Social Venture Builder application


First Name:

Last Name:


Phone Number:

Email address:

Name of your idea:



Where did you hear about us (delete as appropriate):

Press article

Electronic newsletter/mail out

Internet search

Young Foundation website

Meeting someone from the Young Foundation

Recommendation or word of mouth

Other, please specify

Please specify if appropriate:

Please also complete the University’s post Graduate application form


Project overview

Briefly describe your social venture. (maximum 250 words)

Your Idea

What problem are you trying to address?

Please outline what problem you are looking to solve and present an explanation as to why the proposed intervention is an appropriate response to the problem and better than what exists presently (250 words max)


What evidence do you have to prove the problem exists and that your solution is the right one? (250 words max)


Provide evidence that shows that your idea is different to other interventions which address the problem you have selected. (250 words max)

Sustainability and Scalability

Who will pay for the intervention you are offering, outline the market research you have carried out and provide an indication of how big the market is locally, regionally, and nationally. (200 words max)

Social Impact

What social impacts are you looking to achieve and how will you measure whether you have been successful? (200 words max)

Strategic Fit

Policy Context

Describe how your venture fits in with the needs and priorities of the local community, including public sector agencies ie: PCT, Local Authority etc. Include strategic fit with local, regional and national priorities related to the outcomes you hope to achieve. (350 words max)

The Entrepreneur

Tell us about you, your organisation, and your team. Please outline why this problem and solution are so important to you. Tell us why you are so passionate about it! (250 words max)


Please give details of any other organisations/individuals who will be working with you or collaborating with you on this proposal. Please indicate what these organisations/individuals’ roles will be. If you are collaborating with The University of Northampton please indicate which school and individual is involved.(200 words max)

Your Skills

Please provide details of your/your organisation/your team’s skills and expertise in the work that you are proposing, and explain why you are the best people to deliver this proposal. Identify your/your teams strengths and weaknesses and how you will address the weaknesses. (200 words max)

Support needed

Please indicate the support you need from us to make your venture successful. Delete as appropriate.

Financial investment

Strategy and business development

Financial and business planning

Evaluation and impact measurement

Advice on governance arrangements

Sector expertise

Marketing, communications and media

Support needed text

Briefly describe the barriers you perceive for your venture in attracting financial investment, new contracts or scaling. (200 words max)