Teamwork Reflection Prompt Questions
Reflect upon your teamwork skills by addressing the five questions below. Submit to Blackboard a typed document: a minimum of one page and a maximum of 2 pages.
- Give specific examples and details in which you contributed to team meetings (online or face-to-face). What role did you play in team meetings or discussions (online or face-to-face)? What ideas or work did you contribute? Consider your verbal (vocal or written tone, etc.) and nonverbal communication (body language, facial expressions, etc.).
- Give specific examples and details of how you encouraged others to participate. In what ways did you encourage or support participation by all team members?
- Give specific examples and details of how you contributed to the work accomplished by the team. Explain the assignments and the completion of the team’s responsibilities. Was your contribution to completing the project thorough and on time?
- Give specific examples and details of how well you worked with and related to other team members. How did you help or motivate team members in a positive and respectful way? What constructive feedback did you provide to team members toward the completion of the project?
- Give specific examples and details of how you contributed to resolving conflicts within the team? How did the team discuss the issue or come to a conclusion? What was your role in that process? Remember, a conflict is not necessarily an argument or fight; it may be a difference of opinion or a discussion with varying viewpoints that reaches a specific conclusion.
Recommended Parameters for Assessing Teamwork
Teamwork general education outcome: Students will consider different points of view and work interdependently to achieve a shared purpose or goal.
Faculty should develop a team project assignment appropriate for their course that requires students to exhibit teamwork skills aligned to the definition of the teamwork core objective and the AAC&U LEAP Value rubric for teamwork.
Students should work preferably in teams of 3-8. The specific size of teams within that range is at the discretion of faculty to meet the needs of the students, courses, and requirements for the team project identified for the course.
Students should be required to complete the team project as part of course requirements and a course grade. All work assessed as part of institutional outcomes assessment projects should be graded “course-embedded” assignments.
The manner in which the assignment is assessed at the course level for the purpose of assigning students a grade for the assignment within the course is at the discretion of faculty including the use of peer assessment instruments.
Students in all courses will be required to complete a written paper that reflects upon and describes their own participation in and contribution to the team project as a member of their team. Student work will be guided by the Teamwork Reflection Prompt developed collaboratively by faculty and the assessment committee; the prompt will be intentionally aligned to the AAC&U Leap Value rubric for Teamwork.
General Education, Common AssignmentPage 1 of 2
Teamwork Reflection Promptver 11/18/2014