Math Literature Project Planning Sheet

Project Title:

Microsoft Word: Polygon Table (2 days)

Description of Technology Integration:

Students will create a table in Microsoft Word. They will use draw tools to insert polygons into the table. Students will then word process names and definitions for each polygon created.

Learning Objective(s):

  1. Students will identify and define types of polygons
  2. Students will create a table
  3. Students will use draw and paint tools

Grade Level(s): 3, 4, 5

Computer Applications Strand(s):

#1 Basic Operations and Concepts

#4 Word Processing

#5 Internet

Materials Needed:

  • Favorite to: MLT Resource Page (
  • Definition recording sheet, clipboards, pencils.

Introduction and Basic Information

  • Discussion of polygons
  • View sample project


Day One: Students will use Internet to research polygons

  • Distribute clipboards, pencils and recording sheet
  • Students will use recording sheets to record names and definitions of teacher-specified polygons
  • Open Favorite to MLT Resource Page ( Click on link to Polygon Table Project. Click on link to Figures and Polygons. Define polygon and explore different types of polygons.
  • Teacher will model note taking by opening the same recording sheet (available on Polygon website in MLT Student Resources)
  • Cloze Internet Explorer
  • Collect recording sheets and place in class folders.

Day Two: Create table and use draw tools.

  • Open a new Word document
  • Type name and teacher
  • Press CTRL-A (select all) and change font size to 24, use Center and Underline buttons, type Polygons
  • Press Enter key twice
  • Draw table with 3 columns and 5 rows: Table---Insert---Table (or use the Insert Table button on standard toolbar)
  • Zoom to Whole Page.
  • Resize table by clicking on a corner of table, holding mouse button down and dragging the mouse. Table should be height of the page.
  • Zoom to 100%
  • Press Underline button to deselect. In row 1 of the table, type Definition, Regular and Irregular to label the columns.
  • Resize the height of row 1
  • Use Vision to demonstrate how to go to the View menu to display the Draw toolbar. Click on AutoShapes on the Draw toolbar and go to Basic Shapes to create different polygons. (Holding the Shift key down while drawing shapes will create regular polygons)
  • Students will create teacher-specified polygons in each section of the table. (Leave column 1 empty, regular polygon in column 2 and irregular polygon in column 3.) Resize the shape by dragging the handles around it.
  • Save document Polygon

Day Three: Use paint tools to color polygons, word process label and/or definition for each polygon

  • Review previous lesson
  • Open Polygon Word file
  • Click in each section of the table (column 1) and word process names for each polygon. Type definitions for each polygon. (These will be on recording sheet from Day 1)
  • Use Vision to demonstrate how to use paint can on Draw tool bar to paint shape. Students drop paint on shapes.
  • Optional: change font and size of text
  • Print document

Important Considerations:

  • If time allows, students can build a symmetrical picture on the Polygon Playground website (Open Favorite to MLT Resource Page ( Click on link to Polygon Table Project. Click on link to Polygon Playground.)

Revised 10/14/04