.1 – General:
Full membership shall be open to indigene of Orsu Local Government Area, Imo State, Nigeria, who is eighteen (18) years of age or older, male or female. Membership may be extended to any and all who subscribe to, identify and show interest in the implementation of the Association’s objectives and planned programs (e.g., educational, socio-cultural, and technological development of individuals and groups associated with but not limited to Orsu Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria in particular) OLGA Membership is further defined under four categories as follows:
Section 3.2 - Membership Categories
a)Full Membership: Indigenes (by birth, marriage or naturalization) from the association’s geographical area, 18 years of age or older and are qualified to hold any office. ). Full membership is defined per household, including children under 18, and children over 18 who are full time students. Children under 18 or those over 18 who are full time students are not eligible to vote or hold any office.
b)Nee Membership: Orsu LGA daughters married to husbands who are not indigenes of Orsu LGA geographical boundaries (aforestated in this Constitution), qualified to hold any other office but the office of the president, are entitled to limited benefits).
c)Associate Membership: All husbands of members defined in Section 3.2 (b) above and/or their children, 18 years or older; who subscribe to the objectives and programs of the association., has no voting rights, not required to attend meetings, not qualified to hold any office, has very limited benefits as may be defined in this Constitution or as the case may be).
d)Honorary Membership: Friends of Orsu people and any other persons not qualified in the categories specified above, who subscribe to the objectives and programs of the association. , has no voting rights, not required to attend meetings, not qualified to hold any office, has very limited benefits as may be defined in this Constitution or determined as the case may be).
Section 3.3 - Membership Registration Fees (one time payment)
Membership registration is complete upon filling out appropriate official registration form supported with corresponding fees/donations as stated below.
Each member shall be obligated to pay membership registration fees as specified below:
a)Full Member (per household):$100.00
b)Nee Member:$50.00
c)Associate Member:$50.00
d)Honorary Member:$200.00
Section 3.4 - Membership Annual Dues
a)Full Member (per household):$100.00/year.
b)Nee Member:$50.00/year.
c)Associate Member: None, but donations will be appreciated and encouraged.
d)Honorary Member: None, but donations will be appreciated and encouraged.
Section 3.5 - Active and Inactive Membership Status
a)An individual who has paid dues by no later than June 30th, the last day of the fiscal year shall be considered as being in Active Membership Status. An active member shall have the right to vote; hold office; enjoy any other rights and privileges reserved for financially up-to-date members
b)A member shall be declared inactive upon failure to attend two (2) consecutive national conventions without prior notification and/or payment of membership dues for two (2) consecutive years. An inactive member shall not be entitled to any membership benefits during his/her inactive status
Section 3.6 - Reactivation of Membership
Inactive members may re-establish membership by payment of all delinquent dues, fines plus 10% penalty fee of the outstanding debt
Section 3.7 – Membership Termination (not encouraged)
Any member may terminate his/her membership from OLGA at any time by submitting a written termination notice to the Executive Board. Such letter must state genuine reasons for termination, subject to approval by the Board. The member must be cleared of all final obligations prior to his/her termination. Terminated members shall not be entitled to any benefits.
Membership Benefits
Section 4.1 - Membership Benefits Eligibility
A member must be in good financial standing with OLGA to receive benefits.
Section 4.2 - Definition of Good Standing
Good standing shall be registered member of the OLGA any financial obligation, except in case of a sudden death.
Section 4.3 - Death of a Member
For the death of full or nee member, upon oral or written notification to any member of the Executive Board by the bereaved member next of kin, OLGA shall send a condolence note with a check of five hundred dollars ($500) less any outstanding dues, fines or contributions to an identified appropriate beneficiary; members may be levied at appropriate scale to raise this amount;
Members residing in the same locality with the deceased member shall pay a condolence visit and participate in any services and activities to the extent possible and required. The bereaved family or next of kin shall notify the President of the Union orally or in writing. Upon notification, the President with the consent of the executive committee, shall urge every member to send condolences by mail, phone, e-mail etc
Section 4.4 – Terminally Sick Member
A terminally sick or hospitalized member should receive at least a get-well card from the president or his designee upon notification from anyone on behalf of the association. The general membership is encouraged to show support and get-well wishes through phone calls, e-mails, get-well cards, and visits especially by members residing in the same locality with the affected member.
Section 4.5 – Investment Oriented/Project Benefits
Benefits/losses accruing from any form of legal business investment or projects as officially determined and approved by OLGA through a contractual agreement or process thereof, as may be needed, shall benefit the financially up-to-date members.
For any physical development and/or distribution of any goods earmarked for donation to people at home, only the home communities (listed above) that constitute the geographical area of OLGA shall be the beneficiaries.
Section 4.6 – Selection Process:
Identification, implementation and delivery of such project(s), as well as selection of the receiving areas/communities should be specified on a case by case basis through an action plan.
Such action plan must be prepared by a project committee, presented, deliberated, voted, and approved at the general convention- or the Executive Board if the project is time sensitive. Time sensitive projects shall be communicated to the general membership through the e-mail system.
Executive Officers
Section 5.1 Offices
The Executive Officers of OLGA shall include a) President, b) Vice-President, c) General Secretary, d) Financial Secretary, e) Treasurer, f) Public Relations Officer and g) Parliamentarian/Provost. Executive Officers shall be elected to a two-year term and are eligible for re-election to a maximum of two consecutive terms to the same office. Installation of new officers will take place at the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
Section 5.2 The duties of the Executive Officers shall be as follows
a)President: The President shall uphold the constitution, by-laws, objectives, policies rules and regulations of OLGA, and assume responsibility of executing the objectives of OLGA, establish committees and chairperson thereof, and preside over general and executive committee meetings. Give a written report of the State of Assembly during each convention; and be the Chief Executive Officer and spokesperson of the association. Call for emergency meetings when necessary, prepare executive meeting agenda, serve as ex-officio member of all standing committees; delegates authority to members of the Executive Board and general members as deemed necessary and appropriate; sign the minutes of both executive and OLGA convention minutes/reports after adoption; and be a signatory to OLGA account.
b)Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assume presidential duties in the absence of the President in addition to other responsibilities delegated by the President. Becomes the president id a vacancy occurs in the office of the by reason of death, disability, resignation, withdrawal, or removal from office, for the unexpired term of the president.
c)General Secretary: The Secretary shall maintain proper records and take the minutes at each OLGA meeting, maintain and distribute all correspondences pertaining to the association to members. Coordinate with the president in formulating agenda for meetings; replies OLGA correspondences with the president’s consent; and summons/presides meetings in the absence of both the president and vice president. Coordinates with the president in the preparation of the State of Assembly Report.
d)Treasurer: The Treasurershall be the custodian of OLGA funds and shall document and monitor all financial transactions of OLGA, including all receipts and expenditures as well as distribute financial statements to members at each meeting or upon request by the Executive Board. Coordinates financial book-keeping and accounting with the Financial Secretary; shall deposit all funds received by him (and recorded by the financial secretary) into OLGA account within five working days after receipt in a bank chosen by OLGA.
e)Financial Secretary: Shall prepare payment vouchers and keep accurate record of all financial transactions of OLGA; collects all fee, dues and levies and pays same to Treasurer within 14 working days of receipt. Gives annual reports and coordinates with treasurer for the preparation and presentation of the financial reports.
e)Public Relations Officer: Shall coordinate all information and publicity of OLGA. Together with the president and general secretary represent OLGA in official functions with other organizations; shall keep records of members’ names, addresses and phone numbers; shall be responsible for coordinating OLGA social events; and shall document funding and expenditure of social events and transfer same to the financial secretary and treasurer for OLGA records. Shall not disseminate OLGA information without the approval of the Executive Board.
g) Parliamentarian/Provost: The Parliamentarian/Provostshall maintain order at each meeting and enforce the statues of the Constitution. Shall assist the president in conducting the affairs of association in an orderly manner during meetings and may serve as the Master of Ceremony at social functions unless otherwise stated.
Endnotes:1) The President and Vice-President shall not serve as chair of any committee of the association, but can serve as members.
2) The Treasurer shall serve as the chairperson of the Planning and Finance committee.
Executive Board
Section 6.1 Composition of the Executive Board
a) The Executive Board shall consist of the Executive Officers and Chairpersons of the Standing Committees.
b) The Executive Board shall be responsible for developing broad policy guidelines and programs consistent with the objectives of OLGA specified in Article 1, Section 1 of this Constitution.
Section 6.2 Duties of the Executive Board
The duties of the Executive Board shall include
to plan and establish programs aimed at achieving the objectives of OLGA,
to establish ad hoc committees and appoint chairpersons, and
to manage and establish criteria for the disbursement of funds earmarked for National Biennial Meetings.
Meet monthly or as may be needed (at least by teleconference) to discuss and pursue the affairs and programs/activities of the association to the extent possible.
Standing Committees
Section 7.1 Constitution of the Standing Committee
The Standing Committees of OLGAshall be as follows:
b)Biennial Convention
c)Public Relations
d)Finance Committee
e)Special Project Committee
f)Research and Planning
Standing Committees shall be composed of financial members, with chairpersons being appointed to one-year terms.
Section 7.2 Duties of the Standing Committee
The duties of the Standing Committees are as follows but not limited to:
a)The Education Committee shall be responsible for planning and executing OLGA projects related to education, culture and professional development.
b)The Biennial Convention committee shall be responsible for coordinating all events related to OLGA Biennial Convention and award banquet.
c)The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for preparing and disseminating information about all local, regional and national activities of OLGA, membership drives as well as serve as liaison between OLGA chapters and between OLGA and other bodies.
d)The Finance Committee shall work with the Executive Board to plan to the future of OLGA, assist in all fund-raising activities relevant to maintaining the goals of OLGA. Also to assist the treasurer and maintain the finances of OLGA.
e)Special Project Committee shall be a project specific committee that ensures the implementation of an identified project or undertaking embarked by OLGA.
f)Research and Planning Committee should be a think tank group that researches into and explores future undertakings including identification of possible alternatives, costs, potential funding sources, schedules, technical and human resources that would be needed for the successful execution of the projects.
Section 8.1 - Sources of Fund
OLGAshall collect and manage dues and miscellaneous funds for expenses in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. OLGA members shall derive from the dues, fines, donations, banquets, launching, solicitations, and from other legal means.approved the finances of the association
Section 8.2 – Banking
The association shall maintain a bank account in a bank that has a national spread. Two signatories of any of the President, the Financial Secretary, and/or the Treasurer shall be required for withdrawal of funds from the account. Authorization shall be made by the Executive Board and/or general membership. The Executive Board cannot at anytime authorize any expenditure that is over $500.00 (five hundred dollars) and cannot authorize a cumulative expenditure beyond $1000.00 (one thousand dollars) in any given fiscal year without the approval of the general membership.