Reception: Medium Term plan: Opposites (5 Weeks)

02/11/15 – 04/12/15

Personal, social and Emotional Development / Communication and Language / Physical Development
Opposite themed circle times:
Turn taking, sharing and paired work activities to be planned.
Encouraging new relationships and friendships to be built.
Story ‘Jack and the Meanstalk’ can be used to cover short/tall and to discuss the meaning behind the text.
Paper plate/ playdough activities to help children consider what different emotions look like.
Photograph children pulling different faces to convey different emotions – ask the children ‘what could have happened to make someone feel this way?’
Cover the routine of the day with visual aids – Link to before/after vocabulary.
Story ‘Night monkey, Day Monkey’ can help children to consider how they can be friends although they are very different.
SMSC: Circle times: how we treat our friends, why is Tiverton especially beautiful in the Autumn, what makes our class special? / Encourage the children to learn and try out lots of new vocabulary during this topic.
Ask the children to consider creating their own opposite ideas and sharing them with a friend.
Hot-seat some of the children and ask them questions as if they were ‘Night Money’ and ‘Day Monkey’.
Song – Listen to and learn the Opposites Song
Watch clip explaining different opposites -
Focus, again, on rhyming stories and encourage the children to create their own rhyming phrases and songs.
Sustain focus and concentration through music, rhymes and stories.
Ask the children to complete two part sequences that link to opposites – Can you stretch high and then lie low etc.
Listen and identify different opposites in music:
Opposite sorting activities to be justified and explain by children as they complete them. / Leap into life sessions and Take 10 sessions to focus on:
Encourage class to complete weekly obstacle course until all children are confident in travelling along the benches at varied heights – Discuss safety with the children before and during this activity.
Encourage children to act out the different stories that we focus on in class.
Action DVD to be put on whenever the opportunity arises – Gross motor control/ moving to a beat/ following instructions.
Bikes, trikes, scooters and bubble cars to be accessed every week by the children.
Outdoor play equipment to be used whenever the weather allows.
Cover clean/dirty with the class when discussing toileting – washing your hands with warm soapy water. Dry/wet can be mentioned when talking about the hand driers!
Lots of fine motor skill activities to be completed – peg boards, scissor control, peg activities, pencil control, Lego, Duplo, puzzles etc.
Literacy / Understanding of the world / Expressive Art and Design / Mathematics
Revise Phase 2 phonics – Children should all be able to name each letter and its sound.
Tricky words – the, to, I go, no
Move on to Phase 3 sounds.
Matching picture flashcards to CVC words.
Give the children the opportunity to complete some opposite writing – the opposite of empty is…
Encourage children to recognise rhyming and to complete rhyming strings and finish the rhyming lines in a story book.
Children to segment and blend CVC words wherever possible – Reading books to go home with a reading record for parents.
Computers to be used, with the children, to look up information and pictures.
Lots of writing, drawing and mark making activities to be available to children.
-Writing CVC words
-Writing labels
-Mark making with foam, sand, water, paint, pencils, oil pastels, crayons, felt tip pens.
Lots of name writing opportunities for the majority of children – forming letters correctly. / Discuss the changing weather with the children – collect leaves, acorns, conkers and twigs for a nature tray.
Discuss under/over with the children – Hibernation.
Talk about the colours that they notice and why this is happening.
Encourage the children to think about past experiences that they have had
-Have you ever been in the woods in Autumn?
-When did you last go for an Autumn walk and what did you see?
Encourage children to create collages, pictures and art work with the leaves they have found in the school grounds.
Discuss light/dark with the children – Why do day and night occur?
Create a light/dark corner with the class where they can experiment with glow in the dark stickers, torches, glow sticks and fairy lights.
Use the computer to look for Autumn pictures.
Use 2simple program to create Autumn art work. / Make masks and props to act out rhymes and stories.
Act out stories in the hall. Hot seat/question characters that we have read about.
Create character wooden spoons for role play activities.
Mix colours to create Autumn colours.
Music Express (Page 26): opposite themed activities:
-Sky-high, toe-low
-Jumping high
-High, low, do you know?
-Mousey Brown goes up and down (p27).
Create Autumn themed collages with art resources as well as collected items from our school grounds.
Complete Autumn walk around the school grounds to search for sign of Autumn and Winter
Complete opposite walk around the grounds – high/low, fat/thin, old/new etc.
Compare their findings, thoughts and routines with their peers – same/different. / Continue to focus on numbers 1-12.
Counting rhymes.
Action counting songs.
Count leaves, acorns, conkers, twigs and match the appropriate numeral to each group.
Lots of mathematical language to be modelled and used concerning height, length, weight, position, size and temperature.
Order, sort and sequence items according to the above criteria.
Using number and the Beebots together in programming sessions.
Encourage the children to start recording number facts as they are counting or on their walk around the grounds.
Think of different ways to measure things E.G hands, steps, leaves.
Recap 2D and 3D shapes that we learnt before half term – Match 3D shapes to everyday objects.
Discuss time with the children – Autumn is long but break time is short!
What can we do in one minute?
-Name writing
-How far can we walk? Etc.