
Many years’ experience of marketing books in the HE sector tells us that books that sell best often have the active involvement of their authors. This form is the start of a process to identify how we can work together to achieve the best results for your book. Your involvement is greatly appreciated. In some cases you may already have given us some of the information at an earlier stage, in which case we ask you to confirm that we have the latest, updated details.

When you return your typescript, please could youinclude:

  • This form
  • Editorial information form
  • Production options form
  • A photograph (optional – see Section 5 of this form)

For more information about what to expect in terms of marketing and promotion and to download copies of the above forms, please visit our website at:

If you have any queries about marketing and promotion in the run-up to the publication of your book, please contact the marketer working on your title. If you’re not sure who your marketing contact is, please email your editor to find out.

Book title:

Book subtitle:


1 PERSONAL INFORMATION (each author/editor to complete this sectionon this form)

Title (e.g. Dr/Prof):Given name:Family name:

Male/Female:Job title:



Work address

Email address:Work telephone:


Home address


Mobile no:Home telephone:

Nationality (required for copyright purposes only):

Date of birth (required for copyright purposes only and will not be used in promotion):

Teaching responsibilities (please list course names):

Research interest(s) or area(s) of expertise:

Please write a brief biographical note for suggested use on ourwebsite and for marketing and promotion. You may wish to list present and previous appointments, published works and other achievements. Please try to use no more than 100 words.

Are you happy that we add your details to the mailing list for Macmillan International Higher Education publications in your subject area?


Are you happy for us to email this information? (Emails will be no more frequent than four per month):



  1. Please give us an updated list of the key selling points of your book, using individual bullet points (about three to five). These could include topicality, new research data, an original theory, breadth of coverage, outstanding pedagogy, wealth of applications, etc.

  1. If the book is a new edition, please briefly detail what changes you have made to update it (e.g. rewritten sections, new material, new illustrations, appeal to a wider market, etc.).
  1. Cover blurb – please write a longer description of your book, preferably no more than 150 words. This is intended to form the basis of the book's jacket or cover copy. It should be clear, engaging and designed to turn the casual browser into a buyer. Please therefore avoid abbreviations and technical terms wherever possible.This copy will alsobe used as the blurb for online booksellers, e.g. Amazon.
  1. Competition –please provide us with an up-to-date list of those titles which compete with your book for the end-user's time, attention and money. Please give author, title and publication date and indicate the strengths and weaknesses of your book in relation to these competitors. (If you have already provided such a list within the last two years, please only provide details of books that have subsequently published or have become prominent in the market since.)


  1. Ifyour book isintended as a core or recommended text that will be highlighted on student reading lists, please specify in which departments or faculties, on which modules (please give examples of usual module titles and their level), and at which type of institution:
  1. If your book is a textbook for course use, please suggest the names and contact details of up to 20 people who you think are likely to advise their students to purchase your book. Please include the name of the course and module on which they teach. We will contact these people regarding a free lecturer inspection copy and ask their feedback on a questionnaire. Please note, we only offer inspection copies of our books to individual academics where there is a strong likelihood of a book being adopted as a course textbook.
  1. If you expect your book to be used by any specific professional groups or recommended by any institutions, professional organisations, government bodies or societies who you think are likely to buy multiple copies of your book to pass on to their members, delegates or employees, please list them here:


  1. Help to promote and sell your book
  1. If you would like to add the book’s cover to your or your department’s websiteand/oruse it in your emailsignature you can download an electronic version of the cover from our website at To download, click 'enlarge image' and then right click and select 'save picture as’.
  1. Should you need a flyer for conference presentations or other events you’re attending, you will find a link on the catalogue page to create one. You might also want to put the cover image onto the first or last page of your presentation.
  1. We could use yourTwitter account or any other social media opportunity for promotion; do tell us about them by emailing the marketer responsible for your title.
  1. Do you maintain a blog?We can link the URL to your book’s catalogue page and list it in our list of author blogs. If you don’t have a blog but are interested in setting one up, we can help with this. Please email your marketing contact.
  1. If you have access to, and permission to use(i.e. for marketing purposes) any email lists or online discussion groups, we will gladly look into sending details of your book.
  1. Reviews of your book are always a good promotion tool. Please do share them with your editor, as we don’t always get to hear of these. We can often use positive reviews in our marketing campaigns. Also if you receive a positive response to your book from peers and students, you might want to encourage them to post these on Amazon.

If you wish to find out more about or provide any information on the above opportunities, please contact the marketer of your title.

  1. Suggestions for reviews

Please list the publications or websites you think most likely to review your book (suggestions for specialist journals, newsletters, websites or blogs are the most useful).If you have personal contacts at relevant publications,please provide details, otherwise simply indicate the name of the publication and the publisher or website address for online media.

Note that we may not send out review copies to all the publications you suggest. In particular, we restrict the number of publicity copies sent tonational newspapers.

5 Macmillan International Higher Education WEBSITE – AUTHOR PAGE (optional section)

On the Macmillan International Higher Education website there are author pages containing author profiles detailing your career, publishing history, etc. These are important marketing opportunities, which work best with a photograph.

If you would like your photo to be included on your author page, please supply a recent photograph of yourself with the following specifications:

  • A minimum of 300dpi (you can ‘right click’ and select Properties/ to check)
  • A head and shoulders shot with as plain a background as possible

If you do submit a photo, please note that we need written permission from the copyright holder (which will usually be whomever took the photo) and from you to reproduce the photo on our website.A separate consent form will be sent to you to arrange this.If you have any questions, please contact your marketer.

Many thanks for completing this form. If you have any other suggestions regarding sales and marketing opportunities, for example further lists of relevant lecturers and modules, please append to this form, or discuss with your editor or marketing contact.

January 2014