Royal Navy association Torrevieja Branch 7thDec 2016
Minutes of a meeting at El Paraiso restaurante Urb del Mar
Committee Paul Edwards
Vice Chairman/membership Secy Danny Kay
Secretary Margaret Forshaw
Treasurer John forshaw
P R O Rose Lyon
Welfare Co-ordinator john Langford
Welfare Volunteers Robin Hargrave, Pamela Cluney
Cathie Brown, Gillian Burden
Attendance:29 full members 20 associate members
6 visitors
Apologies Received from Ann MacRae Clifton, S & D Conway, T & G Rapley,
C Ramscar, C Thorley, R Dennison.
The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed members and visitors.
Members stood for the Shipmate’s prayer and a period of silence was observed for those who had fallen since our last meeting. The chairman asked if everyone had read the minutes if there were any comments or amendments. He asked that they be accepted, this was proposed by Robin Hargrave and seconded by Eddie Cowan. There were no matters arising, they were accepted unanimously.
Chairman’s report:Paul said November had been a busy month, we had Armistice day and Remembrance Sunday our standard was paraded at both. He then presented Danny with a life membership of the R N A this was agreed at the A G M in appreciation and acknowledgement of all the hard work Danny does on behalf of the branch. This was recognised by the General Council and the certificate was signed by the General Secretary of the Royal Navy Association. Danny gave his thanks and appreciation of the award.
Vice Chairman’s report: Your standard was paraded at the two R B L services of remembrance, on the 11th/13th November, at La Siesta and Mil Palmeras, thanks to all members who attended and to our standard bearer Ian, for all the time and effort he puts in. after the service we had a buffet and small libation at Hoggie’s bar thanks to the treasurer.
We had a menu del dia on the 15th at Pacos which was well attended and we all had a good meal, thanks to Carol for organising. Do we have a volunteer to choose a venue for Jan and Feb, I will collect names.
The quiz challenge from the R M A that was going to be on the 1st Feb is now the 1st March(food will be provided on the night)
I will be open at stand easy for the payment of your membership fees. A big thank you to all who have brought a donation for Alimentos Solidarios(soup kitchen) and Reach out charities, hopefully reach out will get theirs tomorrow and the soup kitchen next Tuesday.
Thank you to all those members that sent me information re nursing homes in the area for a shipmate in the U K. Danny Gave Ian a new belt for the standard.
Secretary’s Report: I have put out forms for nominations/proposals or topics for discussion. I need these back by the next meeting, this is so that the agenda for March A G M can be available in February. This also gives the committee time to discuss any points raised are in fact A G M or branch matters, due to a change in the rules a couple of years ago I can take late matters up to 14 days before the meeting this is 15th February 2017. This should be in writing but as an overseas branch with erratic postal deliveries I will take them over the phone my number is 966 921 996
Last month Eileen Mackenzie made an appeal for the reach out charity, for new members or anyone not familiar with this charity I have put out information leaflets.
I had a phone call from member Jean Turrell yesterday, she would like to wish members a Merry Christmas, she can’t be with us tonight but hopes to make next month. Jean would also like to say publicly thank you to john Langford our welfare co-ordinator for his kindness and his continuing interest in her and Bill.
Treasurer’s Report: John gave his usual full account of our finances general, charity, and shipmate’s fun fund. John then jokingly told members apart from the free buffet at Hoggies he has now spent all their money on the Christmas party which follows this meeting. The books are available to any member wishing to see them.
Welfare Report: John said we all seem to be well nothing had been reported to him. John will not be at the next meeting but asked if possible for a volunteer to bring Jean Turrell to the next meeting, Jean lives at playa Flamenca, secretary has contact details.
P R O: Rose has nothing to add.
Chairman asked again for volunteer for January or February Menu del Dia.
Any Other Business: R B L Orihuela branch now have a new chairman. A menu del dia will be on Jan 24th details to follow. Bob Harrison has offered to organise one for February. Please if you have changed e-mail address let Danny know. The book cupboard is open if you want any help yourself and put a few pennies in the charity jar. Terry Watson acting on a suggestion from Patrick Deathers said instead of giving Christmas cards to each other within the branch next year we put an individual small donation in the charity jar, this is only a suggestion. Dick Conway sent his apologies for not being with us to tell us about his parachute jump and monies raised he will be with us next month. A question was asked on how much the Poppy Appeal raised the amount to hand to date is €22,000 Torrievieja €11,000 La marina Gran Alacant and €30,000 Orihuela.
The Chairman closed the meeting said he hoped we all enjoyed the party later the next meeting will be here 4th Jan2017 at 1700
Apologies for the lateness of these minutes unfortunately I was unwell for a couple of weeks Margaret