The 9th Annual NES Mini Relay for Life!
On Thursday, May 25th, Fourth Grade will be hosting the NES mini Relay for Life from 8:45 a.m. (opening ceremony) to 11:30 a.m. (closing remarks). Participating fourth graders will walk for 20-minute shifts from 9:00-11:30. In addition, there will be a variety of activities offered throughout the morning, including dancing, an obstacle course, hula-hooping, carnival-style games, etc. Interested student walkers/volunteers should sign up with their homeroom teachers and should then raise funds by pre-collecting pledges from sponsors. Students not wishing to walk are encouraged to participate in other ways (e.g., contributing to a classmate’s fund drive, making posters, supporting walkers). All proceeds will be donated to the Newport Relay for Life to be held June 19-20.
Fourth Grade Mini Relay for Life Pledge Form
Student Name ______
Name of Sponsor / Contact Information / Pre-paid Pledge $1
Parents & Guardians:
The 9th Annual NES Mini Relay for Life!
On Thursday, May 25th, Fourth Grade will be hosting the NES mini Relay for Life. Participating fourth graders will walk for 20-minute shifts from 9:00-11:30. In addition, there will be a variety of activities offered throughout the morning, including dancing, hula-hooping, etc. We also have invited the other grade levels to participate in this event. We hope to offer an obstacle course, carnival-style games, sno-cones, and face painting for the students to enjoy.
Interested 4th grade student walkers/volunteers should sign up with their homeroom teachers and should then raise funds by pre-collecting pledges from sponsors. Students not wishing to walk are encouraged to participate in other ways (e.g., contributing to a classmate’s fund drive, making posters, supporting walkers). All proceeds will be donated to the Newport Relay for Life to be held June 16-17.
We could really use your help in making this event run as smoothly as possible! We will need parents to face paint (artistic skill not required), to assist at the obstacle course, to participate in the games, and to walk with us! If you are willing and able to help out with this fundraiser, please fill out the information at the bottom of this page.
** If you are unable to join us that day, you can still help in other ways. We need donations of the following: face painting supplies/kits
cases of water (small bottles)
(No need to sign up for donations -- just send in the supplies as you are able.)
Please contact Jane Gillwood at if you have any questions. Thanks!
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Yes! I can help at the Mini Relay for Life on Thursday, May 25th!
____ I will be available to help from 9:00-11:30. (Feel free to arrive earlier, though)
____ I am also able to help set up at 7:30. (Popup canopies are also needed, so if you have one that you are willing to set up for our use, please bring it along! Thanks!)
Name of parent ______Name of student ______
April 28, 2017
Dear Parents/Guardians:
To spread the word about our mini Relay for Life, the 4th grade students will be singing and filming a music video. Please be aware that this video might be posted on the Internet as well as shown at school and at the Newport Relay for Life. Please indicate permission for your child to participate in the filming of the music video by signing below. Thanks!
I give permission for my child, ______, to participate in the filming of the 4th grade’s Mini Relay for Life music video.
signature date