Background Information:
The Realtor® Active in Politics (RAP) of the Year Award recognizes an individual who has significantly advanced the legislative agenda of the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors® through political involvement.
All Realtor® and Realtor®-Associate members are eligible for nomination. Current appointed or elected public officials do not qualify.
Application/Selection Procedure:
1. Nominations shall be submitted by the applicant to PAR. PAR will then send the application to the nominees local association President and Association Executive for consideration and approval.
2. Nominees may be carried over and reconsidered for the award for two years, with updates to the nominee’s application provided as necessary.
3. Each year the current PAR President will appoint an anonymous committee, giving consideration to equitable geographic representation, to review all nominations and make the final selection for the PAR RAP of the Year Award. The Committee will be chaired by the previous year’s recipient and shall include no more than five members (the chair plus four additional members).
4. The award will be presented to the best-qualified candidate at the PAR Awards Reception held during the September Business Meetings.
Nomination Deadline:
All nominations must be received at PAR by July 1st. Any application received after the deadline will be ineligible for consideration.
Send Nomination Forms To:
RAP of the Year Committee
c/o Pennsylvania Association of Realtors®
Attn: Elizabeth Hensil
500 North 12th Street
Lemoyne, PA 17043-1213
Attach additional pages if necessary.
1. Name of Nominee
2. Firm & Address
3. Name of Local Association/Board
4. Local Association Activities – Outline the nominee’s contributions relative to local legislative activity, including but not limited to: committee assignments (Legislative Committee, RPAC); attendance at local legislative fundraisers; participation/organization of RPAC fundraisers. (Include the year(s) of service for each activity; include any position(s) held.)
5. State Association Activities – Outline the nominee’s contributions relative to state legislative activities, including but not limited to: committee assignments (Legislative Committee, Legislative Subcommittee, RPAC); participation in work groups and/or task forces; legislative key contact; participation in hill visits; contact with legislators on PAR issues; response to Calls-to-Action; Government Affairs Seminar (attendee or speaker). (Include the year(s) of service for each activity; include any position(s) held.)
6. National Association Activities – Within the last ten (10) years, outline the nominee’s contributions relative to national legislative activities, including but not limited to: committee assignments; participation on work groups and/or task forces; registered on NAR Action Center; attendance at legislative meetings; participation in hill visits; contact with legislators on NAR issues; attendance at PAR Congressional event with legislators; Federal Political Coordinator or contact team member. (Include the year(s) of service for each activity; include any position(s) held.)
7. Financial Support of RPAC – Outline the nominee’s contribution relative to the Realtors® Political Action Committee (RPAC), including the year and monetary amount donated.
8. Political Campaigns – Outline the nominee’s contributions relative to political activity, including but not limited to: meeting with legislators to discuss Realtor® issues; Steering Committee member for a Realtor® Opportunity Race; campaigned/volunteered for a candidate (telephone banks, door-to-door campaigning, headquarters staff); organized a voter registration drive; circulated nomination petitions for a candidate; helped fundraise for a candidate; chaired a political campaign committee.
9. Political Community Service – Outline the nominee’s contributions relative to political community service, including but not limited to: offices held (national, state, local) whether with or without pay, such as mayor, city council, commissioner, court, school board, tax equalization board, or various commissions such as park planning, zoning, etc.; National Convention Delegate for a political party; activities in connection with bond or tax elections which impact real estate.
10. Other – Please state any additional reasons why this nominee should be selected as the PAR Realtor® Active in Politics (RAP) of the Year.
Print Name
Sign Name
Local Association/Board President
Return No Later Than July 1st to:
RAP of the Year Committee
c/o Pennsylvania Association of Realtors®
Attn: Elizabeth Hensil
500 North 12th Street
Lemoyne, PA 17043-1213
REALTOR® Active in Politics of the Year
Award Recipients
2016 Andrew Donohue
2015 Ronald Croushore
2014 Larry Hatter
2013 James L. Helsel, Jr.
2012 Greg Herb
2011 Kathleen McQuilkin
2010 Ellen Renish
2009 Todd Polinchock & Jerry Speer
2008 Janice Smarto
2007 George Raad
2006 Diane DeBaise
2005 Dominic Cardone
2004 Robert Hay
2003 Kim Skumanick
2002 Robert Epps
2001 Dino Bello
2000 E. Leonard Ferber, Jr.
1999 Guy Matteo
1998 John “Jack” Kennedy
1997 John Petrack
1996 Richard Stampahar