PC PSA Meeting

Agenda Notes

Friday, April 25, 2014



All professional staff invited to attend.

I.  Welcome – Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer

II.  Introductions –guests, representatives, and members

III.  Q&A Cafeteria Services – Angela Genna, Director College Business Services

Angela brought along Jason Snyder, Coordinator Fiscal Services, to share information about how the cafeteria and coffee bar are managed including reasons for the lack of flexibility in pricing and offered selections. The ten-year contract is negotiated district-wide rather than individually with each college and most of the other colleges do not see competition from neighboring businesses like PC does with Circle K and other restaurants nearby. Feedback is encouraged and welcomed by the cafeteria manager. Changes are made based on feedback received. A desired item can be requested and might begin as a “special” which, if enough interest is generated, can become a semi-permanent selection.

IV.  Discussion – All

V.  New Business

A.  PC Campus PSA

1. Officer Reports – Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer – submit written report

a.  Co-Presidents’ report – Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer

Governing Board approved $3 tuition increase which equals $84/credit. GB removed the $2 activity fee and moved consideration of property tax increase to its May meeting.

PSA received request from the Employee Recognition/Development Committee to provide a donation to End of Year Celebration. Officers agreed to donate $100.

Met with Dr. Solley to discuss submissions from professional staff for concerns, ideas for improvement, and professional and personal growth accomplishments.

Inside Higher Ed article reports on Maricopa Corporate College: Back in Business http://shar.es/TAMiS

b.  Treasurer’s report – Kelly Loucks

·  Membership Savings $140.02

·  Savings Account $844.82

·  Desert Fusion Checking $2,462.39

c.  Secretary’s report – Rene’ Kuehene – no report

2. Representatives’ Updates

a.  Paid Education Leave (PEL Rep vacant)

b.  Professional Staff Development (PSD Rep Mary Davison) – no report

c.  Professional Staff Internship (PSI Rep Ted Bland)

District-wide, five applications were submitted for consideration and two were moved forward for approval, one of them from PC. Announcement of awards is being made this afternoon at 3P.

d.  Summer Conference – (Rep vacant/Judith Clark)

·  Registration underway until May15 on first come, first served basis for all professional staff defined as classified employee: serving in a classified position and having successfully completed a new hire probationary period and who may only be disciplined for just cause and has right to appeal certain disciplinary actions in accordance with employee’s group manual (A-28 #14.)

·  Registration: $30 dues-paying, $45 non dues-paying – includes t-shirt, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and activities.

·  Pay using payroll deduction or send personal check to Anita Dusek MC ES120 (Physical Education.)

·  Venue announced: Arizona Grand Resort, 8000 Arizona Grand Parkway, Phoenix – awaiting reservation information

·  171 registrations to-date.

·  Charity: American Red Cross.

·  Gift Basket needs destination theme. Judith will purchase items for a basket valued at $50 and submit receipt for reimbursement to PC PSA Treasurer.

3. Other Updates

a.  Nominating Committee – Kelly Loucks

Nominations expected by end of next week. Ballots and voting must take place no later than May 15. Self-nominations accepted. Approval of supervisor must be obtained.

1. Upcoming Unit Elections

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PC PSA Meeting

Agenda Notes

Friday, April 25, 2014



All professional staff invited to attend.

·  Co-president Elect

·  Treasurer

·  Secretary

·  Campus Rep

·  Alternate Campus Rep

·  Paid Educational Leave Rep

b.  Fund Raiser –Marc Surrarrer

c.  Webpage – Vrushti Bhatt

d.  Blog – Vrushti Bhatt

4. Campus Committee Updates: PLEASE READ BEAR ESSENTIALS – Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer – submit written report

a.  Budget Review

Awaiting feedback from campus for the Capital planning template which will be finalized as April meeting for distribution to departments in August. Dr. Steve Thorpe contributed greatly to the Excel mechanics used.

b.  Learning College

Assessment Workshop/Lunch

Hosted 37 participants who attended 1 of 2 break out session: Canvas Assessment Portal or Assessment Idea Exchange and the general session: What Can I do with Assessment Data.

Employee Services

Revised its webpage, job postings, and interview question bank to include learning college information and intends to create workshops for new employee orientations.

Historical Timeline

Updated prior to 6/30.

Learning Summit

Scheduled for June 8-11. Committee will sponsor several participants. Attendees tentatively include: M Anderson, C Kakar, M Matos, C Newland, A Solley, J Sousa, J Voller, K Vasquez, R Jefferson

Pathways to Success

G Heppard developed a document which could be available in electronic format and covers topics such as: arrival at college, at college, continuing college, getting ready to graduate, etc


Posted: HC, SU, Bldgs: A&B

Thank You’s

Pilot simple electronic communication during summer and full rollout in fall to cultivate a culture of gratitude, ameans to acknowledge others and for supervisor’s to know employees do well. Eventually compile monthly artifacts for end of year display. Meet with employee recognition committee 3/26. Discuss with institutional Advancement for support.


Produce approximately six short clips to convey learning college principles and poster (embodying PC’s mission, vision, values), PC Basics, student success and services, academic excellence, community and student compilations. Viewed at student, employee and faculty orientations and events. Met w/Media. Need to write script and record.

c.  Maricopa Priorities

Presentation made to HLC. Celebration to acknowledge completion of phase I is tentatively scheduled for April 25 at 1:30P. Campus task forces are scoring submitted assessments: 66 for Services, 96 for Instructional. Members asked to sign confidentiality agreements. Suggestions for next time: questions capturing financial answers should mirror the way financial data is collected, i.e., use the same terminology, define terms: “direct cost,” etc. Forums scheduled in the fall prior to recommendations being forwarded to District.

d.  Phoenix College Leadership Council (PCLC)


Maricopa County college district proposes tuition, tax hike


Member proposed delaying implementation of non mandatory initiatives in the event Governing Board does not approve tuition and property tax increases. State is allocating $1.4 million to be used exclusively for STEM even though it is considered state aid dollars.

Enrollment Management Committee Update

Student Support Specials, Brenton Cheeks, now coordinates the mentoring plan and will serve as a member of the Mentoring Advisory Council. Timeline of previous progress presented. Mentoring Kick-off and Train the Trainer workshops are planned for fall. Proposal to open mentoring to all employees groups and require PC mentor training with a mentor provided for each new-to-college student.

eLearning Plan

Presented by Kurt Chambers with focus on the goals. Suggestions to focus on the quality of the courses rather than expand the number of courses offered.

Governing Board

College district won't be bullied by attorney general


Ruling upholds Arizona law on college board seats



Class Claims College Hid Giant Data Breach


MCCCD refusing to release records on security breach: http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2014/03/23/mcccd-security-breach-record-release-refusal/6767923/

IT Self-help Strategies

Demonstration from Mark Koan on using AirServer and Snipping Tool and OneNote

PBF/GB Metrics/Program Data/Strategies

Breakdown at campus level is a challenge since District uses “new to college students” rather than “being in a program.”

Vision and Mission

Revisions which reflect Learning College principles were forwarded to Strategic Planning Committee, PCLS, President’s Advisory Committee, and Faculty Senate for approval.

Title V Grant Proposal

PCLC favored applying for $2.35 available to focus on Student Success Portal, Mentoring, Prior Learning Credit Assessment, Additional Faculty (including Adjuncts) and Staff Development, Open Educational Resources, and 3-D Printing Labs.

e.  PC Strategic Planning

Incorporated performance based funding goals into strategic plan.

B.  District PSA

1. Officer Reports – Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer – submit written report

a.  President (Lynn Mary) – written report to be submitted with approved minutes.

b.  President-Elect (Leah Dustin-Hall) – written report to be submitted with approved minutes.

c.  Secretary (Carmen Gonzales) – written report to be submitted with approved minutes.

d.  Policy Chair (Donna Winston)

Presented proposed policy revisions: reduction in force, professional staff, professional staff development

e.  Treasurer (Anita Dusek) – written report to be submitted with approved minutes.

f.  Past President (Shannon Ridgeway-Monaco)


·  President Elect – Yvette Strickland, CG;

·  Treasurer – Dennis Ellsworth, District;

·  CPD Chair, Shannon Ridgeway- Monaco, CG;

·  CPD Rep, Ryan Martin, PV

2. Committee Updates – Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer – submit written report

a.  Common Policy Development (CPD Chair Donna Winston)

Submitted policy for ratification to voting members.

b.  Diversity Advisory Council (DAC member Leah Dutin-Hall) – written report to be submitted with approved minutes.

c.  Employee Benefits Advisory Council (EBAC members Lynn Mary / Julie Wright) – written report to be submitted with approved minutes.

d.  Financial Advisor Council (FAC member Lynn Mary) – written report to be submitted with approved minutes.

e.  Integrated Marketing, Outreach, Recruitment, and Retention Squared (IMOR2 member Lynn Mary) – written report to be submitted with approved minutes.

f.  Paid Education Leave (PEL Chair Angelica Mihailova) – written report to be submitted with approved minutes.

g.  Professional Staff Development (PSD Co-Chairs Mary Davison, Cindy Cooper) – written report to be submitted with approved minutes.

h.  Professional Staff Internship (PSI Chair Julie Wright) – written report to be submitted with approved minutes.

i.  Summer Conference (Chair Robbi Zellitti) – written report to be submitted with approved minutes.

VI.  Old Business

A.  PC Campus PSA

1. Social Event

a.  April Mixer/Happy Hour

b.  Other

B.  District PSA

VII. Next Meeting

A.  May 22, 2014, 11:30A in Hannelly Center Conference Room – Upper Level

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