School Community Council Annual General Meeting Minutes

SCC meeting minutes may 10, 2017

Meeting brought to order at 7:30

Attendance: Robert Dewey, Brenna Kampen, Alicia Wade, Mary Cowan, Chantelle and Mike deConinck Smith, Dave Matchett, Danielle Helgason, Elena Cordes, Jason Chambers and Kim Hawken

Chantelle approved agenda second by Mary. All in favor

Brenna approved minutes Alicia second. All in favor

Treasurer report

Total: 8720.23

Grant: 653.65

Fundraising: 114.00

Playground: 7960.08

Principal report:

Goals for next year are math specifically numbers, we will have a math day and engagement we will invite parents to come and help out and watch their child in the classroom for the week their child is student of the week. Besides our math literacy goal, we will also have a goal on engagement.

Bullying: teachers are trying to educate on what the word “bullying” really means. Teachers are dealing with every issue that arises but are finding sometimes the children aren't saying anything at school to the teachers and are waiting until they are home. Teachers are doing what they can with what they know. Jason explained that each child is disciplined accordingly for what they have done, it is however a breech of confidentiality to tell the parent of the victim what the child's punishment was.

Code of conduct was reviewed Jason and Elena feel it does not need to be revised at this time

Kim Hobbs update on door bell and new office: desk has been shipped and completion of the project is expected by month end.

Our school has been cut back ½ of a teacher Jason will now only get 30%principal time

We have 3 new children attending, we will lose 5 grade six students and gain 5 kindergarten students

Jason suggested we include a note from the SCC in the monthly newsletter


Kim made a motion to purchase the twirly slide as well as a tug of war rope and sand toys. If there are enough remaining funds we would also purchase another bench. Mike second. All in favor

Tricia will look into pricing of the entire project and reply to us through email. Dave or Curtis Sehn to possibly pick up the materials in Medicine Hat.

School out picnic awards and grad June 9th, Jason will get the plaque for Les deConinck Smith (friends of Darcy school)

Teacher report: Elena Cordes


done with phonological awareness

They are working on rhyming and segmenting, they are beginning to sound out and spell words, and doing some addition in math

Grade 1:

Learning math strategies and estimation, also doing stories and continuing with their reading


Jason going to speak with home and school to see if they would be interested in working together for fundraising

Chantelle made a motion to do a pizza or cookie dough fundraiser in September as well as the bottle drive in spring. Sarcan in Rosetown will keep a running total for us for anyone who is interested in donating bottles to the D’Arcy school. Possibly a fruit fundraiser after Christmas as well. Brenna will look into the pizza and dough, Chantelle will look into the fruit. Danielle second. All in favor

New board will include

Dave Matchett- chair

Mary Cowan – vice chair

Danielle Helgason- secretary

Kim Hawken- treasurer

Brenna made a motion to approve a budget of $300.00 for the school out picnic, Alicia second. All in favor

Meeting adjourned at 9:25