Exporatorium Field Trip Project (100 pts)
You may work in groups not to exceed 4 people total. You may work with anybody in any other science class. If working with students in other periods or other teachers, be sure to document that on your project when you turn it in. You may choose any exhibit(s) at the Exploratorium for your project. If there are two people in group, you must pick 1 exhibit to describe/explain how the exhibit works, the science involved, and what you learned. If there are 3 people -2 exhibits, and 4 people - 3 exhibits.
Option A: Create a typed (1 page per exhibit) illustrated report (with photos). Pictures taken with a digital camera can be used instead of drawings.
Option B: Same as option A except you create a webpage describing the exhibit(s) complete with photos.
Option C: Create a short (approx) 1 minute video for each exhibit(s). 2 exhibits would be 2 minutes, 3 exhibits would be 3 mins etc. Use Windows Moviemaker or iMovie to make your movie.
Exporatorium Field Trip Project (100 pts)
You may work in groups not to exceed 4 people total. You may work with anybody in any other science class. If working with students in other periods or other teachers, be sure to document that on your project when you turn it in. You may choose any exhibit(s) at the Exploratorium for your project. If there are two people in group, you must pick 1 exhibit to describe/explain how the exhibit works, the science involved, and what you learned. If there are 3 people -2 exhibits, and 4 people - 3 exhibits.
Option A: Create a typed (1 page per exhibit) illustrated report (with photos). Pictures taken with a digital camera can be used instead of drawings.
Option B: Same as option A except you create a webpage describing the exhibit(s) complete with photos.
Option C: Create a short (approx) 1 minute video for each exhibit(s). 2 exhibits would be 2 minutes, 3 exhibits would be 3 mins etc. Use Windows Moviemaker or iMovie to make your movie.