February 11, 2011
To: CyberTax Members
From: Veronica Coates, National Technology Manager, AARP Tax-Aide
Subject: CyberTax 2011-08: New MEF Activation Date
We have been informed by CCH/TaxWise that the date to activate Modernized E-File (MeF) has been changed from February 14th to February 17th.
The Following was posted on the TaxWise Online blog Community Board:
Modernized E-file -- New Activation Date
We are planning to activate Modernized E-file after the 11 AM weekly drain on Thursday, February 17th.
Why the delay? We have taken a conservative approach in rolling out Modernized E-file to our client base. We have rolled it out slowly to a variety of user groups over the past 10 days. To date we have had over 137,000 returns accepted via the Modernized E-file platform.
This has allowed us to make programmatic changes that will enhance your user experience.
We also want to allow you to get through the first rush of filing the extender returns that you have prepared to send when the IRS starts accepting them on the 14th.