Directorate C - New and renewable sources of energy, Energy efficiency & Innovation
C.3 - Energy efficiency & Intelligent Energy
Ecodesign on Ventilation Products (ENER Lot 10 and ENTR Lot 6)
This draft note aims at clarifying the approach on the development of Ecodesign and/or Energy Labelling measures on ventilation products.
The current state of play of the two lots focusing on ventilation products is as follows:
- ENER Lot 10 ("domestic ventilation"): written consultation of the Members of the Consultation Forum was finished on domestic ventilation products below 125W, including considerations not only on electricity consumption of ventilation appliances but also heat losses. Stakeholder comments are available onCIRCA;
- ENTR Lot 6 ("non-domestic ventilation"): five out of seven chapters of the preparatory study on non-domestic ventilation products above 125 W have been published at the consultants' website
Additionally, ENER Lot 11 has already resulted in an Ecodesign Regulation 327/2011 on fans between 125W and 500 kW. The regulation was adopted on 30 March 2011. The regulation broadened product boundaries from the mere product (e.g. 'fan') to an 'extended product' approach, including e.g. motor, drive and fan, as covered by Regulation 327/2011, providinggreater savings than a product approach.
The same applies to a fan integrated in a ventilation unit, as covered by ENER Lot 10 and ENTR Lot 6, adding several important dimensions, relating to e.g. internal pressure drop of the components, effectiveness in responding to ventilation demand and optimisation of controls and considerations on heat recovery.
This would require that for the relevant Ecodesign parameters (electricity consumption, saving on space heating, etc.) the test standards and calculation methods should be harmonized as far as possible, including an interaction with the EPBD standards on ventilation systems, as appropriate. This is also in line with several stakeholder comments wishing to develop one single Ecodesign regulation, rather than two different regulations, on these different but related ventilation products.
Given the current differences in test standards,stakeholder comments received and the status of the preparatory work on domestic and non-domestic ventilation products, it is considered that the objective of one single Ecodesign regulation on ventilation products is best realized in a two-tier approach,as follows:
- Ecodesign regulation onventilation products above 30W (ENER Lot 10 and ENTR Lot 6)to be proposed to the Consultation Forum by the Commission mid 2012 after the completion of the preparatory study ENTR Lot 6 and settling of main differences in the test standards on domestic and non-domestic ventilation products. The regulation would include exhaust fans, rooftop/boxed ventilation units, heat recovery ventilation and air handling units and range hoods, if possible;
The product scope of the single Ecodesign legislation would cover all comprehensive building ventilation solutions (excluding technical ventilation) and kitchen hoods, as currently proposed within ENER lot 10 and ENTR lot 6. Decision on whether and how to include local ventilation exhaust or supply units <30 W (typically with fewoperating hours) is pending, i.e. awaiting further discussion with stakeholders.
- If appropriate, one single Ecodesign regulation, covering ventilation products, including individual fans (ENER Lot 11, Lot 10 and ENTR Lot 6), to be proposed to the Consultation Forum by the Commission at the event of the revision of the Regulation 327/2011 in early 2015.
The impacts considered would include the electricity consumption of the unit and the effect on space heating (with and/or without heat recovery), including the impactof controls. Furthermore, apart from energy use and related emissions, maximum noise (sound power) requirements would be foreseen as part of the Ecodesign measures.
To support the legislative process, the Commission intends to provide in 2011 technical details in Annex B of the draft horizontal Ecodesign mandate to ESOs on the mandated standardisation work for the product groups "domestic ventilation" (ENER Lot 10), "non-domestic ventilation" (ENTR Lot 6), and, as far as relevant, "fans" (ENER Lot 11) listed in Annex A of that mandate.
The objective is to develop the necessary harmonized measurement standards for the needs of the two foreseen Ecodesign Regulations in the first phase of delivery (in 1-2 years) and (a) harmonized standard(s) for the needs of the single Ecodesign Regulation, in the second phase of delivery (in 2-4 years), if appropriate, aiming at extended product approach, as far as possible.
This is in line with the standardization work already launched under Mandates M-470 (electric motors), M-469 (circulators), M-476 (VSD) and other draft Mandates on industrial products (e.g.on water pumps). The first phase of delivery would aim at overcoming different measurement methods. Annex A of the draft Ecodesign Mandate above lists the standards currently used for the different ventilation products:
- Fans:ESOs are asked to translate ISO 12759 into a Harmonised Standard containing methods to measure the energy efficiency and associated characteristics of fans driven by motors with an electric input power between 125 W and 500 kW, with special attention to in-situ testing and testing of fans with housing, as necessary. The technical committee is CEN TC 159. Main stakeholders are Eurovent and AMCA Europe.
- Domestic ventilation products: Standardisation work will include at least measurement methods for energy efficiency and sound power of appliances such as exhaust fans, heat recovery appliances (or systems) and/or kitchen hoods, taking into account standards such as CEN prEN 13141-7:June 2010, prEN 13141-8:July 2010, EN 13141-6:Jan.2004, prEN 13142: Jan.2010 (Rev. V7), CENELEC EN 61591:1997 + A1:2006 + A2: 2010, EN 60704-2-13:2000 + A1:2006 + A2:2008, EN 60704-3:2006. The technical committee isto be decided. Main stakeholders are Eurovent, EPEE, EVIA and CECED.
- Non-domestic ventilation products: Standardisation work will include at least measurement methods for energy efficiency and sound power of appliances such as rooftop/boxed ventilation units, heat recovery ventilation units and air handling units taking into account standards as EN 13053, EN 1886, ISO 5801, ISO 12248, ISO 5221, ISO 5136, ISO 3746, EN 1751, EN 1216, EN 779, EN 308. The technical committee is to be decided, while it is recommended to consult ISO/TC 205/WG9. Main stakeholders are Eurovent, EPEE and EVIA.
The second phase of delivery would aim at developing measurement methods for the extended product approach, as far as possible.
Immediate stakeholder comments and suggestions on the proposed way forward, both in terms of the legal and the standardisation processes, are most welcome, in particular prior to 30 September 2011.