Name and Surname

Business-Project Process Management and Consulting


Cell: 123456

Fax: 123456

Date: June 27, 2005.

Attention: To whom it may concern

Experience and Skills history – Name and Surname

This document may be viewed as a complete Resume with the addition of experience and skills acquired and applied description of roles, and description of projects which I’ve been involved with since the start of my career.

Career summary:

q  Software engineer

q  Support engineer

q  Project manager

q  Implementation consultant manager

q  Programme manager

q  Project Director

q  Business-Project process management and consulting

q  Managing Director

q  Chief Operating Officer

Also acted as:

q  Chairman of the board

q  Technical operational director


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Name and Surname

1. 1977 until 1986 - Employed by Company X Vanderbijlpark, SA. 3

2. 1987 to 1999 - Employed by Company X, SA. 3

3 1999 to 2001 Self Employed 4

3.1 Clients: 4

3.1.1 Company X – Period May’99 until Dec’00 4

3.1.2 Company X – Period Jan’00 until Jul’00 5

3.1.3 Company X and Company X – Period Jan’00 until Dec’00 5

3.1.4 Company X – Period Aug’00 until Dec’00 6

3.1.5 Company X – Period Sep’00 until (expected completion date Mar’03) 7

3.1.6 Company X – Period Jan’01 until Jul’01 7

4 2001 to 2003 -Company X 8

4.1 Managing Director Company X – Period Jul’01 to Feb’03 8

5 2003 to Date Self Employed 8

5.1 Clients: 8

5.1.1 Company X – Period Mar’03 to Jan’04 8

5.1.2 Company X – Period Jan’04 to Date 9

6 Roles, Responsibilities and skill set 9

6.1 Project Engineer role: 9

6.2 System Architect role: 9

6.3 Validation/Deployment manager role: 10

6.4 Financial and Contractual manager role: 10

6.5 Managing Director role/responsibilities: 10

6.6 Chief Operating Officer role/responsibilities: 11

7 Client, Project and/or System description: 11

7.1 Company X Vanderbijlpark - Energy Control System 11

7.2 Richards Bay - Coal Terminal Management System 11

7.3 Umgeni Water – Crises Management System 12

7.4 Company X – Product Packing and Storage System 12

7.5 Company X and COMPANY X – ERP Solution 12

7.6 Company X – Network Management System 13

7.7 Company X – Network Management System 13

7.8 Company X – Consultant to board 13

7.9 Company X – Automated and Integrated HR & Payroll System 14

7.10 Company X – ERP Maintenance & Stores System 14

7.11 Company X - COO 15

1.  1977 until 1986 - Employed by Company x.

q  Completed 2 year army as an Engineer (mines and demolitions)

q  Studied higher diploma Computer Science as well as BSC Computer Science.

q  Implement a monitor and control system for the Energy Control Centre (ECC) at Company X VdCompany X.

(Please note a very high level overview of this system in the description of projects and systems at the end of this document).

2.  1987 to 1999 - Company x.

q  Appointed at Company x as a Software Engineer: As a Software Engineer, I was either involved and/or responsible for:

q  technical assistance during bid/tender phase,

q  design and development of the systems (mostly industrial related, i.e. real time monitor and control systems for the industrial industry),

q  installation, commissioning and roll-out of these systems,

q  support during warranty/guaranty period.

q  Support Service Division: I created/started this section within Company X after which I managed the internal and external support services, personnel, infrastructure, support contracts with both suppliers and clients, and the update and installation of new releases. This service included:

q  office PC’s/workstations and network,

q  mini production servers for clients e.g. HP400 to 900,

q  operating systems such as Unix,

q  application and development software such as Fortran,

q  data bases such as Informix, etc.

q  The personnel included help desk operator, 1st and 2nd line technical experts on call, suppliers for 2nd and 3rd line support.

q  Implementation Consultation for Prism (ERP products, currently called Protean): We were the agents for this product, supplied by Marcam (Boston, America). I was appointed Implementation Consultant manager and was responsible for:

q  Selling of this service to clients,

q  training and grooming of the consultants,

q  recruitment of consultants and other resources such as technical support personal, and

q  responsible for business results.

q  Chairman of Company X Holding’s board for 1 year.

q  Project manager for Company X and for Clients: My responsibility included:

q  the quality, time, budget, and resource management,

q  conflict management (internal teams, client, and supplier conflicts),

q  report to the business unit and Company X board re. progress, risks, planned initiatives, etc.,

q  sub-contractor management, and

q  financial and contractual terms and conditions.

I was responsible the following projects (varies between R4m up to R25m):

q  Upgrade of Energy Control Centre Company X Vanderbijlpark

q  Monitor and control system for Richards Bay Coal Terminal

q  Monitor and control system for Umgeni Water

q  Monitor and control system for Company X

q  ERP Business solution (Prism) for Company X and COMPANY X

q  Telecomms Network Management system for Company X

q  Telecomms Network Management system for Company X

q  Fraud detection system for Company X

1999 to 2001 Self Employed

3.1  Clients:

3.1.1  Company X – Period May’99 until Dec’00

The Company X group included the following sub-groups/businesses at the stage when involved with them:

q  Company X knowledge Systems

q  Speble Identification International

q  Channels Measurement Services

q  Erlang Communications

I was responsible for implementing the following processes, procedures, roles/resources, etc. within the group across all projects and to integrate across all other companies and/or subsidiaries:

q  Define project phases and deliverables per phase.

q  Identify owners for each process to develop and improve.

q  Project cash flow for the company with risks.

q  Understand and manage the impact of the projects on company and initiate risk preventative initiatives.

q  Provide production reports to the board consisting of:

q  Key Success Factors – Monitor and manage initial business reasons of the project.

q  Earned value graphs

q  Financials and Baseline

q  High level project and cash flow schedules

q  Risks and risk preventative initiatives

q  High level progress: activities planned vs. actual

q  Client and Supplier relationships

q  Team (health, efficiency and allocation)

q  Create and manage partnerships with local and international companies (project specific).

My current involvement with Company X is on an ad hoc basis when required.

3.1.2  Company X – Period Jan’00 until Jul’00

Company X manufactures all the HTH products for the South African market. Their client base consist of the big retailers such as Pick and Pay, as well as other non-commercial companies where clean water plays an important role such as Escom (main producer of electricity in SA), all the municipalities, etc.

I was responsible for the implementation of the ERP system, supplied by Wonderware, called Protean and include the following modules:

q  Production

q  Maintenance

q  Procurement

q  Customer Order Management

q  Financials

q  Accounts Payable

q  Accounts Receivable

q  Enterprise Management

q  Integration of all of these modules.

q  Upgrade to the latest version including hardware.

q  Final sign-off by Managing director, Directors or Managers of Production, Sales, Maintenance, etc. and Final audit of the company by external auditors.

At the stage when Company X contacted me, they were at the point to “throw” the system out due to the fact that they did not manage to get the expected services from their suppliers (local implementation and international product suppliers). The key success of this project was dependant on implementing formal processes by which the suppliers and the client (internal staff and management), can be managed to ensure clear and calibrated expectations for all parties involved and to manage the deliverables and milestones as per the agreed schedules and budgets.

3.1.3  Company X and Company X – Period Jan’00 until Dec’00

Company X and Company X contracted me as project director to “rescue” a project for them (they being the prime contractors), in Tanzania for the Government of Tanzania. Charles Kendall (UK) was the sponsor (financial) and Company X and Company X subcontracted the implementation of the HR and Payroll system to a local company in Tanzania. This project was way over budget and not going anywhere due to politics and a huge mismatch in expectations.

My responsibility was to implement the formal processes by which the project can be managed with appropriate penalties when any delays were caused by any of the parties (client included), and to resolve the conflict within the group.

3.1.4  Company X – Period Aug’00 until Dec’00

Richemont contracted me as Business Process Manager for Company X/Supersensor responsible for delivery of the project against the defined Key Success Factors (see below):

Key Success Factors (KSFs):

To ensure clearly defined and agreed to deliverables, initiate appropriate action to complete these deliverables and report on progress to the board. The key objective was to ensure that a clear baseline is defined within the period of 3 months, after which the board can define and agree on a 3-year business plan. Any processes used will be transferred to the existing management team to monitor and manage the rest of the project/business.

These deliverables can be summarised as follows:

q  Supersensor board, funding committee and management teams – clear and agreed roles, responsibilities, meetings and venues, and reporting structure.

q  Product definition – Clearly defined:-

q  Design objectives based on the perceived market requirements,

q  Product Specification (PS) based on the design objectives and technical product requirements,

q  Test and Validation Procedures (TVP) for each function as defined in the PS,

q  Field trials and pilots to validate the expected results as defined in the TVPs and to demonstrate key functionality required for 1st prospects, and

q  User and training documentation and material.

q  The following were documented based on board input/requirements, external surveys and expertise:

q  Competitor analysis.

q  Prospect list and Sales forecast.

q  Marketing plan.

q  Supersensor business plan.

q  Wealth unlocking plan.

q  Partners and subcontractors plan/strategy.

q  A detailed project plan was provided based on the 3-year business plan.

q  Expenditure budget was aligned with the project/business plan.

In additional to this, I also acted as the Technical COO of Supersensor to ensure that:

q  The Supersensor operations are managed and executed to ensure that the product(s) are tested (benchmark/factory testing, pilot/field testing, and customer/application testing), after which the results were provided to the board.

q  Management and reporting of the administrative services (financial and HR).

q  Execute appropriate action to incorporate the administrative services of Company X (financial and HR subcontractor) in the management processes of Supersensor and thereby enabling Company X to contribute to the successful commercialisation of the Supersensor technology and business.

q  Address the Company X application development which may utilise the joint technology, expertise and intellectual value of the parties (Company X and Supersensor).

The key success factor here was to provide the exact status of the product to enable the board to make informed business decisions.

3.1.5  Company X – Period Sep’00 until (expected completion date Mar’03)

Company X has contracted me as programme manager for the implementation of a HR and Payroll system (R30m). The suppliers are Company X and Company X and are responsible for:

1.  Product design, configuration and implementation – Company X.

2.  Data conversion and cleanup – Company X

3.  Reports and Forms – Company X

4.  Interfaces to all financial, time & attendance, and HR systems – Company X

5.  Architecture and Infrastructure (operational & reporting servers, network, and user workstations – 50,000 employees)

6.  Unit, Integration and User Acceptance Testing – Company X

7.  User Education and training – Company X

8.  Internal and External Audits to ensure that the employees is protected as prescribed by law, e.g. tax, working conditions, etc. – Company X & Company X

9.  Change management – Company X

10. Organisation restructuring – Company X

11. Business Re-engineering – Company X

12. Competency based management – Company X

Each of the above are projects in their own and being managed by a project manager reporting to me. My main responsibility is overall project and programme management reporting to Company X board and Company X SteerCom and board.

3.1.6  Company X – Period Jan’01 until Jul’01

I’ve been contracted by Company X to fulfil the role as director projects for all their local and international projects.

q  Immediate responsibilities:

q  Company X – Project Director/Manager.

q  Monthly project reviews – all projects in Company X.

q  Long term objectives/responsibilities (to grow and improve Company X’s project management capability and capacity:

q  Processes.

q  Project management offices (local and international).

q  Training (project managers).

q  Recruitment and Contracting of project managers.

q  Escalation path for all projects.

q  “Rescue Pty Ltd” where required.

q  General – part of Company X’s senior management team.

2001 to 2003 -Company X

4.1  Managing Director Company X – Period Jul’01 to Feb’03

Company X approached me to accept the role as Managing Director of Company X due to the fact that I was managing 90% of the resources and finances of Company X as a result of my responsibilities re the Company X project and Project Director role stated above.

During this period we achieved the following:

q  Company turnover growth: R2m pa to R28m.

q  Staff growth: 10 to 35.

q  Business / market sector: Secured 1st of the bigger players in the Financial and Mining industries – FNB bureau with possible growth of 800,000 employees and Company X with 50,000 employees. Previously in the 500 – 2000 employee payroll arena.

q  Added Project Implementation, Consultation, and Support structures and methodologies within the company.