1.Name of Farmer : ShriSatish
2.Mobile No :-
3.Village, District : MagadiTaluk, RamangaraKarnataka
4.SHC received in month of Year : 2016
5.Crop cultivated : Field bean
6.Dosages before SHC was received : 33:10:0 {20:20-50 kg, Urea-50 kg}
7.Dosages after receipt of Soil information through SHC : DAP-28kg, SSP-75 kg, MOP-17 kg
8.Cost of cultivation : 6000/acre
9.Increase in production : 2 Qt/acre
10.Use of SHC: Soil Health Card is very much useful to the farmer for application of Nutrient for Soil Test based Nutrient Recommendation and also it is helpful for Reduction of Cost of Cultivation.
1. Name of The Farmer :-Devaraj, K.R.,
2. Village, District:-Kadishanahalli, ChintamaniTaluk, Chikkaballapura District
3. Mobile Number:-
4. Aadhaar Number :-
5. Crop Cultivated :-Ragi
6. Dosage before SHC Received :-20:23:0 kg NPK /AcreDAP- 50kg/Acre
Urea- 25 kg/Acre
7. Dosage after receipt of Soil Information through SHC :-20:15:10 kg NPK/ Acre
Zinc Sulphate- 5 kg / Acre
8. Cost of Cultivation:- Rs.11500 per Acre
9. Increase in Production:-5 Quintals/ Acre over Before SHC intervension
10. Use of SHC:- SHC is one tool among other Crop Management Practices used
tomaximise Production in Ragi, in this Case.
(1) Name of the Farmer : Malappa .P. Mariyammanavar
(2) Village, District : Bagalkot. (Taluk: Bilagi)
(3) Mobil Number :
(4) Aadhar Number :
(5) Crop cultivated : Sugarcane
(6) Dosages before SHC was received : N-300kg, P-100kg, K-150kg.
(7) Dosages after receipt of soil information through SHC : N-250kg, P-75kg, K-190kg.
(8) Cost of cultivation : 50,000/- Ha
(9) Increase in production : 10%
(10) Use of SHC : Helps to know the available nutrient content of that particular field and also helps to which fertilizers doses and combination to be used.
- Name of the Farmer :- BasappaShivappaTuppad
- Village, District :- R/o Adihudi
- Tq: JamkhandiDt: Bagalkot
- Mobile/Contact Number :-
- Aadhar Number :-
- Crop cultivated :- Sugarcane, Maize etc
- Dosage before SHC was received :- For sugarcane he was applied FYM 10 Ton, Urea 200 kg, DAP 125 kg, Mop 100 kg, Satrite 100 kg, Humic acid 10 kg, Sugarcane special 25 kg, Zinc sulphate 10 kg, Ferrous sulphate 10 kg, 19:19:19 2 kg
- Dosages after receipt of soil information through SHC:- For sugarcane he has applied FYM 10 Ton, Neem coated Urea 220 kg, SSP 60 kg, Mop 50 kg, Azotobactor 10 kg, Satrite 100 kg, Humic acid 10 kg, Sugarcane special 25 kg, Zinc sulphate 20 kg, Ferrous sulphate 20 kg.
- Cost of cultivation:- Rs 13750/- Cost of cultivation is reduced based on SHC recommendation. Earlier it was around 19000/Acre. Almost 25% cost of cultivation is reduced.
- Increase in production:- He has increased 13% Sugarcane production as compare to last year. Previous year his average yield was 42 Ton/Acre. This year he has average yield of 55 Ton/Acre.
- Use of SHCYes. He has efficiently used Soil Health Card. As per SHC he has applied all the inputs and reduced 25% of cost which was he applied earlier.
(1)Name of the Farmer : TIPPESHAPPA
(2)Village, District : Amatekoppa (V), Shikaripura(T), Shimoga(D)
(3)Mobile Number :
(4)Aadhar Number :
(5)Crop cultivated :Paddy
(6)Dosages before SHC was received :Urea-100kg, DAP-50kg, MOP-25kg, 20:20:00:13-150kg
(7)Dosages after receipt of soil information through SHC :Neem coated urea-59kg, 20:20:00:13-100kg, MOP-22kg
(8)Cost of cultivation :Rs.15000=00/acre(approximately)
Last year cost of cultivation:Rs.17500=00 per acre
(9)Increase in production :Expecting good yield
(10)Use of SHC: Reduction in use of fertilizer Reduction in pest & disease incidence.