Draft Notes
April 30
Cindy Burbank, Bill Carr, Ashby Johnson, Wes Lum, Lance Neumann, Barbara Martin, Suzanne Sale, Eric Schreffler, Jeff Western, Johanna Zmud, Martine Micozzi, Kim Fisher
Not participating: Tom Palmerlee, Ashby Johnson, Wes Lum, Martine Micozzi
Call Notes
- Highlights Technical Activities Council (TAC) Initiatives
- Action April 30: - By May 14th section chairs should submit cross cutting session proposals to Cynthia and Tom. These proposals must contain - a session title, brief description of the session, who will organize the session, the lead Group, and partner Group(s). Sessions selected by TAC in June will not count against any committee’s allotment. Proposal authors need to include some indication of support from a group along with your recommendation (not finalized, but some informal indication of support.)
- Action April 30: – between May 14th and May 29th the Group Council will prioritize the proposal via email.
- Wootan Award
- The sub-committee selected paper 09-2555 - Making Asset Management Work: Innovative Components Leading to Successful Implementation by Local Agencies in Michigan for the 2010 Wooten Award.
- The sub-committee developed revised text for the second criteria and the Group Council approved the new language. The revised text reads –TKTKTKT
- Action April 30: - Cindy will present this revised language at the June TAC meeting.
- TSPs
- Status
- Management and Leadership – all 4 have been submitted
- Transportation Policy – 5 of the 10 have been submitted
- Research and Education – 2 of the 5 have been submitted
- Data and Information Systems – 4 of the 11 have been submitted
- Action April 30: - Each section chair will write up a brief summary of their TSP’s– including highlights, issues, and actions that should flow from the TSPs. This should be submitted to Tom by July 6th. After the meeting in Seattle, these will be shared with all of the committee chairs within the group.
- All of the at-large members offered to help the section chairs with this task.
- Action April 30: - Section Chairs will send reminder emails to their committees that have not submitted TSPs. TRB staff will also send out reminder emails.
- POG critical and cross-cutting issues, agree on process to update or revision POG issues
- The last update of the POG Critical Issues took place in 2006.
- Action April 30: – the web page needs to be updated to reflect the new critical issues leaders.
- Action April 30: - Critical issues leader or co-leader should prepare “red lines” to update the critical issues and submit them to Tom by July 6th
- Action April 30: - Jeff recommended two additional critical issues - technology/new media and cyber security. Jeff will prepare possible recommendation to expand scope of existing critical issues for Tom by July 6th.
- The group council may explore ways to combine the existing and proposed topics.
- Joint Summer Meeting, review plans and objectives for the POG meeting
- Participation
- Attending:-Suzanne, Johanna, Bill, Lance, Tom, Kim
- Calling in - Barbara
- Not sure–Jeff
- Agenda Items
- Discussion of TAC Critical Issues
- Review and Revision of POG Critical Issues
- Discussion of TSP summaries
- Research needs statements, discuss further the process of support for committees
- Action April 30: - Cynthia will check on what we planned to do on the committee research needs statement and advise the POG committee on her findings in time for the midyear meeting.
- New media and new audiences, hear about current activities
- Action April 30: - Jeff agreed to contact Public involvement committee regarding potentially piggybacking on their TRB Workshop. Bill also suggested that several committees within the R-n-E Section are working on a session to explore “social media.” This might be another avenue for Jeff’s discuss of new media at the 2010 Annual Meeting.
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