North Dakota Fishing Hall of Fame
Nomination Form

General Information

Anyone may nominate an individual or organization they believe has made a significant and lasting contribution to sport fishing in North Dakota.

Nominees will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Ethics
  • Leadership and commitment to improving sport fishing in North Dakota
  • Unselfish contributions to the sport
  • Scope of impact on sport fishing
  • Overall contribution to the sport or to fisheries management in North Dakota

Nomination Requirements

  • Deadline is May 1. Nominations must be postmarked or submitted by e-mail by midnight of that date.
  • All nominations become the property of the North Dakota Fishing Hall of Fame and will not be returned.

Nominations may be submitted by any of the following methods:

  • Electronically via e-mail as a Word document or a PDF. Sendto
  • Printed copies by U.S. mail or other carrier to ND Fishing Hall of Fame, P.O. Box 445, Garrison, ND58540

Selection and Induction Procedure

  • The North Dakota Fishing Hall of Fame Board of Directors will review nominations and determine inductees into the Hall of Fame.
  • The induction ceremony for 2016 inductees is tentatively scheduled to occur on July 14th, 2016 at Garrison in conjunction with the ND Governor’s Cup Walleye Derby rules meeting.

Nominator Information (to be completed by the person submitting the nomination)
I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information contained in this nomination is true and complete
Signature: / Date:
Print Name:
Mailing Address:
Street Address:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Contact Telephone Number: / ( )
1. Nominee Information
Individual / Club or Organization
Mailing Address:
City: / State / Zip Code
Work Telephone Number: / ( )
Home Telephone Number: / ( ) / E-mail:
2. Nominee’s service on fishing related groups & organizations
Listany fishing related groups or organizations in which the nominee is a member and include any office(s) held.
3. References
Attach two (2) letters of recommendation from individuals or organizations who have knowledge of the individual’s contributions to the enhancement and improvement of sport fishing in North Dakota.
4. Nominee’s awards, honors, publications
List awards and honors received by the nominee, published articles or books by the nominee, and articles written about the nominee. Include titles and dates of publications. DO NOT send copies. Attach additional pages if necessary.
5. Summary narrative as to why you believe the nominee is deserving of induction into the North Dakota Fishing Hall of Fame.
(Include areas such as ethics, leadership and commitment to improving fishing, unselfish contributions to the sport, scope of impact, and overall contribution.)
*Please limit summaries to a total of 1000 words.

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