St. Fagans Community Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 3rd June 2013
at 7.00pm in the St. Fagans Village Hall
Present:CouncillorsM. Parry (Chairman),
B. Critcher, J. Griffiths, F. Lewis,
C. Price & J. Pugh.
In Attendance:ClerkD. Barnard
Apologies:CouncillorsS. Chedzoy, J. Hughes & T. Pallier
County CouncillorG. Thomas
PolicePC H. Thomas & PC R. Richards
260.06.01 – Minutes of:
a) the Annual General Meeting held on 13th May 2013, and
b) the full Council Meeting also held on 13th May 2013
Members approved the Minutes of both meetings and the Chairman signed them accordingly.
260.06.02 – Matters arising from the Minutes
Minute No. 258.05.05: The Clerk was asked whether he had spoken to Malcolm Braun about the review of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. The Clerk advised that Mr Braun was making progress, but because of other commitments the task was taking longer than expected.
No other matters were raised.
260.06.03 – Police Reports & Neighbourhood Watch
The Clerk had circulated by email reports from both PC Thomas and PC Roberts that gave details of crimes and other incidents during the past month. The Clerk also reported that in response to his enquiry about the security arrangements at Curves, he had received a 'phone call from the Manager of Cardiff Medical to say that they supported the installation of CCTV and/or burglar alarms and were actively encouraging them to link up to the Cardiff Medical system.
Cllr. Price reported that a vehicle parked outside his property on Castle Hill had been vandalised, but was not included in the report.
Several Members reported on sightings of a naked man running around the vicinity. It was believed that he drives a Mini but the registration number is not known.
Members welcomed the report from PC Roberts that 5 off-road bikes had been seized. Cllr. Griffiths remarked that he had noticed the absence of noise at the weekend. Members agreed that the Clerk should write to PC Roberts to express the Council's appreciation for their work in relation to this.
In response to a question about Neighbourhood Watch, the Clerk confirmed that one was operational at Parc Rhydlafar, but was uncertain about the one in the Village.
The report from PC Thomas had included some contact details in relation to traffic management for the Fun Day.
(Agenda Item 4 was deferred pending the arrival of Cllr. Lewis.)
260.06.04 – Environmental Matters
a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns
The Clerk had circulated an email from Mared Maggs (National History Museum) in response to Members' concerns about traffic problems in the Village on May Day, apologising for any problems that arose. Exceptionally high visitor numbers had been experienced – just under 12,500 compared with only 1,928 in 2012 – even though no specific events had been arranged. Mared has agreed to ensure that the issue of bollards around the Village will be discussed with her colleagues, but raised the question of whether double yellow lines should be considered in the problem areas. Members discussed this further. The Clerk confirmed that he had written to Cardiff Council about the issues raised at the last meeting but to date had not received a reply. He agreed to follow it up.
(Cllr. Lewis joined the meeting.)
Cllr. Pugh again raised the matter of the hedges surrounding the Cricket Club, opining that, as a minimum, the hedge should be cut back to a height of 6 foot from the pinch-point along to the cross-roads and around the corner. Cllr. Griffiths commented that there was an issue with the hedges in relation to the planning application for the new nets facility to ensure there was sufficient screening. Cllr. Lewis advised that the Club has to improve the practice nets and has applied for a grant from Biffa Awards. The Chairman proposed, and it was agreed, that the Council would, in the interests of safety, arrange for the hedge to be cut at the appropriate time from the pinch-point up to the cross-roads, on the clear understanding that this does not set a precedent and the Cricket Club will be expected to maintain the hedge in the future. Cllr. Pugh agreed to make the necessary arrangements.
b) Street Cleansing / Litter
Cllr. Lewis remarked that the Village could do with another litter picking exercise and she provisionally suggested the weekend of 29th/30th June. She also expressed the view that the fence around the Council's land needed repainting and said she would speak to Cllr. Hughes about arranging it.
The Chairman commented that he hadn't seen the street cleansing vehicle in the Village recently. Other Members confirmed that it did still come around.
c) Village Walkabout
The Chairman proposed that another walkabout around the Village take place on Monday 17th June starting at the Cricket Club at 5.30pm for any Members who are able to make it.
d) Other environmental issues
The Chairman reported that he had heard unofficially that the lease to the White House Restaurant had been surrendered. The Clerk was asked to clarify the position with Cooke & Arkwright.
The Clerk had obtained a quote for the two signs showing the location of the Village Hall in the sum of £180 + VAT. Members agreed to accept the quotation and authorised the Clerk to place the order. It was agreed to arrange locally for the signs to be fixed to the walls.
The Clerk referred to the proposal for a sign thanking people for driving safely through the Village. He questioned whether the original proposed location was still considered suitable following the damage to the Tennis Club sign by a vehicle leaving the road. A brief discussion ensued as to whether a new occupier might take over the Club site and also whether signs should be located at all three main exit routes. The Clerk was asked to obtain an estimate of the cost of suitable signs.
Cllr. Price confirmed that the fallen tree at The Gallops had been moved from the public Right of Way. The Clerk advised that he had sent a message to Andrew Dixey via Matthew Davies (at the Museum) about Members' concerns in relation to surrounding trees, but as yet had received no response.
260.06.05 – Planning
a) Cardiff LDP
Cllr. Lewis reported that no further information has been released from Cardiff Council. She advised that an interim report has been issued by a Task Force set up by the Business and Enterprise Committee of the Welsh Government into Integrated Transport. It proposes that there should be no developments unless developers are required to fund an integrated transport system. She suggested that some Members should meet up with Martin Evans from Cwrt y Cadno.
The Clerk had circulated an invitation from Radyr CC to attend a joint meeting (with Pentyrch CC) on 18th June in Radyr to discuss the next steps in the LDP and to consider sharing the costs of hiring legal counsel to give advice. Cllr. Lewis agreed to attend.
b) Museum Development Plans
The Clerk confirmed that a follow-up meeting with the Museum would be held on 27th June at 2.30pm. The Chairman referred to the suggestion of restricting the Village exit to the public at certain times and sought Members views. Cllr. Lewis said that there was a need to be careful as it could antagonise residents of the Village and the Council would not want to alienate them. She added that it would be useful to think of something that the Museum could actually do for the Village. The Chairman questioned whether there would be benefit in having an informal pre-meeting to discuss the Council's approach. This was agreed.
c) Planning applications at Clos Y Cwarra and Great House Farm
The Clerk reported that he had spoken to the case officer and been told that a Committee date had not yet been fixed as officers had not reached a decision on what to recommend. Cllr. Lewis said she understood they would be considered in July.
The Clerk reported that he had received a brief reply from Network Rail advising that they had not raised any objections to either application. A brief discussion ensued about the intended replacement of manned crossings with an automated system. It was suggested that the length of time the road is closed might be less with an automated system.
d) Other Planning Applications
The Clerk reported that one new planning application had been submitted for the St Fagans community area in the four weeks ended 31st May:
13/01010/DCH: 28, Whinberry Way, Westfield Park – Converting the garage to create a wet room adjacent to the lounge, together with a new lobby and utility room. Members expressed some concern about the reduction in parking as a consequence of losing the garage, but it was agreed that there were exceptional circumstances in this instance. No representations to be made.
The Clerk reported that the appeal in respect of the extension at Clive House had not yet been decided and advised that the Planning Officers at Cardiff Council want it to be rejected.
260.06.06 – Westfield Park Estate
The Clerk advised that no issues had been reported to him.
260.06.07 – Parc Rhydlafar
The Clerk advised that no issues had been reported to him.
260.06.08 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle
No other matters relating to the Museum were raised.
260.06.09 – One Voice Wales
The Clerk advised that, other than details of training courses, etc., there had been no specific communications since the last meeting.
260.06.10 – St Fagans Family Fun Day
Cllr. Lewis reported that planning for the day was proceeding. She agreed to provide the Clerk with details of the fields to be used for additional parking so that he could contact Cooke & Arkwright. The Clerk referred Cllr. Lewis to the message from PC Thomas about traffic cones, etc.
260.06.11 – Correspondence and other communications
The Clerk reported on the following:
Email: Welsh Government: Report on Crossing the Border. The Government has responded to the Welsh Affairs Committee's recommendations on improving the M4, etc. Copies of the Report can be viewed on the website:
Email: Cardiff Council: Neighbourhood Management Green Paper. An additional public event has been arranged for Friday 7th June at Radyr Library.
Email: Cardiff Council: Building Communities. The deadline for submitting responses to the consultation is 7th June. No response from the Council was proposed.
Email: Commission on Devolution in Wales: Public engagement events. Inviting attendance at the event at the Pierhead building in Cardiff Bay on 6th June from 18.00 to 19.30.
Email: Welsh Government: Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011: Part 7: Communities and Community Councils. Guidance has been issued providing an explanation of the powers and requirements of the Measure and what they mean to Community and Town Councils. Comments are invited by 23rd August. The Clerk advised that the message had only been received earlier that day. He agreed to look at the Guidance and report back to the next meeting.
260.06.12 – Finance
a) Requests for Financial Assistance
The Clerk had circulated by email a further message from David Harris responding to the questions raised by Members at the last meeting. Members discussed the issues surrounding the request. Cllr. Critcher suggested that any donation should not be for a specific purpose but should be used for the general benefit of the cricket fraternity. Cllr. Lewis raised the subject of the new nets facility and the funding arrangements for that. After further deliberations Cllr. Griffiths proposed that a grant of £1,000 be made to the Club. This was seconded by Cllr. Lewis and agreed unanimously. The Clerk was asked to make it clear that the grant is not for a specific purpose but for the general benefit of the Cricket Club. At the same time the Clerk was asked to inform the Club that the Council would arrange for part of the hedgerow to be cut (as agreed at Minute 260.06.04a above) when it is appropriate to do so, on the clear understanding that this does not set a precedent for maintenance of the hedge in the future.
The Clerk advised that no other requests had been received.
b) Monthly Report / Payment Approvals
The Clerk submitted the monthly finance report (as annexed hereto), which was approved by the Council. He advised that the following payments were due:
HMR&C Income tax225.50
Taylor Weed ControlTreatment on 14th May 88.00
SF Village AssociationVAT refund re 2012/13 40.78
SF Village FestivalVAT refund re 2012/13147.13
One Voice Wales Training courses 40.00
Payment was approved and cheques were signed accordingly.
c) Final Accounts and Annual Return for 2012/13
The Clerk had circulated the final accounts which were approved and signed by the Chairman. He had also circulated Section 2 of the Annual Return – Statement of Assurance. Members confirmed that the Council had complied with all the questions therein and the Clerk and Chairman signed the Annual Return accordingly.
d) Report of the Internal Auditor on the accounts for 2012/13
The Clerk reported that Malcolm Braun had been unable to prepare his report in time for this meeting. He had confirmed that the accounts were accurate and would provide his report for the next meeting.
e) Statistics
The schedule of attendance for the period June 2012 to May 2013 was noted.
260.06.13 – Newsletter to residents
The Clerk had circulated a draft newsletter for Members to consider. After a brief discussion, Members asked the Clerk to amend the heading from Spring to Summer, to include reference to the Village Hall as a recipient of the proceeds from the Fun Day, to delete the reference to the initial development at Great House Farm under Planning Issues and to update the activities in the Village Hall. Cllr. Lewis would provide amended wording for the second paragraph on the LDP. The Clerk was asked to circulate a revised draft for Members to approve before arranging printing. In response to a question from the Clerk Members agreed that the print should be simply black on white paper.
260.06.14 – Community Council Website
The Clerk had obtained details of the number of hits on each of the separate pages on the Council's web site and had circulated the information to Members. Apart from the page for the Village Hall that had only recently been set up, the other figures related to the entire period since the web site had been established (September 2011). He agreed to obtain the figures every month to monitor the extent to which the site is visited.
260.06.15 – Other Business
Cllr. Griffiths reported that he had attended the meeting of the Llandaff Society on 20th May, that had been called to consider the setting up of a community council for that area. Attendance at the meeting had not been very good but after a vote it was agreed that the Society would approach Cardiff Council with a view to establishing a community council.
260.06.16 – Date & Time of Next Meeting
The Clerk advised that the next meeting of the Council would be held in four weeks time on Monday 1st July at 7.00pm. The Chairman and Cllr. Pugh both gave their apologies as they would be away on that date.
There being no further matters to discuss the meeting closed at 8.20 pm.
Confirmed as a correct record………………………..Chairman…………….Date