W+ Standard Trademark Use Application

The W+ Standard Trademark Use Application

Parties requesting permission to display the W+ Standard trademark must complete this Trademark Use Application, which includes Terms & Conditions for using the mark(s), and submit a signed copy to WOCAN together with sample(s) of proposed use(s) of the mark(s).

Upon approving an application, WOCAN will prepare a trademark use agreement with Terms & Conditions, pre-approved use(s), and the Style Guide attached as annexes. There is no fee for using the mark(s), but all uses require prior approval. WOCAN may place restrictions on use of the mark(s) or reconsider a usage approval at any time.

Part 1: User Type

Applicants must indicate type of user by selecting one or more of the following categories:

Registered Project: Owner or legal representative of a project registered on the W+ Standard database.

Project Applicant: Owner or legal representative of a project listed in the W+ Standard pipeline.

Multiple Projects: Owner, project developer or legal representative of more than one project registered on the W+ Standard project database.

Retailer/Broker: A third party holding, trading or selling active the W+ Units.

Buyer: A third party holding or owning retired W+ Units or having W+ Units retired in its name.

Validation/Verification Body: A third party who has signed an agreement with WOCAN to validate projects.

Registry Provider: An entity who has signed a registry agreement with WOCAN to issue, track and retire the W+ Units.

Partner/Service Partner: A third party with whom WOCAN has signed a service partnership agreement.

Joint Marketing Partner: or conference organizer (please describe): ______

Non-commercial User: or other user (please describe): ______

Part 2: Terms & Conditions for Using the W+ Standard Trademark and Logo

WOCAN requires that all parties using or displaying the W+ Standard trademarks agree to the following general Terms & Conditions (T&C). The W+ Standard trademarks and logos are the exclusive property of WOCAN. Acceptance of these T&C is mandatory and any use without prior acceptance of these T&C will be treated as a violation of intellectual property rights.

Terms of Use

WOCAN may grant a third party authorization to use or display the W+ Standard trademark and logos on online or print materials which are produced or maintained by or on behalf of the Authorized User, in connection with their Services. Authorization to use or display the W+ Standard trademark and logos is contingent upon pre-approval by WOCAN of samples of the proposed use(s) of the mark. The Authorized User acknowledges that the ownership of all rights to the W+ Standard trademark and logo remains with WOCAN.

WOCAN may, in its absolute discretion, restrict, amend or cancel its authorization to use or display its trademarks and logos, by written notice to the Authorized User, who shall within [14] days, comply with the restrictions, modifications or cancelation.

Authorized Users shall only use or display the trademark and logos as defined by this T&C and Style Guide which will be attached to the executed trademark use agreement as an annex.

WOCAN may monitor compliance with these T&C. Upon reasonable request, an Authorized User shall promptly provide WOCAN with copies of the electronic print and other materials on which the W+ Standard trademark or logo is or will be displayed.

Authorized Users shall always act in good faith and abstain from engaging in misrepresentations or fraud in any transaction, particularly transactions involving units issued.

Authorized Users are at all times compelled to restrain from any behavior that may damage the reputation of the W+ Standard.

Authorized Users shall uphold all WOCAN’s guidelines, requirements and prohibitions for using the W+ Standard logo, including, but not limited to, the following:

•The logo shall not appear in any placement, online or in print, next to a project that has not been listed on the W+ Standard project database

•The logo shall not appear in any placement, online or in print, which could be construed to imply that WOCAN endorses or approves any activity, product or organization that is not explicitly endorsed or approved by WOCAN

•The logo shall not be used in association with or proximity to any false or misleading marketing claims about the future value of the W+ Units or markets more broadly;

•The logo shall not be used on or in proximity to any certificate or online database in such a way that might be construed to imply that a certificate is a W+ Unit or that ownership of a W+ Unit can be legally represented or transferred by any certificate or database other than through an account at an authorized W+ registry.

•When used online, the logo shall have a hyperlink to the W+ Standard website embedded in the image. When used in print, the logo shall be accompanied by the URL of the W+ website.

Any use or display not expressly covered in these Terms & Conditions is not authorized.

I hereby accept these Terms and Conditions for use and display of the W+ Standard logo.




Jurisdiction of Incorporation


Street Address/City/State/Country/Postal Code


Web Address & Email


Owner, Director or Chief Executive (Name & Title)


Telephone & Email (of Owner, Director or Chief Executive)


Signature: Date:

These T&C must be signed and submitted together with samples of the proposed use(s) of the mark by email to:

Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture & Natural Resource Management

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