Minutes of IEEE Executive Meeting
November 6, 2002
at MSOE Student Life Center
Section Officers: Larry Hause, Paul Tindall, Robert Molthen
Section Directors and Other Chairs: John Gassert, Glenn Wrate, Hue Tran
Guests: Dean Jeutter, Aron Jeutter, Howard Haugsted
Meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by Larry Hause who handed out a 2002 Milwaukee Section timeline and the meeting agenda outline.
Larry Hause reported that the MSOE student has started to enter the section members information into the MajorDomo e-mail data base. A discussion followed on how much to compensate the student for the work. A motion to allow the student to continue and finish the data entry and receive a maximum of $200.00 was made and approved.
Robot Project
Hue Tran stated to the board that he needed and advance of $1700.00 to cover costs of the robot project that he was helping to organize. He was expecting $800.00 from IEEE Region 4 and an additional $200.00 at a later date. None of this money has been made available so Hue was asking for an advance from the Milwaukee Section until the money from Region 4 is paid. John Gassert moved that the Section authorize the advance of $1700.00 to Hue Tran and work on getting the money back from Region 4. The motion was approved. Hue Tran finished the discussion on this topic by thanking Larry Hause and acknowledging his help in obtaining the money.
Regional Information Technology Conference
John Gassert discussed the planning of a regional information technology conference which would be a combined effort between the Milwaukee Section and MSOE (Milwaukee School Of Engineering). The conference would involve invited papers and keynote speakers. The conference would involve multiple Chapters from the Milwaukee Section. John mentioned that Russ Meier will run the conference and will work in conjunction with a number of people from MSOE. The event will be held at MSOE most likely just after graduation, possible the end of May. The Memorial Day weekend was also mentioned as a possible time.
Introduction of Guests
The meeting was paused for a moment to recognize and welcome the guests, Dean Jeutter, Aron Jeutter, and Howard Haugsted, who were present during the executive board meeting.
Officers Elections
Larry Hause stated that Val Werner was putting together the ballot for the election of the Section officers which will take place at the December Christmas party. A comment was made that the balloting must take place where general membership from the Section are available to participate in the voting.
2003 Section Timeline
Larry Hause referenced the 2002 timeline that had been handed out at the beginning of the meeting. Larry discusses that it is his intention to use the 2002 timeline as a template for 2003. John Gassert mention that in the 2002 timeline a EIT event on 6-1 appeared althought it never took place. Larry explained that there were logistical problems. John Gassert brought up that the Section conference that was held at the Four Seasons Hotel had a much better turnout then this year’s conference and that in the future the Section should consider moving the conference to spring in order to try to increase attendance. This would help in planning the conference since it would not follow directly after the summer, which because of the executive board recess, makes it difficult to plan. Paul Tindall suggested that the December 4th Section meeting be used to finalize the 2003 timeline and that he would draft a timeline to be presented at the December 4th meeting. John Gassert voice some concern that if the conference was going to be held in the spring that there may not be enough time left to plan the event.
Howard Haugsted asked how things are being publicized now. He mentioned that he has not received a newsletter for some time. As a former newsletter publisher he asked if the newsletter was still being published. He asked if the newsletter was being sent bulk mail, which takes a great deal of time, or regular mail. Larry Hause mentioned that Bill Henning had some personal problems and was not able to get the newsletter out and that he (Larry) put together the postcard mailing that was sent out recently to announce the Novemebr 6th meeting.
Christmas Party
Glenn Wrate announced that the planning of the Christmas party is going well. He stated that it will catered and will be held at the Milwaukee County Zoo on December 21st.. It will be a family event and kids are encouraged to attend.
Section Congress
Larry Hause reiterated what was discussed at the Section Congress meeting. He said the number one agenda item was the problems involved with membership e-mail and the MajorDomo database. The second major agenda item was that L-50 budget forms and L-31 meeting and attendance forms must be submitted by June rather than November, as in the past.
Larry Hause called for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 5:35pm.