Setting up a personalised account with Proquest Central
It is important to effectively manage your research. Some databases offer the option to create your own account with them and also offer the functionality to save both searches and journal articles.
In this following video you can see how to set up an account with Proquest Central. I’ve already signed into Proquest Central and you can click on the My Research button to set up a My Research account. You now need to click on ‘Create my research account’. If you have already set up an account you can sign in here but to create a new account click on a ‘Create my research account’. Enter a username and password etc. You can link to your Refworks account here if you have one. Don’t forget to fill in all the fields and tick the box to agree to the terms and conditions. Then click create account.
You should get an email or notification to say you have created an account as seen here. I can click on the button to go into ‘My Research’. As I haven’t done any searches yet, I haven’t got anything saved. To start searching I can click on the search button here and type in a search. I can select any I like and click on the ‘Save to my research’ button here.
It will ask me whether I want to save the search, and give options for all documents or create a new folder which I will do. I am going to call the folder teenagers AND internet as I’m looking at how teenagers use the internet. Click on save. You can go into the ‘My Research’ option and there is your saved search so next time you log on those searches will be there.
You can also save any searches you do by clicking on the tabs and it will take you to the options. You can see my recent search is here if I wanted to save that search.
This is a quick guide to using the ‘My Research’ option in Proquest Central. If you need any further help as you can see here I can do another search and combine my results here. There are also options to do actions and modify your search. If you do need any help doing your searches or using Proquest Central, don’t hesitate to come along to the Subject Help Desk where staff will be happy to help you out.
Thank You.