Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) / Nicholas Constantinos Baltas
Address(es) / Home: 6 Evagelistrias, Anoixi Attikis 14569, Greece
Office: Athens University of Economics and Business,
76, Patission Str., 104 34 Athens, Greece
Telephone(s) / 30-210 / 8673750
30-210 / 8236212, 8203336, 8203319, 8203303 / Mobile: / 6948007777
Fax(es) / 30 210/8203301, 8238249
E-mail /
Nationality / Hellenic
Date of birth / 20/8/1946
Gender / male
Work experience / Academic Positions Held:
March 1990 to August 2013 / Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Economics; Professor of Economics.
July 1985 to Feb. 1990 / Associate Professor of Economics.
March 1976 to Feb. 1986 / Agricultural Bank of Greece, Research and Planning Division; Senior Economist.
Sept. 1976 to Aug. 1979 / Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki, Department of Economics; Lecturer in Econometrics.
Oct. 1975 to June 1976 / British Institute of Marketing; Lecturer in Economics.
January to Sept. 1972 / University of Birmingham, Department of Econometrics and Social Statistics; Research Assistant.
Administrative Positions Held:
2007- 2010 / Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Management Organisation Unit of Community Support
2008 - 2009 / Member of the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Bank of Greece
2004 -2007 / Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Railways.
2005 - 2008 / Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Centre of Greek Public Enterprises and
1999-2003 / Head of the Department of Economics of the Athens University of Economics and Business.
1999-2000, 2002-2003 / President of the Hellenic University Association for European Studies (EPEES).
Deputy Member of the Recruitment Committee for the selection of General Directors of Ministries
and Public Organizations.
2002-2003 / Member of the Independent Committee of Experts for the 2002 Monitoring Report in Non-Nuclear
Energy (European Commission, DG RTD and DG TREN).
2002-2003 / Member of the Independent Scientific Committee of Experts for the Working Report on “Viable
Agriculture in a Developed Countryside: Ten Years Strategy for the Agricultural Development of
Greece” Ministry of Agriculture of Greece.
/ Expert of the Economic and Social Committee of Greece which has undertaken to express its
Opinion on the issue “Enlargement and Reform of the CAP”.
Expert of the Economic and Social Committee of Greece which has undertaken to express its Opinion on the issue “Agriculture and Safety of Food within the Framework of EuroMediterranean Cooperation”, 2004.
1996 - 2003 / Member of the Scientific Board of the National Centre of Social Research.
July 1982 / Member of the Working Group set up by the Ministry of Agriculture to report on “Agricultural
Research and Farmer Training & Information”, Athens.
Other Academic Activities:
Departmental Coordinator LLP/Erasmus Programme (1994-1999, 2000-2013 )
Director of the Laboratory of Economic Policy, Department of Economics, Athens University of
Economics and Business.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Open Economics Journal.
Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Asymmetries (JEA).
Editorial Advisor of Review of Agricultural Studies.
Referee of American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Referee of Greek Economic Review.
Referee of European Review of Agricultural Economics.
Reviewer of the Journal of Developing Areas.
Referee of the Journal of Policy Modeling.
Referee of Economia.
Referee of Agricultural Economics Review.
Referee of Journal of Rural Studies.
Member of the Scientific Board of the Greek Review of Social Research.
Examiner of State Scholarship Foundation candidates for post-graduate studies in Agricultural
Economics, Economic Development, Quantitative Economic Analysis, Farm Management and
Marketing of Agricultural Products, European Studies, European Integration.
Academic Expert for the Evaluation of the “Jean Monnet Programme, Key Activity 1” 2010 Proposals
and 2011 Proposals, European Commission.
External Examiner of Master’s theses for Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania.
Evaluator of research proposals of the European Commission, Directorate General: Agriculture,
and Directorate General: Research.
Referee of research monographs and evaluator of research proposals of Centre of Planning and
Economic Research, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Agricultural Bank of Greece,
Centre for Research of Athens University of Economics and Business, Aegean University Research
Centre, Crete University Research Centre and Hellenic Institute for Occupational Health and Safety.
13-19 August 2000 / Reviewer at the 24th International Conference of Agricultural of Economists, Berlin.
13-20 March 2001 / Distinguished Address at the 51st International Atlantic Economic Conference, Athens, on
"EU Enlargement: Historic Milestone in the Process of European Integration”.
1999- / Member of the Board of Scholarship Foundation “George Chalkiopoulos”.
He has taught at the National Defense School of Greece.
He has taught at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece.
July-August 1993 / Visiting Fellow, University of Oxford, Queen Elizabeth House.
June-July 1995 / Visiting Professor, University of Montpellier I, Faculty of Economic Science.
May-June 2010 / Visiting Professor, University of Aegean, Department of Sociology, MA Programme “European Societies and European Integration”
Education and training
1965-70 / Athens School of Economics & Business Science (Department of Economics).
1970-72 / University of Birmingham, M.Soc. Sc., Economics.
1972-74 / University of Birmingham, Ph.D., Economics.
Mother tongue / Hellenic
Other language(s)
Self-assessment / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
European level (*) / Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
Additional information
Main Fields of Interest / European Economic Integration
Agricultural Economics
Microeconomic Theory
Funded Research Activities / European Commission (DGVI and DGXI), Agricultural Bank of Greece, Ministry of Agriculture,
Hellenic Centre of European Studies, Research Centre of the Athens University of Economics
and Business.
Professional Associations / Hellenic University Association for European Studies – EPEES.
European Community Studies Association.
European Association of Agricultural Economists.
The Agricultural Economics Society.
Hellenic Operational Research Society (ex-Treasurer).
Hellenic Economic Association (ex-Treasurer).
Greek Agricultural Economic Society.
Vice President of the Athenian Policy Forum (European Affairs).
European Summer Academy (Member of the Organizing Committee).
Distinctions-Scholarships / Jean Monnet Chair, EU: Institutions and Economic Policy (1999).
British Council scholarship (1993).
Fulbright scholarship (1991).
Thesis – Dissertation / An Econometric Investigation of Interrelationship between Capital Formation and Economic Growth of Greece, Ph.D. thesis, University of Birmingham, Oct. 1974, p.288.
Export Performance of Greek Cotton, Master’s Dissertation, University of Birmingham, Jan. 1972, p.66.
Books and Research Monographs
Policy Studies for the Greek and International Economy, (with N. Vettas, T. Lianos, Editors), Laboratory of Economic Policy, Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business, I. Sideris Publishing Company, 2012, No. 12, p. 293.
Economic Policies Responding to the Crisis (Editor), EMOP, Department of Economics, Athens
University of Economics and Business, 2010, No. 11, p. 149 (in Greek).
The Global Economics of a Changing Environment (with J.A.Brox, Editors), North Waterloo
Academic Press, Waterloo, 2009, p.271.
Strategy for the Agricultural Development of Greece, (N. Maravegias, Editor), Member of the Independent Scientific Committee, Papazisis Publishers and National Institute of Agricultural Research, Athens 2004, p.130 (in Greek).
The Convention for the Future of Europe towards its End (Editor), Hellenic University Association of
European Studies (EPEES) and Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens, 2004, p.63 (in Greek).
Investment in the Processing of Agricultural Products and Food in Greece (with the cooperation of
K.Karras), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2003, p. 107.
Money and Finance in the Global Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century,
(with A. Kintis, P. Koveos, C. Paraskevopoulos, Editors), APF Press, Toronto, 2002, p.259.
Development Strategy and Investment in the Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products
(Editor), Ministry of Agriculture and Athens University of Economics and Business, 2001, p. 599
(in Greek).
Introduction to the European Studies (with G. Demopoulos, J. Hassid, Editors), (Second Edition),
Vol. II, Athens, EPEES, Sideris Publishing Co., 2007 (in Greek).
Economic Interdependence and Cooperation in Europe (with G. Demopoulos
and J. Hassid-Editors), Springer – Verlag, Heidelberg, 1998, p. 208.
Agricultural Economics: Course Syllabus, TACIS Project – S. Russia, Economics and Business,
Higher Education Enhancement, Pireaus, 1998.
The Present and the Future of the Greek Economy, Athens University of Economics and Business
(member of the Editorial Board), Vol. I-II, Athens, Gutenberg, 1997, (in Greek).
Incorporating Environmental Valuation into Policy Analysis, (with O. Korka), Commission of the
European Communities, DG VI-FII/3 (AIR-CT-920598), 1996, p. 143.
Exercises in Microeconomics, Vol. II, Athens, 1992, p.239 (in Greek).
Microeconomic Theory (with E. Drandakis and G. Bitros), Vol. I-III, Athens, 2007 (in Greek).
A Short Run Model for the Poultry Sector in Greece (with G. Alogoskoufis) Centre of Economic
Research, Athens University of Economics and Business, and National Institute of Agricultural
Research, Athens, 1991, p.61 (in Greek).
The Effects of Adjustment of the Green Drachma to its Current Exchange Rate, Hellenic Centre of
European Studies, Athens, 1990, p. 263 (in Greek).
Topics of Economic Policy of the European Communities, (with G. Demopoulos), Athens
University of Economics & Business, Athens, 1989, p.261 (in Greek).
Supply Analysis of Agricultural Products: Cereals, ed. Agricultural Bank of Greece, Research and
Planning Division, Athens, 1986, p.159, (in Greek).
Financing Investment in the Agricultural Sector, ed. Agricultural Bank of Greece, Research and
Planning Division, Athens, 1983, p.142, (in Greek).
Empirical Investigation of Savings Behaviour and the Demand for Deposits by Individuals, (with V. Drougas), ed. Agricultural Bank of Greece, Research and Planning Division, Athens, 1980, p. 128, (in Greek).
The Role of State Intervention in Fruit Production, ed. Agricultural Bank of Greece, Research and
Planning Division, Athens, 1977, p.187, (in Greek).
Articles in Journals / “The Greek Financial Crisis and the Outlook of the Greek Economy”, Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 10, 2013, pp.32-37.
“Rail Infrastructure Charging in Hellenic Railways”, (with Efthymios G. Tsionas and Dionysios P. Chionis), Journal of Policy Modeling, 2011, vol. 33, pp. 370-380.
“An Analysis of Investment Activity in the Greek Agricultural Products and Food Manufacturing Sector”, Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2008, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 73-80.
“Cost Structure, Efficiency and Productivity in Hellenic Railways” (with Efthymios G. Tsionas and Dionysios P. Chionis), Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 2008, Vol.5, No.1, pp.39-52.
“Investment in the Greek Processing of Agricultural Products and Food: A Panel Data Approach”,
Journal of Applied Business Research, 2007, Vol.23, Νο.4, pp.105-116.
“Modelling Farmers’ Land Use Decisions”, (with O. Korka), Applied Economics Letters, 2002, 9:453-
"European Union Enlargement: An Historic Milestone in the Process of European Integration", Atlantic Economic Journal, 2001, 29(3):254-265.
“Accelerating Vehicle Replacement and Environmental Protection: The Case of Passenger Cars in
Greece” (with A. Xepapadeas), Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 1999, 33(3): 329-342.
“Private Investment and the Demand for Loanable Funds in the Greek Agricultural Sector”, Journal of Policy Modeling, 1999, 21(1): 67-88.
“The Restructured CAP and the Periphery of the EU”, Food Policy, 1997, 22 (4): 329-343.
“The Effects of Adjustment of the Green Drachma to its Current Exchange Rate”, Agricultural
Economics, 1992, 7: 225-243.
“Prices and Quantity Adjustment in a Dual Character Market: The Case of Greek Poultry Sector”
(with G. Alogoskoufis), Agricultural Economics, 1991, 6(1):79-89.
“Greek Agriculture in the National Economic Context”, (with M.G. Sakellis), Oxford Agrarian Studies,
1988, 17: 112-141.
“A Rational Expectations Model for the Poultry Sector in Greece”, (with N. Apostolou), Applied
Economics, 1988, 20(7): 917-927.
“Supply Response for Greek Cereals”, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 1987,
“Modelling Credit and Private Investment in Greek Agriculture”, European Review of Agricultural
Economics, 1983, 10(4):389-402.
“A Theoretical Approach of Cost and Benefits of CAP in view of its Reform", SPOUDAI, Quarterly
Economic Journal, Vol.33 (3-4), 1983, pp.293-311 (in Greek).
“A Note on Some Recent Developments of Estimating an Over-identified Simultaneous Equations
Model by FIML”, SPOUDAI, Quarterly Economic Journal, 1980, 30(2):307-315.
“Energy Requirements in Agricultural Production: An Evaluation of the Present Situation and Long-term Prediction”, (with P. Grevenites), Technica Chronica, March-April 1978, pp.123-137 (in Greek).
“An Empirical Investigation of the Production and Trade of Greek Peaches”, Oxford Agrarian Studies,
1980, 9:89-114.
“State Intervention in the Agricultural Sector in Greece and E.E.C.”, AGROTIKI, Quarterly Scientific
Journal, 1977, No.4, pp.86-94 (in Greek).
“A Survey of Empirical Studies of Interest Rate Determination”, SPOUDAI, Quarterly Economic Journal,
1977, 17(4): 912-920.
“A Reconsideration of the Role of Capital in Economic Development”, SPOUDAI, Quarterly Economic
Journal, 1976, 16(4): 897-905 (in Greek).
Contributions in Books and Conference Proceedings
/ “Safeguarding the Stability of the Euro Area and the Enhanced Instruments for Crisis Intervention” in European Commission, European Economic Governance in an International Context, Directorate General for Education and Culture, 2013, pp. 46-53./ “EU Strategy on the Governance of the Euro Area” in P.I. Koktsidis and S.A. Katsikides (Editors), Societies in Transition: The Social Implications of Economic, Political and Security Transformations, Springer-Verlag, 2013 (forthcoming).
/ “Greek Agriculture within the Framework of the Common Agricultural Policy: Thirty Years After”, in S. A. Katsikides and H. Hanappi (Editors), Society and Economics in Europe, Disparity versus Convergence?, Springer-Verlag, 2013 (forthcoming).
/ “Greece’s Response to the Euro Crisis” in Y. Katsoulacos (Editor), Greek Economy: Problems and Opportunities for Development, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens 2013 (forthcoming), in Greek.
/ “Causes and Consequences of Economic Crisis”, sur les Panagiotis Grigoriou (sous la direction de), Le dilemme élargissement ou approfondissement de l’Union européenne a l’ère du Traite de Lisbonne, Bruyland-Larcier, Bruxelles, 2013 (forthcoming).
/ “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Greek Agricultural Sector” in N. Maravegias (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and Innovation: From the Theory to Practice, Themelio Publishing, Athens, 2012, pp. 187-208 (in Greek).
/ “Strengthening the Economic Governance of the Euro Area”, in F. Praussello (ed.), The Eurozone Experience: Monetary Integration in the Absence of a European Government, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012, pp.179-186.
/ “The Greek Agriculture in the European Union: 25 Years After” in N. Maravegias (Ed.), Greece in the
European Union: Past, Present and Future, EPEES, Themelio Publishing Co., Athens, 2008, pp.289-300 (in Greek).