FORM CLA004 – F1
Placement Agreement / Delegated Responsibility Meeting Form
It is the responsibility of the Supervising Social Worker (SSW) to ensure this document is completed within 5 working days of placement. The Chairing and minute-taking will be negotiated between the SSW and the Social Worker (SW). The meeting should be attended by the child/young person, the Foster Carer, the Supervising Social worker, the child’s Social Worker and where appropriate, birth parents and other relevant people if agreed appropriate.
DATE OF MEETINGName of child/young person
Date of Birth
Legal Status / PARIS ID
Name of Foster Carer(s)
Date placed with carer(s)/to be placed with carer(s):
Name of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s)
Parental Address:
Tel. No:
Name of Supervising Social Worker
Contact number
Name of Social Worker
Contact number
Contact if the above are not available:
Reason for placement
Physical abuseExpected duration of placement / unknown
MATCHING: Only note any Unmet needs of child/young person, any identified gaps and how these are going to be addressed (areas as identified as part of the FCS matching process)
Day-to-day arrangements: Expectations of Carer/YP in terms of daytime routine i.e. (house rules and sanctions)
HEALTH: Has child any issues relating to health? Outline below:
Has carer received a copy of the health assessment and consent to medical treatment?
YES If No – give date when documents will be provided:
Delegated Authority Decision Support Tool: Medical
Consent/ agreement/ task / Who has the authority to give consent/ agreement or undertake the task. Please tickParent / Carer / SSC Manager/SW / Date
1.1 Signed consent to emergency medical treatment (incl. anaesthetic)
1.2 Consent – routine immunisations
1.3 Consent for planned medical procedures
1.4 Medical procedure carried out in the home where the person administering the procedure requires training (e.g. child with disability/illness)
1.5 Dental – signed consent to dental emergency treatment
1.6 Dental – routine treatment
1.7 Dental anaesthesia
1.8 Optician – appointments, glasses
1.9 Administration of:
Prescribed medication
Over the counter medications
1.10 Permission for school to administer:
Prescribed medication
Over the counter medications
1.11 Referral/consent for YP to access another service, e.g. CAMHS
1.12 Consent to manage diet on medical advice and guidance.
1.13 Agreement to change diet for health or belief reasons.
EDUCATION/TRAINING/EMPLOYMENT: Name of School, Year Group? What are the arrangements for the child/YP? Contact person within school? Full Time or Part Time?
Specific issues: Expectations regarding education/employment, etc in terms of homework? Parent evenings and transport to school? Who will do what? Lunch arrangements? Any particular learning needs or support required?
Has carer got a copy of the last PEP? Date for next PEP meeting?
Delegated Authority Decision Support Tool: Education
Who has the authority to give consent/ agreement or undertake the task. Please tickConsent/agreement/task / Parent / Carer / SSC Manager/SW / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions) / Date
2.1 Signed consent for school day trips / This can only be completed in consultation with the social worker and the Education Inclusion team
2.2 Signed consents for school trips of up to four days and medical consent where applicable
2.3 Signed consents for school trips of over four days and medical consent where applicable
2.4 School trips abroad and medical consent where applicable / Such as educational psychologist, extra tuition, speech therapy
2.5 Consent to school activities e.g. Food tasting, face painting
2.6 Using computers at school / Please cover, individual, group/whole school, use in school media/website and promotional material
2.7 School photos
Media etc
2.8 Attendance at parents' evenings
2.9 Attendance at PEP meetings
2.10 Attendance at unplanned meetings, re incidents or immediate issues
2.11 Registering at a school
2.12 Changing a school
2.14 Referral consent to another service
2. 13 Personal health and social education
IDENTITY: including language/communication, diet, ethnicity, religion and disability – how will any identified gaps be addressed? By who/when etc?
Delegated Authority Decision Support Tool: Faith and religious observance
Who has the authority to give consent/ agreement or undertake the task. Please tickConsent/agreement/task / Parent / Carer / SSC Manager/SW / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions) / Date
4.1 New or changes in faith, church or religious observance
4.2 Attendance at a place of worship
Cultural Issues – how will any identified gaps be addressed? By who/when etc?
Delegated Authority Decision Support Tool: Identity and names
Who has the authority to give consent/ agreement or undertake the task. Please tickConsent/agreement/task / Parent / Carer / SSC Manager/SW / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions) / Date
5.1 Life history work / Foster carer/social worker in consultation with parent and wider professional network
5.2 New or changes in 'nicknames', order of first names, or preferred names / Name changes are not acceptable except in exceptional circumstance for the safety of the child, and then only in consultation with the social worker and Head of Service
CONTACT: (Family and friends): including frequency, type, with whom, transport arrangements, financial implications and whether to be supervised:
Are there any previous foster carers the child wishes to keep in contact with? If so, who and how will this take place?
Delegated Authority Decision Support Tool: Contact
Who has the authority to give consent/ agreement or undertake the task. Please tickConsent/agreement/task / Parent / Carer / SSC Manager/SW / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions) / Date
6.1 Transport
6.2 Arranging
6.3 Facilitation
6.4 Formal supervision
SOCIAL & LEISURE: including activities, hobbies, interests, transport arrangements and financial implications:
Delegated Authority Decision Support Tool
Who has the authority to give consent/ agreement or undertake the task. Please tickConsent/agreement/task / Parent / Carer / SSC Manager/SW / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions) / Date
3.1 Passport application / Can only be applied for by someone holding PR
3.2 Overnight with friends ('sleepovers') / Please refer to policy
3.3 Holidays within the British Isles
3.4 Holidays outside British Isles
3.5 Sports/social clubs
3.6 More hazardous activities, e.g. horse-riding, skiing, rock climbing / Please consider any activities which might be precluded from this agreement and list here
3.7 Haircuts/colouring
3.8 Body piercing / In English law, it is illegal for under 16s to have their genitals pierced. It is also illegal for females under 16 to have their breasts pierced, although this does not apply to males under 16
3.9 Tattoos / It is illegal to tattoo anyone under the age of 18
3.10 Mobile phone use: / Discuss and agree each element
Just for calls / As per legislation
Calls and internet access / Discuss and agree each element
Mobile Phone management of whilst in placement / Discuss and agree each element
3.11 Part-time employment
3.12 Access to a computer and other multimedia devices:
For educational purposes
For accessing to social networking sites, e.g. Face book, Twitter, MSN
3.13 Photos:
General photos to record child’s life during placement
Photos for media activity/ social net working sites
EMOTIONAL & BEHAVIOURAL Development: including relationships and anxieties:
ROLE OF OTHERS: Are there other workers involved, what work are they undertaking and expected duration?
Who can the child/YP have overnight stays with? Does the foster carer need to seek permission for any particular arrangements?
CHILDREN’S GUIDE: has the child/YP received this? If not, give date when it will be provided:
SUPPORT: outline any additional support carer(s) will need. By who, what, when etc?
VISITS: visiting arrangements for child/YP’s Social Worker/date of next visit:
Visiting arrangements of Supervising Social Worker/date of next visit:
Statutory visit
Looked After Child Review
Health Assessment
Personal Education Plan meeting
Other (give details)
Tick if provided: / Date to be provided:
Placement Information Record
Care Plan 1
Consent for Medical Treatment card
Children’s Guide
Tick if Completed / Date to be completed
Delegated Responsibility Form
See signature list below:
Name / Signature / DateChild/Young Person
Foster Carer(s)
Residential Social Worker
Child/YP’s Social Worker
Supervising Social Worker
Health Representative
Education Representative
Other (give details)
Other information discussed:
Any areas of disagreement to be listed below:
Placement Agreement Meeting (PAM)