Spring 2012 Master’s level courses
to be offered by
the Dept. of Educational Leadership
(schedule available online 10/10/11; registration opens 11/10/11)
Courses Focused on Experiential Education
(available to all Master’s students regardless of program)
ExEd 645: Experience and Nature (3 cr) (Jasper Hunt) (MSU Campus): This seminar examines the phenomenology of the human experience of the natural world. It starts with concepts derived from William F. Unsoeld's analysis of wilderness and the sacred and proceeds utilizing sources such as the Rudolph Otto, The Bible, Annie Dillard, Sigurd Olson, John Muir, Aldo Leopold, and selected articles from the Journal of Environmental Ethics.
ExEd 645: Experiential Learning and Educational Reform (3 cr) (Scott Wurdinger)(MSU Campus): Current and historical school reform initiatives such as Lab Schools, EdVisions, The Big Picture Company, Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound and others will be discussed. Examples of how schools have implemented experiential learning throughout their entire curriculums will be provided. Learners will apply information by developing programs and or curriculums useful to their specific learning environments.
ExEd 644: Philosophy and Theory of Experiential Education (3 cr) (Jasper Hunt)(MSU Campus): This course examines the writings of historical and current thinkers who have made contributions to the field of experiential education. The philosophical underpinnings of Plato and Dewey, as well as more current experiential education literature will be discussed and examined.
EdLd 688: Project Demonstration (1-3 cr - hybrid course) (Julie Carlson) (meets 4 times each at either Edina or MSU Campus): This course will provide guidance for completion of the Master's Capstone Project (Creative Project or Alternate Plan Paper). Note:People planning for Spring 2012 graduation will need to complete their Capstones by April 13. People planning on completing a thesis or portfolio for their Capstone should register independently with their advisors.
Independent Learning Courses are also available in both Experiential Education and Educational Leadership (practicum, internships, project-based, individual study). Please contact your advisor for more information.
Courses Focused on Educational Leadership
(available to all Master’s students regardless of program)
EdLd 644: 21st Century Leadership (3 cr - hybrid) (Barb Wilson)(MSU Campus):This course examines changing paradigms in educational and instructional philosophies and society’s political, cultural, and psycho-social responses to those changes. Competencies and capacities are identified that will be necessary to effectively lead educational organizations in the 21st century.
EdLd 644: Higher Education in America (3 cr – hybrid) (Jennifer Jones, Adjunct) (MSU Campus): This course will introduce students to the events, people, and ideas that have shaped higher education in the United States and examine the current landscape and issues of the contemporary American campus.
EdLd 647: Organizational & Systems Change (3 cr - hybrid) (Mary Dowd, Adjunct) (MSU Campus):This course explores the dynamics and principles of organizational and systems change in theory and practice. This course approaches all types of educational organizations and the processes of change within them.
EdLd 662: Research in Educational Leadership (3 cr – hybrid) (Sonja Modesti) (MSU Campus): This course focuses on conducting secondary research in the form of a review of existent research on a topic of choice within educational leadership. APA format and style will also be utilized.
EdLd 652: Leadership Studies (3 cr – hybrid) (instructor to be determined) (Edina Campus): This course examines various leadership/management models over time and how those have shaped perspectives of leadership theory and philosophy today.
EdLd 651: Ethics and Leadership (3 cr - hybrid) (Sonja Modesti) (Edina Campus): The complexities of the ethical dimension of leadership are examined utilizing theoretical ethics, case studies, student generated cases, film and video examples.
EdLd 688: Project Demonstration (1-3 cr - hybrid course) (Julie Carlson) (meets 4 times each at either Edina or MSU Campus): See front page for description.
Independent Learning Courses are also available in both Experiential Education and Educational Leadership (practicum, internships, project-based, individual study). Please contact your advisor for more information.